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agriconnect / pandas   python

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/ core / computation / common.py

import numpy as np

from pandas.compat import reduce

import pandas as pd

def _ensure_decoded(s):
    """ if we have bytes, decode them to unicode """
    if isinstance(s, (np.bytes_, bytes)):
        s = s.decode(pd.get_option('display.encoding'))
    return s

def _result_type_many(*arrays_and_dtypes):
    """ wrapper around numpy.result_type which overcomes the NPY_MAXARGS (32)
    argument limit """
        return np.result_type(*arrays_and_dtypes)
    except ValueError:
        # we have > NPY_MAXARGS terms in our expression
        return reduce(np.result_type, arrays_and_dtypes)

class NameResolutionError(NameError):