# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import re
import sys
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pandas._libs.tslib import iNaT
import pandas.compat as compat
from pandas.compat import PYPY, StringIO, long
from pandas.compat.numpy import np_array_datetime64_compat
from pandas.core.dtypes.common import (
is_datetime64_dtype, is_datetime64tz_dtype, is_object_dtype,
is_timedelta64_dtype, needs_i8_conversion)
from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import DatetimeTZDtype
import pandas as pd
from pandas import (
CategoricalIndex, DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, Index, Interval, IntervalIndex,
Panel, PeriodIndex, Series, Timedelta, TimedeltaIndex, Timestamp)
from pandas.core.accessor import PandasDelegate
from pandas.core.arrays import DatetimeArray, PandasArray, TimedeltaArray
from pandas.core.base import NoNewAttributesMixin, PandasObject
from pandas.core.indexes.datetimelike import DatetimeIndexOpsMixin
import pandas.util.testing as tm
class CheckStringMixin(object):
def test_string_methods_dont_fail(self):
if not compat.PY3:
unicode(self.container) # noqa
def test_tricky_container(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'unicode_container'):
pytest.skip('Need unicode_container to test with this')
if not compat.PY3:
unicode(self.unicode_container) # noqa
class CheckImmutable(object):
mutable_regex = re.compile('does not support mutable operations')
def check_mutable_error(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Pass whatever function you normally would to pytest.raises
# (after the Exception kind).
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
self.mutable_regex(*args, **kwargs)
def test_no_mutable_funcs(self):
def setitem():
self.container[0] = 5
def setslice():
self.container[1:2] = 3
def delitem():
del self.container[0]
def delslice():
del self.container[0:3]
mutable_methods = getattr(self, "mutable_methods", [])
for meth in mutable_methods:
self.check_mutable_error(getattr(self.container, meth))
def test_slicing_maintains_type(self):
result = self.container[1:2]
expected = self.lst[1:2]
self.check_result(result, expected)
def check_result(self, result, expected, klass=None):
klass = klass or self.klass
assert isinstance(result, klass)
assert result == expected
class TestPandasDelegate(object):
class Delegator(object):
_properties = ['foo']
_methods = ['bar']
def _set_foo(self, value):
self.foo = value
def _get_foo(self):
return self.foo
foo = property(_get_foo, _set_foo, doc="foo property")
def bar(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" a test bar method """
class Delegate(PandasDelegate, PandasObject):
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
def setup_method(self, method):
def test_invalid_delegation(self):
# these show that in order for the delegation to work
# the _delegate_* methods need to be overridden to not raise
# a TypeError
delegate = self.Delegate(self.Delegator())
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
delegate.foo = 5
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
@pytest.mark.skipif(PYPY, reason="not relevant for PyPy")
def test_memory_usage(self):
# Delegate does not implement memory_usage.
# Check that we fall back to in-built `__sizeof__`
# GH 12924
delegate = self.Delegate(self.Delegator())
class Ops(object):
def _allow_na_ops(self, obj):
"""Whether to skip test cases including NaN"""
if (isinstance(obj, Index) and
(obj.is_boolean() or not obj._can_hold_na)):
# don't test boolean / int64 index
return False
return True
def setup_method(self, method):
self.bool_index = tm.makeBoolIndex(10, name='a')
self.int_index = tm.makeIntIndex(10, name='a')
self.float_index = tm.makeFloatIndex(10, name='a')
self.dt_index = tm.makeDateIndex(10, name='a')
self.dt_tz_index = tm.makeDateIndex(10, name='a').tz_localize(
self.period_index = tm.makePeriodIndex(10, name='a')
self.string_index = tm.makeStringIndex(10, name='a')
self.unicode_index = tm.makeUnicodeIndex(10, name='a')
arr = np.random.randn(10)
self.bool_series = Series(arr, index=self.bool_index, name='a')
self.int_series = Series(arr, index=self.int_index, name='a')
self.float_series = Series(arr, index=self.float_index, name='a')
self.dt_series = Series(arr, index=self.dt_index, name='a')
self.dt_tz_series = self.dt_tz_index.to_series(keep_tz=True)
self.period_series = Series(arr, index=self.period_index, name='a')
self.string_series = Series(arr, index=self.string_index, name='a')
self.unicode_series = Series(arr, index=self.unicode_index, name='a')
types = ['bool', 'int', 'float', 'dt', 'dt_tz', 'period', 'string',
self.indexes = [getattr(self, '{}_index'.format(t)) for t in types]
self.series = [getattr(self, '{}_series'.format(t)) for t in types]
self.objs = self.indexes + self.series
def check_ops_properties(self, props, filter=None, ignore_failures=False):
for op in props:
for o in self.is_valid_objs:
# if a filter, skip if it doesn't match
if filter is not None:
filt = o.index if isinstance(o, Series) else o
if not filter(filt):
if isinstance(o, Series):
expected = Series(
getattr(o.index, op), index=o.index, name='a')
expected = getattr(o, op)
except (AttributeError):
if ignore_failures:
result = getattr(o, op)
# these couuld be series, arrays or scalars
if isinstance(result, Series) and isinstance(expected, Series):
tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
elif isinstance(result, Index) and isinstance(expected, Index):
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
elif isinstance(result, np.ndarray) and isinstance(expected,
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
assert result == expected
# freq raises AttributeError on an Int64Index because its not
# defined we mostly care about Series here anyhow
if not ignore_failures:
for o in self.not_valid_objs:
# an object that is datetimelike will raise a TypeError,
# otherwise an AttributeError
err = AttributeError
if issubclass(type(o), DatetimeIndexOpsMixin):
err = TypeError
with pytest.raises(err):
getattr(o, op)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('klass', [Series, DataFrame, Panel])
def test_binary_ops_docs(self, klass):
op_map = {'add': '+',
'sub': '-',
'mul': '*',
'mod': '%',
'pow': '**',
'truediv': '/',
'floordiv': '//'}
for op_name in op_map:
operand1 = klass.__name__.lower()
operand2 = 'other'
op = op_map[op_name]
expected_str = ' '.join([operand1, op, operand2])
assert expected_str in getattr(klass, op_name).__doc__
# reverse version of the binary ops
expected_str = ' '.join([operand2, op, operand1])
assert expected_str in getattr(klass, 'r' + op_name).__doc__
class TestIndexOps(Ops):
def setup_method(self, method):
super(TestIndexOps, self).setup_method(method)
self.is_valid_objs = self.objs
self.not_valid_objs = []
def test_none_comparison(self):
# bug brought up by #1079
# changed from TypeError in 0.17.0
for o in self.is_valid_objs:
if isinstance(o, Series):
o[0] = np.nan
# noinspection PyComparisonWithNone
result = o == None # noqa
assert not result.iat[0]
assert not result.iat[1]
# noinspection PyComparisonWithNone
result = o != None # noqa
assert result.iat[0]
assert result.iat[1]
result = None == o # noqa
assert not result.iat[0]
assert not result.iat[1]
result = None != o # noqa
assert result.iat[0]
assert result.iat[1]
if (is_datetime64_dtype(o) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(o)):
# Following DatetimeIndex (and Timestamp) convention,
# inequality comparisons with Series[datetime64] raise
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
None > o
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
o > None
result = None > o
assert not result.iat[0]
assert not result.iat[1]
result = o < None
assert not result.iat[0]
assert not result.iat[1]
def test_ndarray_compat_properties(self):
for o in self.objs:
# Check that we work.
for p in ['shape', 'dtype', 'T', 'nbytes']:
assert getattr(o, p, None) is not None
# deprecated properties
for p in ['flags', 'strides', 'itemsize']:
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
assert getattr(o, p, None) is not None
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
assert hasattr(o, 'base')
# If we have a datetime-like dtype then needs a view to work
# but the user is responsible for that
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
assert o.data is not None
except ValueError:
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
o.item() # len > 1
assert o.ndim == 1
assert o.size == len(o)
assert Index([1]).item() == 1
assert Series([1]).item() == 1
def test_value_counts_unique_nunique(self):
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