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/ feature_extraction / image.py

The :mod:`sklearn.feature_extraction.image` submodule gathers utilities to
extract features from images.

# Authors: Emmanuelle Gouillart <emmanuelle.gouillart@normalesup.org>
#          Gael Varoquaux <gael.varoquaux@normalesup.org>
#          Olivier Grisel
#          Vlad Niculae
# License: BSD 3 clause

from itertools import product
import numbers
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided

from ..utils import check_array, check_random_state, deprecated
from ..utils.validation import _deprecate_positional_args
from ..base import BaseEstimator

__all__ = ['PatchExtractor',

# From an image to a graph

def _make_edges_3d(n_x, n_y, n_z=1):
    """Returns a list of edges for a 3D image.

    n_x : int
        The size of the grid in the x direction.
    n_y : int
        The size of the grid in the y direction.
    n_z : integer, default=1
        The size of the grid in the z direction, defaults to 1
    vertices = np.arange(n_x * n_y * n_z).reshape((n_x, n_y, n_z))
    edges_deep = np.vstack((vertices[:, :, :-1].ravel(),
                            vertices[:, :, 1:].ravel()))
    edges_right = np.vstack((vertices[:, :-1].ravel(),
                             vertices[:, 1:].ravel()))
    edges_down = np.vstack((vertices[:-1].ravel(), vertices[1:].ravel()))
    edges = np.hstack((edges_deep, edges_right, edges_down))
    return edges

def _compute_gradient_3d(edges, img):
    _, n_y, n_z = img.shape
    gradient = np.abs(img[edges[0] // (n_y * n_z),
                      (edges[0] % (n_y * n_z)) // n_z,
                      (edges[0] % (n_y * n_z)) % n_z] -
                      img[edges[1] // (n_y * n_z),
                      (edges[1] % (n_y * n_z)) // n_z,
                      (edges[1] % (n_y * n_z)) % n_z])
    return gradient

# XXX: Why mask the image after computing the weights?

def _mask_edges_weights(mask, edges, weights=None):
    """Apply a mask to edges (weighted or not)"""
    inds = np.arange(mask.size)
    inds = inds[mask.ravel()]
    ind_mask = np.logical_and(np.in1d(edges[0], inds),
                              np.in1d(edges[1], inds))
    edges = edges[:, ind_mask]
    if weights is not None:
        weights = weights[ind_mask]
    if len(edges.ravel()):
        maxval = edges.max()
        maxval = 0
    order = np.searchsorted(np.unique(edges.ravel()), np.arange(maxval + 1))
    edges = order[edges]
    if weights is None:
        return edges
        return edges, weights

def _to_graph(n_x, n_y, n_z, mask=None, img=None,
              return_as=sparse.coo_matrix, dtype=None):
    """Auxiliary function for img_to_graph and grid_to_graph
    edges = _make_edges_3d(n_x, n_y, n_z)

    if dtype is None:
        if img is None:
            dtype = np.int
            dtype = img.dtype

    if img is not None:
        img = np.atleast_3d(img)
        weights = _compute_gradient_3d(edges, img)
        if mask is not None:
            edges, weights = _mask_edges_weights(mask, edges, weights)
            diag = img.squeeze()[mask]
            diag = img.ravel()
        n_voxels = diag.size
        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask.astype(dtype=np.bool, copy=False)
            mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=np.bool)
            edges = _mask_edges_weights(mask, edges)
            n_voxels = np.sum(mask)
            n_voxels = n_x * n_y * n_z
        weights = np.ones(edges.shape[1], dtype=dtype)
        diag = np.ones(n_voxels, dtype=dtype)

    diag_idx = np.arange(n_voxels)
    i_idx = np.hstack((edges[0], edges[1]))
    j_idx = np.hstack((edges[1], edges[0]))
    graph = sparse.coo_matrix((np.hstack((weights, weights, diag)),
                              (np.hstack((i_idx, diag_idx)),
                               np.hstack((j_idx, diag_idx)))),
                              (n_voxels, n_voxels),
    if return_as is np.ndarray:
        return graph.toarray()
    return return_as(graph)

def img_to_graph(img, *, mask=None, return_as=sparse.coo_matrix, dtype=None):
    """Graph of the pixel-to-pixel gradient connections

    Edges are weighted with the gradient values.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <image_feature_extraction>`.

    img : ndarray of shape (height, width) or (height, width, channel)
        2D or 3D image.
    mask : ndarray of shape (height, width) or \
            (height, width, channel), dtype=bool, default=None
        An optional mask of the image, to consider only part of the
    return_as : np.ndarray or a sparse matrix class, \
        The class to use to build the returned adjacency matrix.
    dtype : dtype, default=None
        The data of the returned sparse matrix. By default it is the
        dtype of img

    For scikit-learn versions 0.14.1 and prior, return_as=np.ndarray was
    handled by returning a dense np.matrix instance.  Going forward, np.ndarray
    returns an np.ndarray, as expected.

    For compatibility, user code relying on this method should wrap its
    calls in ``np.asarray`` to avoid type issues.
    img = np.atleast_3d(img)
    n_x, n_y, n_z = img.shape
    return _to_graph(n_x, n_y, n_z, mask, img, return_as, dtype)

def grid_to_graph(n_x, n_y, n_z=1, *, mask=None, return_as=sparse.coo_matrix,
    """Graph of the pixel-to-pixel connections

    Edges exist if 2 voxels are connected.

    n_x : int
        Dimension in x axis
    n_y : int
        Dimension in y axis
    n_z : int, default=1
        Dimension in z axis
    mask : ndarray of shape (n_x, n_y, n_z), dtype=bool, default=None
        An optional mask of the image, to consider only part of the
    return_as : np.ndarray or a sparse matrix class, \
        The class to use to build the returned adjacency matrix.
    dtype : dtype, default=int
        The data of the returned sparse matrix. By default it is int

    For scikit-learn versions 0.14.1 and prior, return_as=np.ndarray was
    handled by returning a dense np.matrix instance.  Going forward, np.ndarray
    returns an np.ndarray, as expected.

    For compatibility, user code relying on this method should wrap its
    calls in ``np.asarray`` to avoid type issues.
    return _to_graph(n_x, n_y, n_z, mask=mask, return_as=return_as,

# From an image to a set of small image patches

def _compute_n_patches(i_h, i_w, p_h, p_w, max_patches=None):
    """Compute the number of patches that will be extracted in an image.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <image_feature_extraction>`.

    i_h : int
        The image height
    i_w : int
        The image with
    p_h : int
        The height of a patch
    p_w : int
        The width of a patch
    max_patches : int or float, default=None
        The maximum number of patches to extract. If max_patches is a float
        between 0 and 1, it is taken to be a proportion of the total number
        of patches.
    n_h = i_h - p_h + 1
    n_w = i_w - p_w + 1
    all_patches = n_h * n_w

    if max_patches:
        if (isinstance(max_patches, (numbers.Integral))
                and max_patches < all_patches):
            return max_patches
        elif (isinstance(max_patches, (numbers.Integral))
              and max_patches >= all_patches):
            return all_patches
        elif (isinstance(max_patches, (numbers.Real))
                and 0 < max_patches < 1):
            return int(max_patches * all_patches)
            raise ValueError("Invalid value for max_patches: %r" % max_patches)
        return all_patches

def _extract_patches(arr, patch_shape=8, extraction_step=1):
    """Extracts patches of any n-dimensional array in place using strides.

    Given an n-dimensional array it will return a 2n-dimensional array with
    the first n dimensions indexing patch position and the last n indexing
    the patch content. This operation is immediate (O(1)). A reshape
    performed on the first n dimensions will cause numpy to copy data, leading
    to a list of extracted patches.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <image_feature_extraction>`.

    arr : ndarray
        n-dimensional array of which patches are to be extracted

    patch_shape : int or tuple of length arr.ndim.default=8
        Indicates the shape of the patches to be extracted. If an
        integer is given, the shape will be a hypercube of
        sidelength given by its value.

    extraction_step : int or tuple of length arr.ndim, default=1
        Indicates step size at which extraction shall be performed.
        If integer is given, then the step is uniform in all dimensions.

    patches : strided ndarray
        2n-dimensional array indexing patches on first n dimensions and
        containing patches on the last n dimensions. These dimensions
        are fake, but this way no data is copied. A simple reshape invokes
        a copying operation to obtain a list of patches:
        result.reshape([-1] + list(patch_shape))

    arr_ndim = arr.ndim

    if isinstance(patch_shape, numbers.Number):
        patch_shape = tuple([patch_shape] * arr_ndim)
    if isinstance(extraction_step, numbers.Number):
        extraction_step = tuple([extraction_step] * arr_ndim)

    patch_strides = arr.strides

    slices = tuple(slice(None, None, st) for st in extraction_step)
    indexing_strides = arr[slices].strides

    patch_indices_shape = ((np.array(arr.shape) - np.array(patch_shape)) //
                           np.array(extraction_step)) + 1

    shape = tuple(list(patch_indices_shape) + list(patch_shape))
    strides = tuple(list(indexing_strides) + list(patch_strides))

    patches = as_strided(arr, shape=shape, strides=strides)
    return patches

@deprecated("The function feature_extraction.image.extract_patches has been "
            "deprecated in 0.22 and will be removed in 0.24.")
def extract_patches(arr, patch_shape=8, extraction_step=1):
    """Extracts patches of any n-dimensional array in place using strides.

    Given an n-dimensional array it will return a 2n-dimensional array with
    the first n dimensions indexing patch position and the last n indexing
    the patch content. This operation is immediate (O(1)). A reshape
    performed on the first n dimensions will cause numpy to copy data, leading
    to a list of extracted patches.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <image_feature_extraction>`.

    arr : ndarray
        n-dimensional array of which patches are to be extracted

    patch_shape : int or tuple of length arr.ndim, default=8
        Indicates the shape of the patches to be extracted. If an
        integer is given, the shape will be a hypercube of
        sidelength given by its value.

    extraction_step : int or tuple of length arr.ndim, default=1
        Indicates step size at which extraction shall be performed.
        If integer is given, then the step is uniform in all dimensions.

    patches : strided ndarray
        2n-dimensional array indexing patches on first n dimensions and
        containing patches on the last n dimensions. These dimensions
        are fake, but this way no data is copied. A simple reshape invokes
        a copying operation to obtain a list of patches:
        result.reshape([-1] + list(patch_shape))
    return _extract_patches(arr, patch_shape=patch_shape,
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