import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_
from statsmodels.base.optimizer import (_fit_newton, _fit_nm,
_fit_bfgs, _fit_cg,
_fit_ncg, _fit_powell,
_fit_lbfgs, _fit_basinhopping)
fit_funcs = {
'newton': _fit_newton,
'nm': _fit_nm, # Nelder-Mead
'bfgs': _fit_bfgs,
'cg': _fit_cg,
'ncg': _fit_ncg,
'powell': _fit_powell,
'lbfgs': _fit_lbfgs,
'basinhopping': _fit_basinhopping,
def dummy_func(x):
return x**2
def dummy_score(x):
return 2.*x
def dummy_hess(x):
return [[2.]]
def test_full_output_false(reset_randomstate):
# newton needs f, score, start, fargs, kwargs
# bfgs needs f, score start, fargs, kwargs
# nm needs ""
# cg ""
# ncg ""
# powell ""
for method in fit_funcs:
func = fit_funcs[method]
if method == "newton":
xopt, retvals = func(dummy_func, dummy_score, [1], (), {},
hess=dummy_hess, full_output=False, disp=0)
xopt, retvals = func(dummy_func, dummy_score, [1], (), {},
full_output=False, disp=0)
assert_(retvals is None)
if method == "powell":
#NOTE: I think I reported this? Might be version/optimize API
# dependent
assert_(xopt.shape == () and xopt.size == 1)
assert_(len(xopt) == 1)
def test_full_output(reset_randomstate):
for method in fit_funcs:
func = fit_funcs[method]
if method == "newton":
xopt, retvals = func(dummy_func, dummy_score, [1], (), {},
hess=dummy_hess, full_output=True, disp=0)
xopt, retvals = func(dummy_func, dummy_score, [1], (), {},
full_output=True, disp=0)
assert_(retvals is not None)
assert_('converged' in retvals)
if method == "powell":
#NOTE: I think I reported this? Might be version/optimize API
# dependent
assert_(xopt.shape == () and xopt.size == 1)
assert_(len(xopt) == 1)