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Version: 0.14.1 

/ _memmapping_reducer.py

Reducer using memory mapping for numpy arrays
# Author: Thomas Moreau <thomas.moreau.2010@gmail.com>
# Copyright: 2017, Thomas Moreau
# License: BSD 3 clause

from mmap import mmap
import errno
import os
import stat
import threading
import atexit
import tempfile
import warnings
import weakref
from uuid import uuid4

except NameError:
    WindowsError = type(None)

from pickle import whichmodule
    # Python 2 compat
    from cPickle import loads
    from cPickle import dumps
except ImportError:
    from pickle import loads
    from pickle import dumps

from pickle import HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, PicklingError

    import numpy as np
    from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
except ImportError:
    np = None

from .numpy_pickle import load
from .numpy_pickle import dump
from .backports import make_memmap
from .disk import delete_folder

# Some system have a ramdisk mounted by default, we can use it instead of /tmp
# as the default folder to dump big arrays to share with subprocesses.

# Minimal number of bytes available on SYSTEM_SHARED_MEM_FS to consider using
# it as the default folder to dump big arrays to share with subprocesses.

# Folder and file permissions to chmod temporary files generated by the
# memmapping pool. Only the owner of the Python process can access the
# temporary files and folder.

class _WeakArrayKeyMap:
    """A variant of weakref.WeakKeyDictionary for unhashable numpy arrays.

    This datastructure will be used with numpy arrays as obj keys, therefore we
    do not use the __get__ / __set__ methods to avoid any conflict with the
    numpy fancy indexing syntax.

    def __init__(self):
        self._data = {}

    def get(self, obj):
        ref, val = self._data[id(obj)]
        if ref() is not obj:
            # In case of race condition with on_destroy: could never be
            # triggered by the joblib tests with CPython.
            raise KeyError(obj)
        return val

    def set(self, obj, value):
        key = id(obj)
            ref, _ = self._data[key]
            if ref() is not obj:
                # In case of race condition with on_destroy: could never be
                # triggered by the joblib tests with CPython.
                raise KeyError(obj)
        except KeyError:
            # Insert the new entry in the mapping along with a weakref
            # callback to automatically delete the entry from the mapping
            # as soon as the object used as key is garbage collected.
            def on_destroy(_):
                del self._data[key]
            ref = weakref.ref(obj, on_destroy)
        self._data[key] = ref, value

    def __getstate__(self):
        raise PicklingError("_WeakArrayKeyMap is not pickleable")

# Support for efficient transient pickling of numpy data structures

def _get_backing_memmap(a):
    """Recursively look up the original np.memmap instance base if any."""
    b = getattr(a, 'base', None)
    if b is None:
        # TODO: check scipy sparse datastructure if scipy is installed
        # a nor its descendants do not have a memmap base
        return None

    elif isinstance(b, mmap):
        # a is already a real memmap instance.
        return a

        # Recursive exploration of the base ancestry
        return _get_backing_memmap(b)

def _get_temp_dir(pool_folder_name, temp_folder=None):
    """Get the full path to a subfolder inside the temporary folder.

    pool_folder_name : str
        Sub-folder name used for the serialization of a pool instance.

    temp_folder: str, optional
        Folder to be used by the pool for memmapping large arrays
        for sharing memory with worker processes. If None, this will try in

        - a folder pointed by the JOBLIB_TEMP_FOLDER environment
        - /dev/shm if the folder exists and is writable: this is a
          RAMdisk filesystem available by default on modern Linux
        - the default system temporary folder that can be
          overridden with TMP, TMPDIR or TEMP environment
          variables, typically /tmp under Unix operating systems.

    pool_folder : str
       full path to the temporary folder
    use_shared_mem : bool
       whether the temporary folder is written to the system shared memory
       folder or some other temporary folder.
    use_shared_mem = False
    if temp_folder is None:
        temp_folder = os.environ.get('JOBLIB_TEMP_FOLDER', None)
    if temp_folder is None:
        if os.path.exists(SYSTEM_SHARED_MEM_FS):
                shm_stats = os.statvfs(SYSTEM_SHARED_MEM_FS)
                available_nbytes = shm_stats.f_bsize * shm_stats.f_bavail
                if available_nbytes > SYSTEM_SHARED_MEM_FS_MIN_SIZE:
                    # Try to see if we have write access to the shared mem
                    # folder only if it is reasonably large (that is 2GB or
                    # more).
                    temp_folder = SYSTEM_SHARED_MEM_FS
                    pool_folder = os.path.join(temp_folder, pool_folder_name)
                    if not os.path.exists(pool_folder):
                    use_shared_mem = True
            except (IOError, OSError):
                # Missing rights in the /dev/shm partition, fallback to regular
                # temp folder.
                temp_folder = None
    if temp_folder is None:
        # Fallback to the default tmp folder, typically /tmp
        temp_folder = tempfile.gettempdir()
    temp_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(temp_folder))
    pool_folder = os.path.join(temp_folder, pool_folder_name)
    return pool_folder, use_shared_mem

def has_shareable_memory(a):
    """Return True if a is backed by some mmap buffer directly or not."""
    return _get_backing_memmap(a) is not None

def _strided_from_memmap(filename, dtype, mode, offset, order, shape, strides,
    """Reconstruct an array view on a memory mapped file."""
    if mode == 'w+':
        # Do not zero the original data when unpickling
        mode = 'r+'

    if strides is None:
        # Simple, contiguous memmap
        return make_memmap(filename, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, mode=mode,
                           offset=offset, order=order)
        # For non-contiguous data, memmap the total enclosing buffer and then
        # extract the non-contiguous view with the stride-tricks API
        base = make_memmap(filename, dtype=dtype, shape=total_buffer_len,
                           mode=mode, offset=offset, order=order)
        return as_strided(base, shape=shape, strides=strides)

def _reduce_memmap_backed(a, m):
    """Pickling reduction for memmap backed arrays.

    a is expected to be an instance of np.ndarray (or np.memmap)
    m is expected to be an instance of np.memmap on the top of the ``base``
    attribute ancestry of a. ``m.base`` should be the real python mmap object.
    # offset that comes from the striding differences between a and m
    a_start, a_end = np.byte_bounds(a)
    m_start = np.byte_bounds(m)[0]
    offset = a_start - m_start

    # offset from the backing memmap
    offset += m.offset

    if m.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']:
        order = 'F'
        # The backing memmap buffer is necessarily contiguous hence C if not
        # Fortran
        order = 'C'

    if a.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] or a.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
        # If the array is a contiguous view, no need to pass the strides
        strides = None
        total_buffer_len = None
        # Compute the total number of items to map from which the strided
        # view will be extracted.
        strides = a.strides
        total_buffer_len = (a_end - a_start) // a.itemsize
    return (_strided_from_memmap,
            (m.filename, a.dtype, m.mode, offset, order, a.shape, strides,

def reduce_memmap(a):
    """Pickle the descriptors of a memmap instance to reopen on same file."""
    m = _get_backing_memmap(a)
    if m is not None:
        # m is a real mmap backed memmap instance, reduce a preserving striding
        # information
        return _reduce_memmap_backed(a, m)
        # This memmap instance is actually backed by a regular in-memory
        # buffer: this can happen when using binary operators on numpy.memmap
        # instances
        return (loads, (dumps(np.asarray(a), protocol=HIGHEST_PROTOCOL),))

class ArrayMemmapReducer(object):
    """Reducer callable to dump large arrays to memmap files.

    max_nbytes: int
        Threshold to trigger memmapping of large arrays to files created
        a folder.
    temp_folder: str
        Path of a folder where files for backing memmapped arrays are created.
    mmap_mode: 'r', 'r+' or 'c'
        Mode for the created memmap datastructure. See the documentation of
        numpy.memmap for more details. Note: 'w+' is coerced to 'r+'
        automatically to avoid zeroing the data on unpickling.
    verbose: int, optional, 0 by default
        If verbose > 0, memmap creations are logged.
        If verbose > 1, both memmap creations, reuse and array pickling are
    prewarm: bool, optional, False by default.
        Force a read on newly memmapped array to make sure that OS pre-cache it
        memory. This can be useful to avoid concurrent disk access when the
        same data array is passed to different worker processes.

    def __init__(self, max_nbytes, temp_folder, mmap_mode, verbose=0,
        self._max_nbytes = max_nbytes
        self._temp_folder = temp_folder
        self._mmap_mode = mmap_mode
        self.verbose = int(verbose)
        self._prewarm = prewarm
        self._memmaped_arrays = _WeakArrayKeyMap()

    def __reduce__(self):
        # The ArrayMemmapReducer is passed to the children processes: it needs
        # to be pickled but the _WeakArrayKeyMap need to be skipped as it's
        # only guaranteed to be consistent with the parent process memory
        # garbage collection.
        args = (self._max_nbytes, self._temp_folder, self._mmap_mode)
        kwargs = {
            'verbose': self.verbose,
            'prewarm': self._prewarm,
        return ArrayMemmapReducer, args, kwargs

    def __call__(self, a):
        m = _get_backing_memmap(a)
        if m is not None and isinstance(m, np.memmap):
            # a is already backed by a memmap file, let's reuse it directly
            return _reduce_memmap_backed(a, m)

        if (not a.dtype.hasobject and self._max_nbytes is not None and
                a.nbytes > self._max_nbytes):
            # check that the folder exists (lazily create the pool temp folder
            # if required)
                os.chmod(self._temp_folder, FOLDER_PERMISSIONS)
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                    raise e

                basename = self._memmaped_arrays.get(a)
            except KeyError:
                # Generate a new unique random filename. The process and thread
                # ids are only useful for debugging purpose and to make it
                # easier to cleanup orphaned files in case of hard process
                # kill (e.g. by "kill -9" or segfault).
                basename = "{}-{}-{}.pkl".format(
                    os.getpid(), id(threading.current_thread()), uuid4().hex)
                self._memmaped_arrays.set(a, basename)
            filename = os.path.join(self._temp_folder, basename)

            # In case the same array with the same content is passed several
            # times to the pool subprocess children, serialize it only once

            # XXX: implement an explicit reference counting scheme to make it
            # possible to delete temporary files as soon as the workers are
            # done processing this data.
            if not os.path.exists(filename):
                if self.verbose > 0:
                    print("Memmapping (shape={}, dtype={}) to new file {}"
                          .format(a.shape, a.dtype, filename))
                for dumped_filename in dump(a, filename):
                    os.chmod(dumped_filename, FILE_PERMISSIONS)

                if self._prewarm:
                    # Warm up the data by accessing it. This operation ensures
                    # that the disk access required to create the memmapping
                    # file are performed in the reducing process and avoids
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