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/ test / common.py

Small utilities for testing.
import threading
import signal
import time
import os
import sys
import gc

from joblib._compat import PY3_OR_LATER
from joblib._multiprocessing_helpers import mp
from joblib.testing import SkipTest, skipif

    import lz4
except ImportError:
    lz4 = None

# A decorator to run tests only when numpy is available
    import numpy as np

    def with_numpy(func):
        """A decorator to skip tests requiring numpy."""
        return func

except ImportError:
    def with_numpy(func):
        """A decorator to skip tests requiring numpy."""
        def my_func():
            raise SkipTest('Test requires numpy')
        return my_func
    np = None

# TODO: Turn this back on after refactoring yield based tests in test_hashing
# with_numpy = skipif(not np, reason='Test requires numpy.')

# we use memory_profiler library for memory consumption checks
    from memory_profiler import memory_usage

    def with_memory_profiler(func):
        """A decorator to skip tests requiring memory_profiler."""
        return func

    def memory_used(func, *args, **kwargs):
        """Compute memory usage when executing func."""
        mem_use = memory_usage((func, args, kwargs), interval=.001)
        return max(mem_use) - min(mem_use)

except ImportError:
    def with_memory_profiler(func):
        """A decorator to skip tests requiring memory_profiler."""
        def dummy_func():
            raise SkipTest('Test requires memory_profiler.')
        return dummy_func

    memory_usage = memory_used = None

# A utility to kill the test runner in case a multiprocessing assumption
# triggers an infinite wait on a pipe by the master process for one of its
# failed workers


def setup_autokill(module_name, timeout=30):
    """Timeout based suiciding thread to kill the test runner process

    If some subprocess dies in an unexpected way we don't want the
    parent process to block indefinitely.
    if "NO_AUTOKILL" in os.environ or "--pdb" in sys.argv:
        # Do not install the autokiller

    # Renew any previous contract under that name by first cancelling the
    # previous version (that should normally not happen in practice)

    def autokill():
        pid = os.getpid()
        print("Timeout exceeded: terminating stalled process: %d" % pid)
        os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)

        # If were are still there ask the OS to kill ourself for real
        print("Timeout exceeded: killing stalled process: %d" % pid)
        os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)

    _KILLER_THREADS[module_name] = t = threading.Timer(timeout, autokill)

def teardown_autokill(module_name):
    """Cancel a previously started killer thread"""
    killer = _KILLER_THREADS.get(module_name)
    if killer is not None:

with_multiprocessing = skipif(
    mp is None, reason='Needs multiprocessing to run.')

with_dev_shm = skipif(
    not os.path.exists('/dev/shm'),
    reason='This test requires a large /dev/shm shared memory fs.')

with_lz4 = skipif(
    lz4 is None or not PY3_OR_LATER, reason='Needs lz4 compression to run')

without_lz4 = skipif(
    lz4 is not None, reason='Needs lz4 not being installed to run')