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/ io / formats / style.py

Module for applying conditional formatting to
DataFrames and Series.

from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
import copy
from functools import partial
from itertools import product
from uuid import uuid1

import numpy as np

from pandas.compat import range
from pandas.util._decorators import Appender

from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_float, is_string_like
from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import ABCSeries

import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import is_dict_like, is_list_like
import pandas.core.common as com
from pandas.core.config import get_option
from pandas.core.generic import _shared_docs
from pandas.core.indexing import _maybe_numeric_slice, _non_reducing_slice

    from jinja2 import (
        PackageLoader, Environment, ChoiceLoader, FileSystemLoader
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("pandas.Styler requires jinja2. "
                      "Please install with `conda install Jinja2`\n"
                      "or `pip install Jinja2`")

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import colors
    has_mpl = True
except ImportError:
    has_mpl = False
    no_mpl_message = "{0} requires matplotlib."

def _mpl(func):
    if has_mpl:
        yield plt, colors
        raise ImportError(no_mpl_message.format(func.__name__))

class Styler(object):
    Helps style a DataFrame or Series according to the data with HTML and CSS.

    data : Series or DataFrame
    precision : int
        precision to round floats to, defaults to pd.options.display.precision
    table_styles : list-like, default None
        list of {selector: (attr, value)} dicts; see Notes
    uuid : str, default None
        a unique identifier to avoid CSS collisions; generated automatically
    caption : str, default None
        caption to attach to the table
    cell_ids : bool, default True
        If True, each cell will have an ``id`` attribute in their HTML tag.
        The ``id`` takes the form ``T_<uuid>_row<num_row>_col<num_col>``
        where ``<uuid>`` is the unique identifier, ``<num_row>`` is the row
        number and ``<num_col>`` is the column number.

    env : Jinja2 Environment
    template : Jinja2 Template
    loader : Jinja2 Loader

    See Also

    Most styling will be done by passing style functions into
    ``Styler.apply`` or ``Styler.applymap``. Style functions should
    return values with strings containing CSS ``'attr: value'`` that will
    be applied to the indicated cells.

    If using in the Jupyter notebook, Styler has defined a ``_repr_html_``
    to automatically render itself. Otherwise call Styler.render to get
    the generated HTML.

    CSS classes are attached to the generated HTML

    * Index and Column names include ``index_name`` and ``level<k>``
      where `k` is its level in a MultiIndex
    * Index label cells include

      * ``row_heading``
      * ``row<n>`` where `n` is the numeric position of the row
      * ``level<k>`` where `k` is the level in a MultiIndex

    * Column label cells include
      * ``col_heading``
      * ``col<n>`` where `n` is the numeric position of the column
      * ``evel<k>`` where `k` is the level in a MultiIndex

    * Blank cells include ``blank``
    * Data cells include ``data``
    loader = PackageLoader("pandas", "io/formats/templates")
    env = Environment(
    template = env.get_template("html.tpl")

    def __init__(self, data, precision=None, table_styles=None, uuid=None,
                 caption=None, table_attributes=None, cell_ids=True):
        self.ctx = defaultdict(list)
        self._todo = []

        if not isinstance(data, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
            raise TypeError("``data`` must be a Series or DataFrame")
        if data.ndim == 1:
            data = data.to_frame()
        if not data.index.is_unique or not data.columns.is_unique:
            raise ValueError("style is not supported for non-unique indices.")

        self.data = data
        self.index = data.index
        self.columns = data.columns

        self.uuid = uuid
        self.table_styles = table_styles
        self.caption = caption
        if precision is None:
            precision = get_option('display.precision')
        self.precision = precision
        self.table_attributes = table_attributes
        self.hidden_index = False
        self.hidden_columns = []
        self.cell_ids = cell_ids

        # display_funcs maps (row, col) -> formatting function

        def default_display_func(x):
            if is_float(x):
                return '{:>.{precision}g}'.format(x, precision=self.precision)
                return x

        self._display_funcs = defaultdict(lambda: default_display_func)

    def _repr_html_(self):
        Hooks into Jupyter notebook rich display system.
        return self.render()

    @Appender(_shared_docs['to_excel'] % dict(
        axes='index, columns', klass='Styler',
        axes_single_arg="{0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns'}",
            by : str or list of str
                Name or list of names which refer to the axis items.""",
        versionadded_to_excel='\n    .. versionadded:: 0.20'))
    def to_excel(self, excel_writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', na_rep='',
                 float_format=None, columns=None, header=True, index=True,
                 index_label=None, startrow=0, startcol=0, engine=None,
                 merge_cells=True, encoding=None, inf_rep='inf', verbose=True,

        from pandas.io.formats.excel import ExcelFormatter
        formatter = ExcelFormatter(self, na_rep=na_rep, cols=columns,
                                   float_format=float_format, index=index,
        formatter.write(excel_writer, sheet_name=sheet_name, startrow=startrow,
                        startcol=startcol, freeze_panes=freeze_panes,

    def _translate(self):
        Convert the DataFrame in `self.data` and the attrs from `_build_styles`
        into a dictionary of {head, body, uuid, cellstyle}.
        table_styles = self.table_styles or []
        caption = self.caption
        ctx = self.ctx
        precision = self.precision
        hidden_index = self.hidden_index
        hidden_columns = self.hidden_columns
        uuid = self.uuid or str(uuid1()).replace("-", "_")
        ROW_HEADING_CLASS = "row_heading"
        COL_HEADING_CLASS = "col_heading"
        INDEX_NAME_CLASS = "index_name"

        DATA_CLASS = "data"
        BLANK_CLASS = "blank"
        BLANK_VALUE = ""

        def format_attr(pair):
            return "{key}={value}".format(**pair)

        # for sparsifying a MultiIndex
        idx_lengths = _get_level_lengths(self.index)
        col_lengths = _get_level_lengths(self.columns, hidden_columns)

        cell_context = dict()

        n_rlvls = self.data.index.nlevels
        n_clvls = self.data.columns.nlevels
        rlabels = self.data.index.tolist()
        clabels = self.data.columns.tolist()

        if n_rlvls == 1:
            rlabels = [[x] for x in rlabels]
        if n_clvls == 1:
            clabels = [[x] for x in clabels]
        clabels = list(zip(*clabels))

        cellstyle = []
        head = []

        for r in range(n_clvls):
            # Blank for Index columns...
            row_es = [{"type": "th",
                       "value": BLANK_VALUE,
                       "display_value": BLANK_VALUE,
                       "is_visible": not hidden_index,
                       "class": " ".join([BLANK_CLASS])}] * (n_rlvls - 1)

            # ... except maybe the last for columns.names
            name = self.data.columns.names[r]
            cs = [BLANK_CLASS if name is None else INDEX_NAME_CLASS,
            name = BLANK_VALUE if name is None else name
            row_es.append({"type": "th",
                           "value": name,
                           "display_value": name,
                           "class": " ".join(cs),
                           "is_visible": not hidden_index})

            if clabels:
                for c, value in enumerate(clabels[r]):
                    cs = [COL_HEADING_CLASS, "level{lvl}".format(lvl=r),
                        "col_headings", {}).get(r, {}).get(c, []))
                    es = {
                        "type": "th",
                        "value": value,
                        "display_value": value,
                        "class": " ".join(cs),
                        "is_visible": _is_visible(c, r, col_lengths),
                    colspan = col_lengths.get((r, c), 0)
                    if colspan > 1:
                        es["attributes"] = [
                            format_attr({"key": "colspan", "value": colspan})

        if (self.data.index.names and
                com._any_not_none(*self.data.index.names) and
                not hidden_index):
            index_header_row = []

            for c, name in enumerate(self.data.index.names):
                cs = [INDEX_NAME_CLASS,
                name = '' if name is None else name
                index_header_row.append({"type": "th", "value": name,
                                         "class": " ".join(cs)})

                [{"type": "th",
                  "value": BLANK_VALUE,
                  "class": " ".join([BLANK_CLASS])
                  }] * (len(clabels[0]) - len(hidden_columns)))


        body = []
        for r, idx in enumerate(self.data.index):
            row_es = []
            for c, value in enumerate(rlabels[r]):
                rid = [ROW_HEADING_CLASS, "level{lvl}".format(lvl=c),
                es = {
                    "type": "th",
                    "is_visible": (_is_visible(r, c, idx_lengths) and
                                   not hidden_index),
                    "value": value,
                    "display_value": value,
                    "id": "_".join(rid[1:]),
                    "class": " ".join(rid)
                rowspan = idx_lengths.get((c, r), 0)
                if rowspan > 1:
                    es["attributes"] = [
                        format_attr({"key": "rowspan", "value": rowspan})

            for c, col in enumerate(self.data.columns):
                cs = [DATA_CLASS, "row{row}".format(row=r),
                cs.extend(cell_context.get("data", {}).get(r, {}).get(c, []))
                formatter = self._display_funcs[(r, c)]
                value = self.data.iloc[r, c]
                row_dict = {"type": "td",
                            "value": value,
                            "class": " ".join(cs),
                            "display_value": formatter(value),
                            "is_visible": (c not in hidden_columns)}
                # only add an id if the cell has a style
                if (self.cell_ids or
                        not(len(ctx[r, c]) == 1 and ctx[r, c][0] == '')):
                    row_dict["id"] = "_".join(cs[1:])
                props = []
                for x in ctx[r, c]:
                    # have to handle empty styles like ['']
                    if x.count(":"):
                        props.append(['', ''])
                cellstyle.append({'props': props,
                                  'selector': "row{row}_col{col}"
                                  .format(row=r, col=c)})

        table_attr = self.table_attributes
        use_mathjax = get_option("display.html.use_mathjax")
        if not use_mathjax:
            table_attr = table_attr or ''
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