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/ core / accessor.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

accessor.py contains base classes for implementing accessor properties
that can be mixed into or pinned onto other pandas classes.

import warnings

from pandas.util._decorators import Appender

class DirNamesMixin(object):
    _accessors = frozenset()
    _deprecations = frozenset(
        ['asobject', 'base', 'data', 'flags', 'itemsize', 'strides'])

    def _dir_deletions(self):
        """ delete unwanted __dir__ for this object """
        return self._accessors | self._deprecations

    def _dir_additions(self):
        """ add additional __dir__ for this object """
        rv = set()
        for accessor in self._accessors:
                getattr(self, accessor)
            except AttributeError:
        return rv

    def __dir__(self):
        Provide method name lookup and completion
        Only provide 'public' methods
        rv = set(dir(type(self)))
        rv = (rv - self._dir_deletions()) | self._dir_additions()
        return sorted(rv)

class PandasDelegate(object):
    an abstract base class for delegating methods/properties

    def _delegate_property_get(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        raise TypeError("You cannot access the "
                        "property {name}".format(name=name))

    def _delegate_property_set(self, name, value, *args, **kwargs):
        raise TypeError("The property {name} cannot be set".format(name=name))

    def _delegate_method(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        raise TypeError("You cannot call method {name}".format(name=name))

    def _add_delegate_accessors(cls, delegate, accessors, typ,
        Add accessors to cls from the delegate class.

        cls : the class to add the methods/properties to
        delegate : the class to get methods/properties & doc-strings
        acccessors : string list of accessors to add
        typ : 'property' or 'method'
        overwrite : boolean, default False
           overwrite the method/property in the target class if it exists

        def _create_delegator_property(name):

            def _getter(self):
                return self._delegate_property_get(name)

            def _setter(self, new_values):
                return self._delegate_property_set(name, new_values)

            _getter.__name__ = name
            _setter.__name__ = name

            return property(fget=_getter, fset=_setter,
                            doc=getattr(delegate, name).__doc__)

        def _create_delegator_method(name):

            def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return self._delegate_method(name, *args, **kwargs)

            f.__name__ = name
            f.__doc__ = getattr(delegate, name).__doc__

            return f

        for name in accessors:

            if typ == 'property':
                f = _create_delegator_property(name)
                f = _create_delegator_method(name)

            # don't overwrite existing methods/properties
            if overwrite or not hasattr(cls, name):
                setattr(cls, name, f)

def delegate_names(delegate, accessors, typ, overwrite=False):
    Add delegated names to a class using a class decorator.  This provides
    an alternative usage to directly calling `_add_delegate_accessors`
    below a class definition.

    delegate : object
        the class to get methods/properties & doc-strings
    acccessors : Sequence[str]
        List of accessor to add
    typ : {'property', 'method'}
    overwrite : boolean, default False
       overwrite the method/property in the target class if it exists

        A class decorator.

    @delegate_names(Categorical, ["categories", "ordered"], "property")
    class CategoricalAccessor(PandasDelegate):
    def add_delegate_accessors(cls):
        cls._add_delegate_accessors(delegate, accessors, typ,
        return cls

    return add_delegate_accessors

# Ported with modifications from xarray
# https://github.com/pydata/xarray/blob/master/xarray/core/extensions.py
# 1. We don't need to catch and re-raise AttributeErrors as RuntimeErrors
# 2. We use a UserWarning instead of a custom Warning

class CachedAccessor(object):
    Custom property-like object (descriptor) for caching accessors.

    name : str
        The namespace this will be accessed under, e.g. ``df.foo``
    accessor : cls
        The class with the extension methods. The class' __init__ method
        should expect one of a ``Series``, ``DataFrame`` or ``Index`` as
        the single argument ``data``
    def __init__(self, name, accessor):
        self._name = name
        self._accessor = accessor

    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        if obj is None:
            # we're accessing the attribute of the class, i.e., Dataset.geo
            return self._accessor
        accessor_obj = self._accessor(obj)
        # Replace the property with the accessor object. Inspired by:
        # http://www.pydanny.com/cached-property.html
        # We need to use object.__setattr__ because we overwrite __setattr__ on
        # NDFrame
        object.__setattr__(obj, self._name, accessor_obj)
        return accessor_obj

def _register_accessor(name, cls):
    def decorator(accessor):
        if hasattr(cls, name):
                'registration of accessor {!r} under name {!r} for type '
                '{!r} is overriding a preexisting attribute with the same '
                'name.'.format(accessor, name, cls),
        setattr(cls, name, CachedAccessor(name, accessor))
        return accessor
    return decorator

_doc = """\
Register a custom accessor on %(klass)s objects.

name : str
    Name under which the accessor should be registered. A warning is issued
    if this name conflicts with a preexisting attribute.

See Also

When accessed, your accessor will be initialized with the pandas object
the user is interacting with. So the signature must be

.. code-block:: python

    def __init__(self, pandas_object):  # noqa: E999

For consistency with pandas methods, you should raise an ``AttributeError``
if the data passed to your accessor has an incorrect dtype.

>>> pd.Series(['a', 'b']).dt
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: Can only use .dt accessor with datetimelike values


In your library code::

    import pandas as pd

    class GeoAccessor(object):
        def __init__(self, pandas_obj):
            self._obj = pandas_obj

        def center(self):
            # return the geographic center point of this DataFrame
            lat = self._obj.latitude
            lon = self._obj.longitude
            return (float(lon.mean()), float(lat.mean()))

        def plot(self):
            # plot this array's data on a map, e.g., using Cartopy

Back in an interactive IPython session:

    >>> ds = pd.DataFrame({'longitude': np.linspace(0, 10),
    ...                    'latitude': np.linspace(0, 20)})
    >>> ds.geo.center
    (5.0, 10.0)
    >>> ds.geo.plot()
    # plots data on a map

@Appender(_doc % dict(klass="DataFrame",
                      others=("register_series_accessor, "
def register_dataframe_accessor(name):
    from pandas import DataFrame
    return _register_accessor(name, DataFrame)

@Appender(_doc % dict(klass="Series",
                      others=("register_dataframe_accessor, "
def register_series_accessor(name):
    from pandas import Series
    return _register_accessor(name, Series)

@Appender(_doc % dict(klass="Index",
                      others=("register_dataframe_accessor, "
def register_index_accessor(name):
    from pandas import Index
    return _register_accessor(name, Index)