from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import functools
import sys
import math
import numpy.core.numeric as _nx
from numpy.core.numeric import (
asarray, ScalarType, array, alltrue, cumprod, arange, ndim
from numpy.core.numerictypes import find_common_type, issubdtype
import numpy.matrixlib as matrixlib
from .function_base import diff
from numpy.core.multiarray import ravel_multi_index, unravel_index
from numpy.core.overrides import set_module
from numpy.core import overrides, linspace
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
array_function_dispatch = functools.partial(
overrides.array_function_dispatch, module='numpy')
__all__ = [
'ravel_multi_index', 'unravel_index', 'mgrid', 'ogrid', 'r_', 'c_',
's_', 'index_exp', 'ix_', 'ndenumerate', 'ndindex', 'fill_diagonal',
'diag_indices', 'diag_indices_from'
def _ix__dispatcher(*args):
return args
def ix_(*args):
Construct an open mesh from multiple sequences.
This function takes N 1-D sequences and returns N outputs with N
dimensions each, such that the shape is 1 in all but one dimension
and the dimension with the non-unit shape value cycles through all
N dimensions.
Using `ix_` one can quickly construct index arrays that will index
the cross product. ``a[np.ix_([1,3],[2,5])]`` returns the array
``[[a[1,2] a[1,5]], [a[3,2] a[3,5]]]``.
args : 1-D sequences
Each sequence should be of integer or boolean type.
Boolean sequences will be interpreted as boolean masks for the
corresponding dimension (equivalent to passing in
out : tuple of ndarrays
N arrays with N dimensions each, with N the number of input
sequences. Together these arrays form an open mesh.
See Also
ogrid, mgrid, meshgrid
>>> a = np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5)
>>> a
array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]])
>>> ixgrid = np.ix_([0, 1], [2, 4])
>>> ixgrid
[1]]), array([[2, 4]]))
>>> ixgrid[0].shape, ixgrid[1].shape
((2, 1), (1, 2))
>>> a[ixgrid]
array([[2, 4],
[7, 9]])
>>> ixgrid = np.ix_([True, True], [2, 4])
>>> a[ixgrid]
array([[2, 4],
[7, 9]])
>>> ixgrid = np.ix_([True, True], [False, False, True, False, True])
>>> a[ixgrid]
array([[2, 4],
[7, 9]])
out = []
nd = len(args)
for k, new in enumerate(args):
new = asarray(new)
if new.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("Cross index must be 1 dimensional")
if new.size == 0:
# Explicitly type empty arrays to avoid float default
new = new.astype(_nx.intp)
if issubdtype(new.dtype, _nx.bool_):
new, = new.nonzero()
new = new.reshape((1,)*k + (new.size,) + (1,)*(nd-k-1))
return tuple(out)
class nd_grid(object):
Construct a multi-dimensional "meshgrid".
``grid = nd_grid()`` creates an instance which will return a mesh-grid
when indexed. The dimension and number of the output arrays are equal
to the number of indexing dimensions. If the step length is not a
complex number, then the stop is not inclusive.
However, if the step length is a **complex number** (e.g. 5j), then the
integer part of its magnitude is interpreted as specifying the
number of points to create between the start and stop values, where
the stop value **is inclusive**.
If instantiated with an argument of ``sparse=True``, the mesh-grid is
open (or not fleshed out) so that only one-dimension of each returned
argument is greater than 1.
sparse : bool, optional
Whether the grid is sparse or not. Default is False.
Two instances of `nd_grid` are made available in the NumPy namespace,
`mgrid` and `ogrid`, approximately defined as::
mgrid = nd_grid(sparse=False)
ogrid = nd_grid(sparse=True)
Users should use these pre-defined instances instead of using `nd_grid`
def __init__(self, sparse=False):
self.sparse = sparse
def __getitem__(self, key):
size = []
typ = int
for k in range(len(key)):
step = key[k].step
start = key[k].start
if start is None:
start = 0
if step is None:
step = 1
if isinstance(step, complex):
typ = float
int(math.ceil((key[k].stop - start)/(step*1.0))))
if (isinstance(step, float) or
isinstance(start, float) or
isinstance(key[k].stop, float)):
typ = float
if self.sparse:
nn = [_nx.arange(_x, dtype=_t)
for _x, _t in zip(size, (typ,)*len(size))]
nn = _nx.indices(size, typ)
for k in range(len(size)):
step = key[k].step
start = key[k].start
if start is None:
start = 0
if step is None:
step = 1
if isinstance(step, complex):
step = int(abs(step))
if step != 1:
step = (key[k].stop - start)/float(step-1)
nn[k] = (nn[k]*step+start)
if self.sparse:
slobj = [_nx.newaxis]*len(size)
for k in range(len(size)):
slobj[k] = slice(None, None)
nn[k] = nn[k][tuple(slobj)]
slobj[k] = _nx.newaxis
return nn
except (IndexError, TypeError):
step = key.step
stop = key.stop
start = key.start
if start is None:
start = 0
if isinstance(step, complex):
step = abs(step)
length = int(step)
if step != 1:
step = (key.stop-start)/float(step-1)
stop = key.stop + step
return _nx.arange(0, length, 1, float)*step + start
return _nx.arange(start, stop, step)
class MGridClass(nd_grid):
`nd_grid` instance which returns a dense multi-dimensional "meshgrid".
An instance of `numpy.lib.index_tricks.nd_grid` which returns an dense
(or fleshed out) mesh-grid when indexed, so that each returned argument
has the same shape. The dimensions and number of the output arrays are
equal to the number of indexing dimensions. If the step length is not a
complex number, then the stop is not inclusive.
However, if the step length is a **complex number** (e.g. 5j), then
the integer part of its magnitude is interpreted as specifying the
number of points to create between the start and stop values, where
the stop value **is inclusive**.
mesh-grid `ndarrays` all of the same dimensions
See Also
numpy.lib.index_tricks.nd_grid : class of `ogrid` and `mgrid` objects
ogrid : like mgrid but returns open (not fleshed out) mesh grids
r_ : array concatenator
>>> np.mgrid[0:5,0:5]
array([[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
[3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
[4, 4, 4, 4, 4]],
[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]]])
>>> np.mgrid[-1:1:5j]
array([-1. , -0.5, 0. , 0.5, 1. ])
def __init__(self):
super(MGridClass, self).__init__(sparse=False)
mgrid = MGridClass()
class OGridClass(nd_grid):
`nd_grid` instance which returns an open multi-dimensional "meshgrid".
An instance of `numpy.lib.index_tricks.nd_grid` which returns an open
(i.e. not fleshed out) mesh-grid when indexed, so that only one dimension
of each returned array is greater than 1. The dimension and number of the
output arrays are equal to the number of indexing dimensions. If the step
length is not a complex number, then the stop is not inclusive.
However, if the step length is a **complex number** (e.g. 5j), then
the integer part of its magnitude is interpreted as specifying the
number of points to create between the start and stop values, where
the stop value **is inclusive**.
mesh-grid `ndarrays` with only one dimension :math:`\\neq 1`
See Also
np.lib.index_tricks.nd_grid : class of `ogrid` and `mgrid` objects
mgrid : like `ogrid` but returns dense (or fleshed out) mesh grids
r_ : array concatenator
>>> from numpy import ogrid
>>> ogrid[-1:1:5j]
array([-1. , -0.5, 0. , 0.5, 1. ])
>>> ogrid[0:5,0:5]
[4]]), array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]])]
def __init__(self):
super(OGridClass, self).__init__(sparse=True)
ogrid = OGridClass()
class AxisConcatenator(object):
Translates slice objects to concatenation along an axis.
For detailed documentation on usage, see `r_`.
# allow ma.mr_ to override this
concatenate = staticmethod(_nx.concatenate)
makemat = staticmethod(matrixlib.matrix)
def __init__(self, axis=0, matrix=False, ndmin=1, trans1d=-1):
self.axis = axis
self.matrix = matrix
self.trans1d = trans1d
self.ndmin = ndmin
def __getitem__(self, key):
# handle matrix builder syntax
if isinstance(key, str):
frame = sys._getframe().f_back
mymat = matrixlib.bmat(key, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals)
return mymat
if not isinstance(key, tuple):
key = (key,)
# copy attributes, since they can be overridden in the first argument
trans1d = self.trans1d
ndmin = self.ndmin
matrix = self.matrix
axis = self.axis
objs = []
scalars = []
arraytypes = []
scalartypes = []
for k, item in enumerate(key):
scalar = False
if isinstance(item, slice):
step = item.step
start = item.start
stop = item.stop
if start is None:
start = 0
if step is None:
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