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agriconnect / setproctitle   python

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Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: setproctitle
Version: 1.1.10
Summary: A Python module to customize the process title
Home-page: https://github.com/dvarrazzo/py-setproctitle
Author: Daniele Varrazzo
Author-email: daniele.varrazzo@gmail.com
License: BSD
Download-URL: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setproctitle/
Platform: GNU/Linux
Platform: BSD
Platform: MacOS X
Platform: Windows
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
Classifier: Programming Language :: C
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD
Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X
Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development

A Python module to customize the process title

:author: Daniele Varrazzo

The ``setproctitle`` module allows a process to change its title (as displayed
by system tools such as ``ps`` and ``top``).

Changing the title is mostly useful in multi-process systems, for example
when a master process is forked: changing the children's title allows to
identify the task each process is busy with.  The technique is used by
PostgreSQL_ and the `OpenSSH Server`_ for example.

The procedure is hardly portable across different systems.  PostgreSQL provides
a good `multi-platform implementation`__:  this module is a Python wrapper
around PostgreSQL code.

- `Homepage <https://github.com/dvarrazzo/py-setproctitle>`__
- `Download <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setproctitle/>`__
- `Bug tracker <https://github.com/dvarrazzo/py-setproctitle/issues>`__

.. _PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org
.. _OpenSSH Server: http://www.openssh.com/
.. __: http://doxygen.postgresql.org/ps__status_8c_source.html


``setproctitle`` is a C extension: in order to build it you will need a C
compiler and the Python development support (the ``python-dev`` package in
most Linux distributions). No further external dependencies are required.

You can use ``pip`` to install the module::

    pip install setproctitle

You can use ``pip -t`` or ``virtualenv`` for local installations, ``sudo pip``
for a system-wide one... the usual stuff. Read pip_ or virtualenv_ docs for
all the details.

.. _pip: https://pip.readthedocs.org/
.. _virtualenv: https://virtualenv.readthedocs.org/

Python 3 support

As of version 1.1 the module works with Python 3. Just use
``pip``/``virtualenv`` for Python 3.

In order to build from the source package and test the module under Python 3,
the ``Makefile`` contains some helper targets.


The ``setproctitle`` module exports the following functions:

    Set *title* as the title for the current process.

    Return the current process title.

Environment variables

A few environment variables can be used to customize the module behavior:

    Avoid clobbering ``/proc/PID/environ``.

    On many platforms, setting the process title will clobber the
    ``environ`` memory area. ``os.environ`` will work as expected from within
    the Python process, but the content of the file ``/proc/PID/environ`` will
    be overwritten.  If you require this file not to be broken you can set the
    ``SPT_NOENV`` environment variable to any non-empty value: in this case
    the maximum length for the title will be limited to the length of the
    command line.

    Print debug information on ``stderr``.

    If the module doesn't work as expected you can set this variable to a
    non-empty value to generate information useful for debugging.  Note that
    the most useful information is printed when the module is imported, not
    when the functions are called.

Module status

The module can be currently compiled and effectively used on the following

- GNU/Linux
- MacOS X
- Windows

Note that on Windows there is no way to change the process string:
what the module does is to create a *Named Object* whose value can be read
using a tool such as `Process Explorer`_ (contribution of a more useful tool
to be used together with ``setproctitle`` would be well accepted).

The module can probably work on HP-UX, but I haven't found any to test with.
It is unlikely that it can work on Solaris instead.

.. _Process Explorer: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx

Other known implementations and discussions

- `procname`_: a module exposing the same functionality, but less portable
  and not well packaged.
- `Issue 5672`_: where the introduction of such functionality into the stdlib
  is being discussed.

.. _procname: http://code.google.com/p/procname/
.. _Issue 5672: http://bugs.python.org/issue5672

Releases history

Version 1.1.10

- Fixed building with certain ``prctl.h`` implementations (issue #44).
- Use ``setuptools`` if available (issue #48).

Version 1.1.9

- Fixed build on VC (issues #20, #33).
- Added ``MANIFEST.in`` to the source distribution to help with RPM building
  (issue #30).

Version 1.1.8

- Added support for Python "diehard" 2.4 (pull request #3).
- Fixed build on Mac OS X 10.9 Maverick (issue #27).

Version 1.1.7

- Added PyPy support, courtesy of Ozan Turksever - http://www.logsign.net
  (pull request #2).

Version 1.1.6

- The module can be compiled again on Windows (issue #21).

Version 1.1.5

- No module bug, but a packaging issue: files ``README`` and ``HISTORY``
  added back into the distribution.

Version 1.1.4

- The module works correctly in embedded Python.
- ``setproctitle()`` accepts a keyword argument.
- Debug output support always compiled in: the variable ``SPT_DEBUG`` can be
  used to emit debug log.

Version 1.1.3

- Don't clobber environ if the variable ``SPT_NOENV`` is set (issue #16).

Version 1.1.2

- Find the setproctitle include file on OpenBSD (issue #11).
- Skip test with unicode if the file system encoding wouldn't make it pass
  (issue #13).

Version 1.1.1

- Fixed segfault when the module is imported under mod_wsgi (issue #9).

Version 1.1

- The module works correctly with Python 3.

Version 1.0.1

- ``setproctitle()`` works even when Python messes up with argv, e.g. when run
  with the -m option (issue #8).

Version 1.0

No major change since the previous version.  The module has been heavily used
in production environment without any problem reported, so it's time to declare
it stable.

Version 0.4

- Module works on BSD (tested on FreeBSD 7.2).

- Module works on Windows. Many thanks to `Develer`_ for providing a neat `GCC
  package for Windows with Python integration`__ that made the Windows porting

  .. _Develer: http://www.develer.com/
  .. __: http://www.develer.com/oss/GccWinBinaries

Version 0.3

- Module works on Mac OS X 10.2. Reported working on OS X 10.6 too.

Version 0.2

- Added ``prctl()`` call on Linux >= 2.6.9 to update ``/proc/self/status``.

Version 0.1

- Initial public release.