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/ cluster / tests / test_optics.py

# Authors: Shane Grigsby <refuge@rocktalus.com>
#          Adrin Jalali <adrin.jalali@gmail.com>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
import pytest

from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
from sklearn.cluster import OPTICS
from sklearn.cluster._optics import _extend_region, _extract_xi_labels
from sklearn.metrics.cluster import contingency_matrix
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.utils._testing import assert_array_equal
from sklearn.utils._testing import assert_raise_message
from sklearn.utils._testing import assert_allclose

from sklearn.cluster.tests.common import generate_clustered_data

rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
n_points_per_cluster = 10
C1 = [-5, -2] + .8 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
C2 = [4, -1] + .1 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
C3 = [1, -2] + .2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
C4 = [-2, 3] + .3 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
C5 = [3, -2] + 1.6 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
C6 = [5, 6] + 2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
X = np.vstack((C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6))

    ('r_plot', 'end'),
    [[[10, 8.9, 8.8, 8.7, 7, 10], 3],
     [[10, 8.9, 8.8, 8.7, 8.6, 7, 10], 0],
     [[10, 8.9, 8.8, 8.7, 7, 6, np.inf], 4],
     [[10, 8.9, 8.8, 8.7, 7, 6, np.inf], 4],
def test_extend_downward(r_plot, end):
    r_plot = np.array(r_plot)
    ratio = r_plot[:-1] / r_plot[1:]
    steep_downward = ratio >= 1 / .9
    upward = ratio < 1

    e = _extend_region(steep_downward, upward, 0, 2)
    assert e == end

    ('r_plot', 'end'),
    [[[1, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 4, 8, 8, np.inf], 6],
     [[1, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 4, 8, 8, np.inf], 0],
     [[1, 2, 2.1, 2, np.inf], 0],
     [[1, 2, 2.1, np.inf], 2],
def test_extend_upward(r_plot, end):
    r_plot = np.array(r_plot)
    ratio = r_plot[:-1] / r_plot[1:]
    steep_upward = ratio <= .9
    downward = ratio > 1

    e = _extend_region(steep_upward, downward, 0, 2)
    assert e == end

    ('ordering', 'clusters', 'expected'),
    [[[0, 1, 2, 3], [[0, 1], [2, 3]], [0, 0, 1, 1]],
     [[0, 1, 2, 3], [[0, 1], [3, 3]], [0, 0, -1, 1]],
     [[0, 1, 2, 3], [[0, 1], [3, 3], [0, 3]], [0, 0, -1, 1]],
     [[3, 1, 2, 0], [[0, 1], [3, 3], [0, 3]], [1, 0, -1, 0]],
def test_the_extract_xi_labels(ordering, clusters, expected):
    labels = _extract_xi_labels(ordering, clusters)

    assert_array_equal(labels, expected)

def test_extract_xi():
    # small and easy test (no clusters around other clusters)
    # but with a clear noise data.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    n_points_per_cluster = 5

    C1 = [-5, -2] + .8 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C2 = [4, -1] + .1 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C3 = [1, -2] + .2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C4 = [-2, 3] + .3 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C5 = [3, -2] + .6 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C6 = [5, 6] + .2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)

    X = np.vstack((C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, np.array([[100, 100]]), C6))
    expected_labels = np.r_[[2] * 5, [0] * 5, [1] * 5, [3] * 5, [1] * 5,
                            -1, [4] * 5]
    X, expected_labels = shuffle(X, expected_labels, random_state=rng)

    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=3, min_cluster_size=2,
                   max_eps=20, cluster_method='xi',
    assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, expected_labels)

    # check float min_samples and min_cluster_size
    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=0.1, min_cluster_size=0.08,
                   max_eps=20, cluster_method='xi',
    assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, expected_labels)

    X = np.vstack((C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, np.array([[100, 100]] * 2), C6))
    expected_labels = np.r_[[1] * 5, [3] * 5, [2] * 5, [0] * 5, [2] * 5,
                            -1, -1, [4] * 5]
    X, expected_labels = shuffle(X, expected_labels, random_state=rng)

    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=3, min_cluster_size=3,
                   max_eps=20, cluster_method='xi',
    # this may fail if the predecessor correction is not at work!
    assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, expected_labels)

    C1 = [[0, 0], [0, 0.1], [0, -.1], [0.1, 0]]
    C2 = [[10, 10], [10, 9], [10, 11], [9, 10]]
    C3 = [[100, 100], [100, 90], [100, 110], [90, 100]]
    X = np.vstack((C1, C2, C3))
    expected_labels = np.r_[[0] * 4, [1] * 4, [2] * 4]
    X, expected_labels = shuffle(X, expected_labels, random_state=rng)

    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=2, min_cluster_size=2,
                   max_eps=np.inf, cluster_method='xi',
    assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, expected_labels)

def test_cluster_hierarchy_():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    n_points_per_cluster = 100
    C1 = [0, 0] + 2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C2 = [0, 0] + 50 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    X = np.vstack((C1, C2))
    X = shuffle(X, random_state=0)

    clusters = OPTICS(min_samples=20, xi=.1).fit(X).cluster_hierarchy_
    assert clusters.shape == (2, 2)
    diff = np.sum(clusters - np.array([[0, 99], [0, 199]]))
    assert diff / len(X) < 0.05

def test_correct_number_of_clusters():
    # in 'auto' mode

    n_clusters = 3
    X = generate_clustered_data(n_clusters=n_clusters)
    # Parameters chosen specifically for this task.
    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 6.0, min_samples=4, xi=.1)
    # number of clusters, ignoring noise if present
    n_clusters_1 = len(set(clust.labels_)) - int(-1 in clust.labels_)
    assert n_clusters_1 == n_clusters

    # check attribute types and sizes
    assert clust.labels_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.labels_.dtype.kind == 'i'

    assert clust.reachability_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.reachability_.dtype.kind == 'f'

    assert clust.core_distances_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.core_distances_.dtype.kind == 'f'

    assert clust.ordering_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.ordering_.dtype.kind == 'i'
    assert set(clust.ordering_) == set(range(len(X)))

def test_minimum_number_of_sample_check():
    # test that we check a minimum number of samples
    msg = "min_samples must be no greater than"

    # Compute OPTICS
    X = [[1, 1]]
    clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 0.3, min_samples=10, min_cluster_size=1)

    # Run the fit
    assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, clust.fit, X)

def test_bad_extract():
    # Test an extraction of eps too close to original eps
    msg = "Specify an epsilon smaller than 0.15. Got 0.3."
    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 0.03,
                   eps=0.3, min_samples=10)
    assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, clust.fit, X)

def test_bad_reachability():
    msg = "All reachability values are inf. Set a larger max_eps."
    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=msg):
        clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 0.003, min_samples=10, eps=0.015)

def test_close_extract():
    # Test extract where extraction eps is close to scaled max_eps

    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_eps=1.0, cluster_method='dbscan',
                   eps=0.3, min_samples=10).fit(X)
    # Cluster ordering starts at 0; max cluster label = 2 is 3 clusters
    assert max(clust.labels_) == 2

@pytest.mark.parametrize('eps', [0.1, .3, .5])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('min_samples', [3, 10, 20])
def test_dbscan_optics_parity(eps, min_samples):
    # Test that OPTICS clustering labels are <= 5% difference of DBSCAN

    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    # calculate optics with dbscan extract at 0.3 epsilon
    op = OPTICS(min_samples=min_samples, cluster_method='dbscan',

    # calculate dbscan labels
    db = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples).fit(X)

    contingency = contingency_matrix(db.labels_, op.labels_)
    agree = min(np.sum(np.max(contingency, axis=0)),
                np.sum(np.max(contingency, axis=1)))
    disagree = X.shape[0] - agree

    percent_mismatch = np.round((disagree - 1) / X.shape[0], 2)

    # verify label mismatch is <= 5% labels
    assert percent_mismatch <= 0.05

def test_min_samples_edge_case():
    C1 = [[0, 0], [0, 0.1], [0, -.1]]
    C2 = [[10, 10], [10, 9], [10, 11]]
    C3 = [[100, 100], [100, 96], [100, 106]]
    X = np.vstack((C1, C2, C3))

    expected_labels = np.r_[[0] * 3, [1] * 3, [2] * 3]
    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=3,
                   max_eps=7, cluster_method='xi',
    assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, expected_labels)

    expected_labels = np.r_[[0] * 3, [1] * 3, [-1] * 3]
    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=3,
                   max_eps=3, cluster_method='xi',
    assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, expected_labels)

    expected_labels = np.r_[[-1] * 9]
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="All reachability values"):
        clust = OPTICS(min_samples=4,
                       max_eps=3, cluster_method='xi',
        assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, expected_labels)

# try arbitrary minimum sizes
@pytest.mark.parametrize('min_cluster_size', range(2, X.shape[0] // 10, 23))
def test_min_cluster_size(min_cluster_size):
    redX = X[::2]  # reduce for speed
    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=9, min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size).fit(redX)
    cluster_sizes = np.bincount(clust.labels_[clust.labels_ != -1])
    if cluster_sizes.size:
        assert min(cluster_sizes) >= min_cluster_size
    # check behaviour is the same when min_cluster_size is a fraction
    clust_frac = OPTICS(min_samples=9,
                        min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size / redX.shape[0])
    assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, clust_frac.labels_)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('min_cluster_size', [0, -1, 1.1, 2.2])
def test_min_cluster_size_invalid(min_cluster_size):
    clust = OPTICS(min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a positive integer or a "):

def test_min_cluster_size_invalid2():
    clust = OPTICS(min_cluster_size=len(X) + 1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be no greater than the "):

def test_processing_order():
    # Ensure that we consider all unprocessed points,
    # not only direct neighbors. when picking the next point.
    Y = [[0], [10], [-10], [25]]
    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=3, max_eps=15).fit(Y)
    assert_array_equal(clust.reachability_, [np.inf, 10, 10, 15])
    assert_array_equal(clust.core_distances_, [10, 15, np.inf, np.inf])
    assert_array_equal(clust.ordering_, [0, 1, 2, 3])

def test_compare_to_ELKI():
    # Expected values, computed with (future) ELKI 0.7.5 using:
    # java -jar elki.jar cli -dbc.in csv -dbc.filter FixedDBIDsFilter
    #   -algorithm clustering.optics.OPTICSHeap -optics.minpts 5
    # where the FixedDBIDsFilter gives 0-indexed ids.
    r1 = [np.inf, 1.0574896366427478, 0.7587934993548423, 0.7290174038973836,
          0.7290174038973836, 0.7290174038973836, 0.6861627576116127,
          0.7587934993548423, 0.9280118450166668, 1.1748022534146194,
          3.3355455741292257, 0.49618389254482587, 0.2552805046961355,
          0.2552805046961355, 0.24944622248445714, 0.24944622248445714,
          0.24944622248445714, 0.2552805046961355, 0.2552805046961355,
          0.3086779122185853, 4.163024452756142, 1.623152630340929,
          0.45315840475822655, 0.25468325192031926, 0.2254004358159971,
          0.18765711877083036, 0.1821471333893275, 0.1821471333893275,
          0.18765711877083036, 0.18765711877083036, 0.2240202988740153,
          1.154337614548715, 1.342604473837069, 1.323308536402633,
          0.8607514948648837, 0.27219111215810565, 0.13260875220533205,
          0.13260875220533205, 0.09890587675958984, 0.09890587675958984,
          0.13548790801634494, 0.1575483940837384, 0.17515137170530226,
          0.17575920159442388, 0.27219111215810565, 0.6101447895405373,
          1.3189208094864302, 1.323308536402633, 2.2509184159764577,
          2.4517810628594527, 3.675977064404973, 3.8264795626020365,
          2.9130735341510614, 2.9130735341510614, 2.9130735341510614,
          2.9130735341510614, 2.8459300127258036, 2.8459300127258036,
          2.8459300127258036, 3.0321982337972537]
    o1 = [0, 3, 6, 4, 7, 8, 2, 9, 5, 1, 31, 30, 32, 34, 33, 38, 39, 35, 37, 36,
          44, 21, 23, 24, 22, 25, 27, 29, 26, 28, 20, 40, 45, 46, 10, 15, 11,
          13, 17, 19, 18, 12, 16, 14, 47, 49, 43, 48, 42, 41, 53, 57, 51, 52,
          56, 59, 54, 55, 58, 50]
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