:copyright: (c) 2011-2012 Opbeat
Large portions are
:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import datetime
import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
import time
import uuid
import warnings
import zlib
import opbeat
from opbeat.conf import defaults
from opbeat.traces import RequestsStore
from opbeat.transport.base import TransportException
from opbeat.utils import opbeat_json as json
from opbeat.utils import is_master_process, six, stacks, varmap
from opbeat.utils.compat import atexit_register, urlparse
from opbeat.utils.deprecation import deprecated
from opbeat.utils.encoding import shorten, transform
from opbeat.utils.module_import import import_string
from opbeat.utils.stacks import get_culprit, iter_stack_frames
__all__ = ('Client',)
class ModuleProxyCache(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
module, class_name = key.rsplit('.', 1)
handler = getattr(__import__(module, {},
{}, [class_name]), class_name)
self[key] = handler
return handler
class ClientState(object):
def __init__(self):
self.status = self.ONLINE
self.last_check = None
self.retry_number = 0
def should_try(self):
if self.status == self.ONLINE:
return True
interval = min(self.retry_number, 6) ** 2
if time.time() - self.last_check > interval:
return True
return False
def set_fail(self):
self.status = self.ERROR
self.retry_number += 1
self.last_check = time.time()
def set_success(self):
self.status = self.ONLINE
self.last_check = None
self.retry_number = 0
def did_fail(self):
return self.status == self.ERROR
class Client(object):
The base opbeat client, which handles communication over the
HTTP API to Opbeat servers.
Will read default configuration from the environment variable
if available. ::
>>> from opbeat import Client
>>> # Read configuration from environment
>>> client = Client()
>>> # Configure the client manually
>>> client = Client(
>>> include_paths=['my.package'],
>>> organization_id='org_id',
>>> app_id='app_id',
>>> secret_token='secret_token',
>>> )
>>> # Record an exception
>>> try:
>>> 1/0
>>> except ZeroDivisionError:
>>> ident = client.get_ident(client.capture_exception())
>>> print ("Exception caught; reference is %%s" %% ident)
logger = logging.getLogger('opbeat')
protocol_version = '1.0'
def __init__(self, organization_id=None, app_id=None, secret_token=None,
transport_class=None, include_paths=None, exclude_paths=None,
timeout=None, hostname=None, auto_log_stacks=None, key=None,
string_max_length=None, list_max_length=None, processors=None,
filter_exception_types=None, servers=None, api_path=None,
async=None, async_mode=None, traces_send_freq_secs=None,
transactions_ignore_patterns=None, framework_version='',
# configure loggers first
cls = self.__class__
self.logger = logging.getLogger('%s.%s' % (cls.__module__,
self.error_logger = logging.getLogger('opbeat.errors')
self.state = ClientState()
if organization_id is None and os.environ.get('OPBEAT_ORGANIZATION_ID'):
msg = "Configuring opbeat from environment variable 'OPBEAT_ORGANIZATION_ID'"
organization_id = os.environ['OPBEAT_ORGANIZATION_ID']
if app_id is None and os.environ.get('OPBEAT_APP_ID'):
msg = "Configuring opbeat from environment variable 'OPBEAT_APP_ID'"
app_id = os.environ['OPBEAT_APP_ID']
if secret_token is None and os.environ.get('OPBEAT_SECRET_TOKEN'):
msg = "Configuring opbeat from environment variable 'OPBEAT_SECRET_TOKEN'"
secret_token = os.environ['OPBEAT_SECRET_TOKEN']
self.servers = servers or defaults.SERVERS
if async is not None and async_mode is None:
'Usage of "async" argument is deprecated. Use "async_mode"',
async_mode = async
self.async_mode = (async_mode is True
or (defaults.ASYNC_MODE and async_mode is not False))
if not transport_class:
transport_class = (defaults.ASYNC_TRANSPORT_CLASS
if self.async_mode
self._transport_class = import_string(transport_class)
self._transports = {}
# servers may be set to a NoneType (for Django)
if self.servers and not (organization_id and app_id and secret_token):
msg = 'Missing configuration for Opbeat client. Please see documentation.'
self.is_send_disabled = (
os.environ.get('OPBEAT_DISABLE_SEND', '').lower() in ('1', 'true')
if self.is_send_disabled:
'Not sending any data to Opbeat due to OPBEAT_DISABLE_SEND '
'environment variable'
self.include_paths = set(include_paths or defaults.INCLUDE_PATHS)
self.exclude_paths = set(exclude_paths or defaults.EXCLUDE_PATHS)
self.timeout = int(timeout or defaults.TIMEOUT)
self.hostname = six.text_type(hostname or defaults.HOSTNAME)
self.auto_log_stacks = bool(auto_log_stacks or
self.string_max_length = int(string_max_length or
self.list_max_length = int(list_max_length or defaults.MAX_LENGTH_LIST)
self.traces_send_freq_secs = (traces_send_freq_secs or
self.organization_id = six.text_type(organization_id)
self.app_id = six.text_type(app_id)
self.secret_token = six.text_type(secret_token)
self.filter_exception_types_dict = {}
for exc_to_filter in (filter_exception_types or []):
exc_to_filter_type = exc_to_filter.split(".")[-1]
exc_to_filter_module = ".".join(exc_to_filter.split(".")[:-1])
self.filter_exception_types_dict[exc_to_filter_type] = exc_to_filter_module
if processors is None:
self.processors = defaults.PROCESSORS
self.processors = processors
self._framework_version = framework_version
self.module_cache = ModuleProxyCache()
self.instrumentation_store = RequestsStore(
lambda: self.get_stack_info_for_trace(iter_stack_frames(), False),
def get_processors(self):
for processor in self.processors:
yield self.module_cache[processor](self)
def get_ident(self, result):
Returns a searchable string representing a message.
>>> result = client.process(**kwargs)
>>> ident = client.get_ident(result)
return result
def get_handler(self, name):
return self.module_cache[name](self)
def get_stack_info_for_trace(self, frames, extended=True):
"""Overrideable in derived clients to add frames/info, e.g. templates
4.0: Use for error frames too.
return stacks.get_stack_info(frames, extended)
def build_msg_for_logging(self, event_type, data=None, date=None,
extra=None, stack=None,
Captures, processes and serializes an event into a dict object
# create ID client-side so that it can be passed to application
event_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
if data is None:
data = {}
if extra is None:
extra = {}
if not date:
date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
if stack is None:
stack = self.auto_log_stacks
# if '.' not in event_type:
# Assume it's a builtin
event_type = 'opbeat.events.%s' % event_type
handler = self.get_handler(event_type)
result = handler.capture(**kwargs)
# data (explicit) culprit takes over auto event detection
culprit = result.pop('culprit', None)
if data.get('culprit'):
culprit = data['culprit']
for k, v in six.iteritems(result):
if k not in data:
data[k] = v
if stack and 'stacktrace' not in data:
if stack is True:
frames = iter_stack_frames()
frames = stack
'stacktrace': {
'frames': varmap(lambda k, v: shorten(v,
if 'stacktrace' in data and not culprit:
culprit = get_culprit(
self.include_paths, self.exclude_paths
if not data.get('level'):
data['level'] = 'error'
if isinstance( data['level'], six.integer_types):
data['level'] = logging.getLevelName(data['level']).lower()
data.setdefault('extra', {})
# Shorten lists/strings
for k, v in six.iteritems(extra):
data['extra'][k] = shorten(v, string_length=self.string_max_length,
if culprit:
data['culprit'] = culprit
# Run the data through processors
for processor in self.get_processors():
# Make sure all data is coerced
data = transform(data)
if 'message' not in data:
data['message'] = handler.to_string(data)
# Make sure certain values are not too long
for v in defaults.MAX_LENGTH_VALUES:
if v in data:
data[v] = shorten(data[v],
'timestamp': date,
# 'time_spent': time_spent,
'client_supplied_id': event_id,
return data
def build_msg(self, data=None, **kwargs):
data.setdefault('machine', {'hostname': self.hostname})
data.setdefault('organization_id', self.organization_id)
data.setdefault('app_id', self.app_id)
data.setdefault('secret_token', self.secret_token)
return data
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