cdef class UVHandle:
uv.uv_handle_t *_handle
Loop _loop
readonly _source_traceback
bint _closed
bint _inited
# Added to enable current UDPTransport implementation,
# which doesn't use libuv handles.
bint _has_handle
# All "inline" methods are final
cdef inline _start_init(self, Loop loop)
cdef inline _abort_init(self)
cdef inline _finish_init(self)
cdef inline bint _is_alive(self)
cdef inline _ensure_alive(self)
cdef _error(self, exc, throw)
cdef _fatal_error(self, exc, throw, reason=?)
cdef _warn_unclosed(self)
cdef _dealloc_impl(self)
cdef _free(self)
cdef _close(self)
cdef class UVSocketHandle(UVHandle):
# Points to a Python file-object that should be closed
# when the transport is closing. Used by pipes. This
# should probably be refactored somehow.
object _fileobj
object __cached_socket
# All "inline" methods are final
cdef _fileno(self)
cdef _new_socket(self)
cdef inline _get_socket(self)
cdef inline _attach_fileobj(self, object file)
cdef _open(self, int sockfd)