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/ polynomial / chebyshev.py

Objects for dealing with Chebyshev series.

This module provides a number of objects (mostly functions) useful for
dealing with Chebyshev series, including a `Chebyshev` class that
encapsulates the usual arithmetic operations.  (General information
on how this module represents and works with such polynomials is in the
docstring for its "parent" sub-package, `numpy.polynomial`).

- `chebdomain` -- Chebyshev series default domain, [-1,1].
- `chebzero` -- (Coefficients of the) Chebyshev series that evaluates
  identically to 0.
- `chebone` -- (Coefficients of the) Chebyshev series that evaluates
  identically to 1.
- `chebx` -- (Coefficients of the) Chebyshev series for the identity map,
  ``f(x) = x``.

- `chebadd` -- add two Chebyshev series.
- `chebsub` -- subtract one Chebyshev series from another.
- `chebmulx` -- multiply a Chebyshev series in ``P_i(x)`` by ``x``.
- `chebmul` -- multiply two Chebyshev series.
- `chebdiv` -- divide one Chebyshev series by another.
- `chebpow` -- raise a Chebyshev series to a positive integer power.
- `chebval` -- evaluate a Chebyshev series at given points.
- `chebval2d` -- evaluate a 2D Chebyshev series at given points.
- `chebval3d` -- evaluate a 3D Chebyshev series at given points.
- `chebgrid2d` -- evaluate a 2D Chebyshev series on a Cartesian product.
- `chebgrid3d` -- evaluate a 3D Chebyshev series on a Cartesian product.

- `chebder` -- differentiate a Chebyshev series.
- `chebint` -- integrate a Chebyshev series.

Misc Functions
- `chebfromroots` -- create a Chebyshev series with specified roots.
- `chebroots` -- find the roots of a Chebyshev series.
- `chebvander` -- Vandermonde-like matrix for Chebyshev polynomials.
- `chebvander2d` -- Vandermonde-like matrix for 2D power series.
- `chebvander3d` -- Vandermonde-like matrix for 3D power series.
- `chebgauss` -- Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature, points and weights.
- `chebweight` -- Chebyshev weight function.
- `chebcompanion` -- symmetrized companion matrix in Chebyshev form.
- `chebfit` -- least-squares fit returning a Chebyshev series.
- `chebpts1` -- Chebyshev points of the first kind.
- `chebpts2` -- Chebyshev points of the second kind.
- `chebtrim` -- trim leading coefficients from a Chebyshev series.
- `chebline` -- Chebyshev series representing given straight line.
- `cheb2poly` -- convert a Chebyshev series to a polynomial.
- `poly2cheb` -- convert a polynomial to a Chebyshev series.
- `chebinterpolate` -- interpolate a function at the Chebyshev points.

- `Chebyshev` -- A Chebyshev series class.

See also

The implementations of multiplication, division, integration, and
differentiation use the algebraic identities [1]_:

.. math ::
    T_n(x) = \\frac{z^n + z^{-n}}{2} \\\\
    z\\frac{dx}{dz} = \\frac{z - z^{-1}}{2}.


.. math :: x = \\frac{z + z^{-1}}{2}.

These identities allow a Chebyshev series to be expressed as a finite,
symmetric Laurent series.  In this module, this sort of Laurent series
is referred to as a "z-series."

.. [1] A. T. Benjamin, et al., "Combinatorial Trigonometry with Chebyshev
  Polynomials," *Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 14*, 2008
  (preprint: https://www.math.hmc.edu/~benjamin/papers/CombTrig.pdf, pg. 4)

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

import warnings
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
from numpy.core.multiarray import normalize_axis_index

from . import polyutils as pu
from ._polybase import ABCPolyBase

__all__ = [
    'chebzero', 'chebone', 'chebx', 'chebdomain', 'chebline', 'chebadd',
    'chebsub', 'chebmulx', 'chebmul', 'chebdiv', 'chebpow', 'chebval',
    'chebder', 'chebint', 'cheb2poly', 'poly2cheb', 'chebfromroots',
    'chebvander', 'chebfit', 'chebtrim', 'chebroots', 'chebpts1',
    'chebpts2', 'Chebyshev', 'chebval2d', 'chebval3d', 'chebgrid2d',
    'chebgrid3d', 'chebvander2d', 'chebvander3d', 'chebcompanion',
    'chebgauss', 'chebweight', 'chebinterpolate']

chebtrim = pu.trimcoef

# A collection of functions for manipulating z-series. These are private
# functions and do minimal error checking.

def _cseries_to_zseries(c):
    """Covert Chebyshev series to z-series.

    Covert a Chebyshev series to the equivalent z-series. The result is
    never an empty array. The dtype of the return is the same as that of
    the input. No checks are run on the arguments as this routine is for
    internal use.

    c : 1-D ndarray
        Chebyshev coefficients, ordered from low to high

    zs : 1-D ndarray
        Odd length symmetric z-series, ordered from  low to high.

    n = c.size
    zs = np.zeros(2*n-1, dtype=c.dtype)
    zs[n-1:] = c/2
    return zs + zs[::-1]

def _zseries_to_cseries(zs):
    """Covert z-series to a Chebyshev series.

    Covert a z series to the equivalent Chebyshev series. The result is
    never an empty array. The dtype of the return is the same as that of
    the input. No checks are run on the arguments as this routine is for
    internal use.

    zs : 1-D ndarray
        Odd length symmetric z-series, ordered from  low to high.

    c : 1-D ndarray
        Chebyshev coefficients, ordered from  low to high.

    n = (zs.size + 1)//2
    c = zs[n-1:].copy()
    c[1:n] *= 2
    return c

def _zseries_mul(z1, z2):
    """Multiply two z-series.

    Multiply two z-series to produce a z-series.

    z1, z2 : 1-D ndarray
        The arrays must be 1-D but this is not checked.

    product : 1-D ndarray
        The product z-series.

    This is simply convolution. If symmetric/anti-symmetric z-series are
    denoted by S/A then the following rules apply:

    S*S, A*A -> S
    S*A, A*S -> A

    return np.convolve(z1, z2)

def _zseries_div(z1, z2):
    """Divide the first z-series by the second.

    Divide `z1` by `z2` and return the quotient and remainder as z-series.
    Warning: this implementation only applies when both z1 and z2 have the
    same symmetry, which is sufficient for present purposes.

    z1, z2 : 1-D ndarray
        The arrays must be 1-D and have the same symmetry, but this is not


    (quotient, remainder) : 1-D ndarrays
        Quotient and remainder as z-series.

    This is not the same as polynomial division on account of the desired form
    of the remainder. If symmetric/anti-symmetric z-series are denoted by S/A
    then the following rules apply:

    S/S -> S,S
    A/A -> S,A

    The restriction to types of the same symmetry could be fixed but seems like
    unneeded generality. There is no natural form for the remainder in the case
    where there is no symmetry.

    z1 = z1.copy()
    z2 = z2.copy()
    len1 = len(z1)
    len2 = len(z2)
    if len2 == 1:
        z1 /= z2
        return z1, z1[:1]*0
    elif len1 < len2:
        return z1[:1]*0, z1
        dlen = len1 - len2
        scl = z2[0]
        z2 /= scl
        quo = np.empty(dlen + 1, dtype=z1.dtype)
        i = 0
        j = dlen
        while i < j:
            r = z1[i]
            quo[i] = z1[i]
            quo[dlen - i] = r
            tmp = r*z2
            z1[i:i+len2] -= tmp
            z1[j:j+len2] -= tmp
            i += 1
            j -= 1
        r = z1[i]
        quo[i] = r
        tmp = r*z2
        z1[i:i+len2] -= tmp
        quo /= scl
        rem = z1[i+1:i-1+len2].copy()
        return quo, rem

def _zseries_der(zs):
    """Differentiate a z-series.

    The derivative is with respect to x, not z. This is achieved using the
    chain rule and the value of dx/dz given in the module notes.

    zs : z-series
        The z-series to differentiate.

    derivative : z-series
        The derivative

    The zseries for x (ns) has been multiplied by two in order to avoid
    using floats that are incompatible with Decimal and likely other
    specialized scalar types. This scaling has been compensated by
    multiplying the value of zs by two also so that the two cancels in the

    n = len(zs)//2
    ns = np.array([-1, 0, 1], dtype=zs.dtype)
    zs *= np.arange(-n, n+1)*2
    d, r = _zseries_div(zs, ns)
    return d

def _zseries_int(zs):
    """Integrate a z-series.

    The integral is with respect to x, not z. This is achieved by a change
    of variable using dx/dz given in the module notes.

    zs : z-series
        The z-series to integrate

    integral : z-series
        The indefinite integral

    The zseries for x (ns) has been multiplied by two in order to avoid
    using floats that are incompatible with Decimal and likely other
    specialized scalar types. This scaling has been compensated by
    dividing the resulting zs by two.

    n = 1 + len(zs)//2
    ns = np.array([-1, 0, 1], dtype=zs.dtype)
    zs = _zseries_mul(zs, ns)
    div = np.arange(-n, n+1)*2
    zs[:n] /= div[:n]
    zs[n+1:] /= div[n+1:]
    zs[n] = 0
    return zs

# Chebyshev series functions

def poly2cheb(pol):
    Convert a polynomial to a Chebyshev series.

    Convert an array representing the coefficients of a polynomial (relative
    to the "standard" basis) ordered from lowest degree to highest, to an
    array of the coefficients of the equivalent Chebyshev series, ordered
    from lowest to highest degree.

    pol : array_like
        1-D array containing the polynomial coefficients

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