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/ c_parser.py

# pycparser: c_parser.py
# CParser class: Parser and AST builder for the C language
# Eli Bendersky [http://eli.thegreenplace.net]
# License: BSD
import re

from .ply import yacc

from . import c_ast
from .c_lexer import CLexer
from .plyparser import PLYParser, Coord, ParseError, parameterized, template
from .ast_transforms import fix_switch_cases

class CParser(PLYParser):
    def __init__(
        """ Create a new CParser.

            Some arguments for controlling the debug/optimization
            level of the parser are provided. The defaults are
            tuned for release/performance mode.
            The simple rules for using them are:
            *) When tweaking CParser/CLexer, set these to False
            *) When releasing a stable parser, set to True

                Set to False when you're modifying the lexer.
                Otherwise, changes in the lexer won't be used, if
                some lextab.py file exists.
                When releasing with a stable lexer, set to True
                to save the re-generation of the lexer table on
                each run.

                Set this parameter to define the lexer to use if
                you're not using the default CLexer.

                Points to the lex table that's used for optimized
                mode. Only if you're modifying the lexer and want
                some tests to avoid re-generating the table, make
                this point to a local lex table file (that's been
                earlier generated with lex_optimize=True)

                Set to False when you're modifying the parser.
                Otherwise, changes in the parser won't be used, if
                some parsetab.py file exists.
                When releasing with a stable parser, set to True
                to save the re-generation of the parser table on
                each run.

                Points to the yacc table that's used for optimized
                mode. Only if you're modifying the parser, make
                this point to a local yacc table file

                Generate a parser.out file that explains how yacc
                built the parsing table from the grammar.

                Set this parameter to control the location of generated
                lextab and yacctab files.
        self.clex = lexer(

        self.tokens = self.clex.tokens

        rules_with_opt = [

        for rule in rules_with_opt:

        self.cparser = yacc.yacc(

        # Stack of scopes for keeping track of symbols. _scope_stack[-1] is
        # the current (topmost) scope. Each scope is a dictionary that
        # specifies whether a name is a type. If _scope_stack[n][name] is
        # True, 'name' is currently a type in the scope. If it's False,
        # 'name' is used in the scope but not as a type (for instance, if we
        # saw: int name;
        # If 'name' is not a key in _scope_stack[n] then 'name' was not defined
        # in this scope at all.
        self._scope_stack = [dict()]

        # Keeps track of the last token given to yacc (the lookahead token)
        self._last_yielded_token = None

    def parse(self, text, filename='', debuglevel=0):
        """ Parses C code and returns an AST.

                A string containing the C source code

                Name of the file being parsed (for meaningful
                error messages)

                Debug level to yacc
        self.clex.filename = filename
        self._scope_stack = [dict()]
        self._last_yielded_token = None
        return self.cparser.parse(

    ######################--   PRIVATE   --######################

    def _push_scope(self):

    def _pop_scope(self):
        assert len(self._scope_stack) > 1

    def _add_typedef_name(self, name, coord):
        """ Add a new typedef name (ie a TYPEID) to the current scope
        if not self._scope_stack[-1].get(name, True):
                "Typedef %r previously declared as non-typedef "
                "in this scope" % name, coord)
        self._scope_stack[-1][name] = True

    def _add_identifier(self, name, coord):
        """ Add a new object, function, or enum member name (ie an ID) to the
            current scope
        if self._scope_stack[-1].get(name, False):
                "Non-typedef %r previously declared as typedef "
                "in this scope" % name, coord)
        self._scope_stack[-1][name] = False

    def _is_type_in_scope(self, name):
        """ Is *name* a typedef-name in the current scope?
        for scope in reversed(self._scope_stack):
            # If name is an identifier in this scope it shadows typedefs in
            # higher scopes.
            in_scope = scope.get(name)
            if in_scope is not None: return in_scope
        return False

    def _lex_error_func(self, msg, line, column):
        self._parse_error(msg, self._coord(line, column))

    def _lex_on_lbrace_func(self):

    def _lex_on_rbrace_func(self):

    def _lex_type_lookup_func(self, name):
        """ Looks up types that were previously defined with
            Passed to the lexer for recognizing identifiers that
            are types.
        is_type = self._is_type_in_scope(name)
        return is_type

    def _get_yacc_lookahead_token(self):
        """ We need access to yacc's lookahead token in certain cases.
            This is the last token yacc requested from the lexer, so we
            ask the lexer.
        return self.clex.last_token

    # To understand what's going on here, read sections A.8.5 and
    # A.8.6 of K&R2 very carefully.
    # A C type consists of a basic type declaration, with a list
    # of modifiers. For example:
    # int *c[5];
    # The basic declaration here is 'int c', and the pointer and
    # the array are the modifiers.
    # Basic declarations are represented by TypeDecl (from module c_ast) and the
    # modifiers are FuncDecl, PtrDecl and ArrayDecl.
    # The standard states that whenever a new modifier is parsed, it should be
    # added to the end of the list of modifiers. For example:
    # K&R2 A.8.6.2: Array Declarators
    # In a declaration T D where D has the form
    #   D1 [constant-expression-opt]
    # and the type of the identifier in the declaration T D1 is
    # "type-modifier T", the type of the
    # identifier of D is "type-modifier array of T"
    # This is what this method does. The declarator it receives
    # can be a list of declarators ending with TypeDecl. It
    # tacks the modifier to the end of this list, just before
    # the TypeDecl.
    # Additionally, the modifier may be a list itself. This is
    # useful for pointers, that can come as a chain from the rule
    # p_pointer. In this case, the whole modifier list is spliced
    # into the new location.
    def _type_modify_decl(self, decl, modifier):
        """ Tacks a type modifier on a declarator, and returns
            the modified declarator.

            Note: the declarator and modifier may be modified
        #~ print '****'
        #~ decl.show(offset=3)
        #~ modifier.show(offset=3)
        #~ print '****'

        modifier_head = modifier
        modifier_tail = modifier

        # The modifier may be a nested list. Reach its tail.
        while modifier_tail.type:
            modifier_tail = modifier_tail.type

        # If the decl is a basic type, just tack the modifier onto
        # it
        if isinstance(decl, c_ast.TypeDecl):
            modifier_tail.type = decl
            return modifier
            # Otherwise, the decl is a list of modifiers. Reach
            # its tail and splice the modifier onto the tail,
            # pointing to the underlying basic type.
            decl_tail = decl

            while not isinstance(decl_tail.type, c_ast.TypeDecl):
                decl_tail = decl_tail.type

            modifier_tail.type = decl_tail.type
            decl_tail.type = modifier_head
            return decl

    # Due to the order in which declarators are constructed,
    # they have to be fixed in order to look like a normal AST.
    # When a declaration arrives from syntax construction, it has
    # these problems:
    # * The innermost TypeDecl has no type (because the basic
    #   type is only known at the uppermost declaration level)
    # * The declaration has no variable name, since that is saved
    #   in the innermost TypeDecl
    # * The typename of the declaration is a list of type
    #   specifiers, and not a node. Here, basic identifier types
    #   should be separated from more complex types like enums
    #   and structs.
    # This method fixes these problems.
    def _fix_decl_name_type(self, decl, typename):
        """ Fixes a declaration. Modifies decl.
        # Reach the underlying basic type
        type = decl
        while not isinstance(type, c_ast.TypeDecl):
            type = type.type

        decl.name = type.declname
        type.quals = decl.quals

        # The typename is a list of types. If any type in this
        # list isn't an IdentifierType, it must be the only
        # type in the list (it's illegal to declare "int enum ..")
        # If all the types are basic, they're collected in the
        # IdentifierType holder.
        for tn in typename:
            if not isinstance(tn, c_ast.IdentifierType):
                if len(typename) > 1:
                        "Invalid multiple types specified", tn.coord)
                    type.type = tn
                    return decl

        if not typename:
            # Functions default to returning int
            if not isinstance(decl.type, c_ast.FuncDecl):
                        "Missing type in declaration", decl.coord)
            type.type = c_ast.IdentifierType(
            # At this point, we know that typename is a list of IdentifierType
            # nodes. Concatenate all the names into a single list.
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