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/ instrumentation / packages / psycopg2.py

from opbeat.instrumentation.packages.dbapi2 import (ConnectionProxy,
from opbeat.traces import trace
from opbeat.utils import default_ports

class PGCursorProxy(CursorProxy):
    provider_name = 'postgresql'

    def extract_signature(self, sql):
        return extract_signature(sql)

class PGConnectionProxy(ConnectionProxy):
    cursor_proxy = PGCursorProxy

class Psycopg2Instrumentation(DbApi2Instrumentation):
    name = 'psycopg2'

    instrument_list = [
        ("psycopg2", "connect")

    def call(self, module, method, wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        signature = "psycopg2.connect"

        host = kwargs.get('host')
        if host:
            signature += " " + str(host)

            port = kwargs.get('port')
            if port:
                port = str(port)
                if int(port) != default_ports.get("postgresql"):
                    signature += ":" + port
            # Parse connection string and extract host/port

        with trace(signature, "db.postgreql.connect"):
            return PGConnectionProxy(wrapped(*args, **kwargs))

class Psycopg2RegisterTypeInstrumentation(DbApi2Instrumentation):
    name = 'psycopg2-register-type'

    instrument_list = [
        ("psycopg2.extensions", "register_type"),
        # specifically instrument `register_json` as it bypasses `register_type`
        ("psycopg2._json", "register_json"),

    def call(self, module, method, wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        if ('conn_or_curs' in kwargs and
                hasattr(kwargs['conn_or_curs'], "__wrapped__")):
            kwargs['conn_or_curs'] = kwargs['conn_or_curs'].__wrapped__
        # register_type takes the connection as second argument
        elif len(args) == 2 and hasattr(args[1], "__wrapped__"):
                args = (args[0], args[1].__wrapped__)
        # register_json takes the connection as first argument, and can have
        # several more arguments
        elif method == 'register_json':
            if args and hasattr(args[0], "__wrapped__"):
                args = (args[0].__wrapped__,) + args[1:]

        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)