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/ core / computation / expr.py

""":func:`~pandas.eval` parsers

import ast
from functools import partial
import tokenize

import numpy as np

from pandas.compat import StringIO, lmap, reduce, string_types, zip

import pandas as pd
from pandas import compat
from pandas.core import common as com
from pandas.core.base import StringMixin
from pandas.core.computation.ops import (
    _LOCAL_TAG, BinOp, Constant, Div, FuncNode, Op, Term, UnaryOp,
    UndefinedVariableError, _arith_ops_syms, _bool_ops_syms, _cmp_ops_syms,
    _mathops, _reductions, _unary_ops_syms, is_term)
from pandas.core.computation.scope import Scope

import pandas.io.formats.printing as printing

def tokenize_string(source):
    """Tokenize a Python source code string.

    source : str
        A Python source code string
    line_reader = StringIO(source).readline
    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in tokenize.generate_tokens(line_reader):
        yield toknum, tokval

def _rewrite_assign(tok):
    """Rewrite the assignment operator for PyTables expressions that use ``=``
    as a substitute for ``==``.

    tok : tuple of int, str
        ints correspond to the all caps constants in the tokenize module

    t : tuple of int, str
        Either the input or token or the replacement values
    toknum, tokval = tok
    return toknum, '==' if tokval == '=' else tokval

def _replace_booleans(tok):
    """Replace ``&`` with ``and`` and ``|`` with ``or`` so that bitwise
    precedence is changed to boolean precedence.

    tok : tuple of int, str
        ints correspond to the all caps constants in the tokenize module

    t : tuple of int, str
        Either the input or token or the replacement values
    toknum, tokval = tok
    if toknum == tokenize.OP:
        if tokval == '&':
            return tokenize.NAME, 'and'
        elif tokval == '|':
            return tokenize.NAME, 'or'
        return toknum, tokval
    return toknum, tokval

def _replace_locals(tok):
    """Replace local variables with a syntactically valid name.

    tok : tuple of int, str
        ints correspond to the all caps constants in the tokenize module

    t : tuple of int, str
        Either the input or token or the replacement values

    This is somewhat of a hack in that we rewrite a string such as ``'@a'`` as
    ``'__pd_eval_local_a'`` by telling the tokenizer that ``__pd_eval_local_``
    is a ``tokenize.OP`` and to replace the ``'@'`` symbol with it.
    toknum, tokval = tok
    if toknum == tokenize.OP and tokval == '@':
        return tokenize.OP, _LOCAL_TAG
    return toknum, tokval

def _compose2(f, g):
    """Compose 2 callables"""
    return lambda *args, **kwargs: f(g(*args, **kwargs))

def _compose(*funcs):
    """Compose 2 or more callables"""
    assert len(funcs) > 1, 'At least 2 callables must be passed to compose'
    return reduce(_compose2, funcs)

def _preparse(source, f=_compose(_replace_locals, _replace_booleans,
    """Compose a collection of tokenization functions

    source : str
        A Python source code string
    f : callable
        This takes a tuple of (toknum, tokval) as its argument and returns a
        tuple with the same structure but possibly different elements. Defaults
        to the composition of ``_rewrite_assign``, ``_replace_booleans``, and

    s : str
        Valid Python source code

    The `f` parameter can be any callable that takes *and* returns input of the
    form ``(toknum, tokval)``, where ``toknum`` is one of the constants from
    the ``tokenize`` module and ``tokval`` is a string.
    assert callable(f), 'f must be callable'
    return tokenize.untokenize(lmap(f, tokenize_string(source)))

def _is_type(t):
    """Factory for a type checking function of type ``t`` or tuple of types."""
    return lambda x: isinstance(x.value, t)

_is_list = _is_type(list)
_is_str = _is_type(string_types)

# partition all AST nodes
_all_nodes = frozenset(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, type) and
                              issubclass(x, ast.AST),
                              (getattr(ast, node) for node in dir(ast))))

def _filter_nodes(superclass, all_nodes=_all_nodes):
    """Filter out AST nodes that are subclasses of ``superclass``."""
    node_names = (node.__name__ for node in all_nodes
                  if issubclass(node, superclass))
    return frozenset(node_names)

_all_node_names = frozenset(map(lambda x: x.__name__, _all_nodes))
_mod_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.mod)
_stmt_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.stmt)
_expr_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.expr)
_expr_context_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.expr_context)
_slice_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.slice)
_boolop_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.boolop)
_operator_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.operator)
_unary_op_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.unaryop)
_cmp_op_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.cmpop)
_comprehension_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.comprehension)
_handler_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.excepthandler)
_arguments_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.arguments)
_keyword_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.keyword)
_alias_nodes = _filter_nodes(ast.alias)

# nodes that we don't support directly but are needed for parsing
_hacked_nodes = frozenset(['Assign', 'Module', 'Expr'])

_unsupported_expr_nodes = frozenset(['Yield', 'GeneratorExp', 'IfExp',
                                     'DictComp', 'SetComp', 'Repr', 'Lambda',
                                     'Set', 'AST', 'Is', 'IsNot'])

# these nodes are low priority or won't ever be supported (e.g., AST)
_unsupported_nodes = ((_stmt_nodes | _mod_nodes | _handler_nodes |
                       _arguments_nodes | _keyword_nodes | _alias_nodes |
                       _expr_context_nodes | _unsupported_expr_nodes) -

# we're adding a different assignment in some cases to be equality comparison
# and we don't want `stmt` and friends in their so get only the class whose
# names are capitalized
_base_supported_nodes = (_all_node_names - _unsupported_nodes) | _hacked_nodes
_msg = 'cannot both support and not support {intersection}'.format(
    intersection=_unsupported_nodes & _base_supported_nodes)
assert not _unsupported_nodes & _base_supported_nodes, _msg

def _node_not_implemented(node_name, cls):
    """Return a function that raises a NotImplementedError with a passed node

    def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("{name!r} nodes are not "
    return f

def disallow(nodes):
    """Decorator to disallow certain nodes from parsing. Raises a
    NotImplementedError instead.

    disallowed : callable
    def disallowed(cls):
        cls.unsupported_nodes = ()
        for node in nodes:
            new_method = _node_not_implemented(node, cls)
            name = 'visit_{node}'.format(node=node)
            cls.unsupported_nodes += (name,)
            setattr(cls, name, new_method)
        return cls
    return disallowed

def _op_maker(op_class, op_symbol):
    """Return a function to create an op class with its symbol already passed.

    f : callable

    def f(self, node, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return a partial function with an Op subclass with an operator
        already passed.

        f : callable
        return partial(op_class, op_symbol, *args, **kwargs)
    return f

_op_classes = {'binary': BinOp, 'unary': UnaryOp}

def add_ops(op_classes):
    """Decorator to add default implementation of ops."""
    def f(cls):
        for op_attr_name, op_class in compat.iteritems(op_classes):
            ops = getattr(cls, '{name}_ops'.format(name=op_attr_name))
            ops_map = getattr(cls, '{name}_op_nodes_map'.format(
            for op in ops:
                op_node = ops_map[op]
                if op_node is not None:
                    made_op = _op_maker(op_class, op)
                    setattr(cls, 'visit_{node}'.format(node=op_node), made_op)
        return cls
    return f

class BaseExprVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):

    """Custom ast walker. Parsers of other engines should subclass this class
    if necessary.

    env : Scope
    engine : str
    parser : str
    preparser : callable
    const_type = Constant
    term_type = Term

    binary_ops = _cmp_ops_syms + _bool_ops_syms + _arith_ops_syms
    binary_op_nodes = ('Gt', 'Lt', 'GtE', 'LtE', 'Eq', 'NotEq', 'In', 'NotIn',
                       'BitAnd', 'BitOr', 'And', 'Or', 'Add', 'Sub', 'Mult',
                       None, 'Pow', 'FloorDiv', 'Mod')
    binary_op_nodes_map = dict(zip(binary_ops, binary_op_nodes))

    unary_ops = _unary_ops_syms
    unary_op_nodes = 'UAdd', 'USub', 'Invert', 'Not'
    unary_op_nodes_map = dict(zip(unary_ops, unary_op_nodes))

    rewrite_map = {
        ast.Eq: ast.In,
        ast.NotEq: ast.NotIn,
        ast.In: ast.In,
        ast.NotIn: ast.NotIn

    def __init__(self, env, engine, parser, preparser=_preparse):
        self.env = env
        self.engine = engine
        self.parser = parser
        self.preparser = preparser
        self.assigner = None

    def visit(self, node, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(node, string_types):
            clean = self.preparser(node)
                node = ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.parse(clean))
            except SyntaxError as e:
                from keyword import iskeyword
                if any(iskeyword(x) for x in clean.split()):
                    e.msg = ("Python keyword not valid identifier"
                             " in numexpr query")
                raise e

        method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__
        visitor = getattr(self, method)
        return visitor(node, **kwargs)

    def visit_Module(self, node, **kwargs):
        if len(node.body) != 1:
            raise SyntaxError('only a single expression is allowed')
        expr = node.body[0]
        return self.visit(expr, **kwargs)

    def visit_Expr(self, node, **kwargs):
        return self.visit(node.value, **kwargs)

    def _rewrite_membership_op(self, node, left, right):
        # the kind of the operator (is actually an instance)
        op_instance = node.op
        op_type = type(op_instance)
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