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Version: 0.11.1 

/ emplike / descriptive.py

Empirical likelihood inference on descriptive statistics

This module conducts hypothesis tests and constructs confidence
intervals for the mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis and correlation.

If matplotlib is installed, this module can also generate multivariate
confidence region plots as well as mean-variance contour plots.

See _OptFuncts docstring for technical details and optimization variable

General References:
Owen, A. (2001). "Empirical Likelihood." Chapman and Hall

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.stats import chi2, skew, kurtosis
from statsmodels.base.optimizer import _fit_newton
import itertools
from statsmodels.graphics import utils

def DescStat(endog):
    Returns an instance to conduct inference on descriptive statistics
    via empirical likelihood.  See DescStatUV and DescStatMV for more

    endog : ndarray
         Array of data

    Returns : DescStat instance
        If k=1, the function returns a univariate instance, DescStatUV.
        If k>1, the function returns a multivariate instance, DescStatMV.
    if endog.ndim == 1:
        endog = endog.reshape(len(endog), 1)
    if endog.shape[1] == 1:
        return DescStatUV(endog)
    if endog.shape[1] > 1:
        return DescStatMV(endog)

class _OptFuncts(object):
    A class that holds functions that are optimized/solved.

    The general setup of the class is simple.  Any method that starts with
    _opt_ creates a vector of estimating equations named est_vect such that
    np.dot(p, (est_vect))=0 where p is the weight on each
    observation as a 1 x n array and est_vect is n x k.  Then _modif_Newton is
    called to determine the optimal p by solving for the Lagrange multiplier
    (eta) in the profile likelihood maximization problem.  In the presence
    of nuisance parameters, _opt_ functions are  optimized over to profile
    out the nuisance parameters.

    Any method starting with _ci_limits calculates the log likelihood
    ratio for a specific value of a parameter and then subtracts a
    pre-specified critical value.  This is solved so that llr - crit = 0.

    def __init__(self, endog):

    def _log_star(self, eta, est_vect, weights, nobs):
        Transforms the log of observation probabilities in terms of the
        Lagrange multiplier to the log 'star' of the probabilities.

        eta : float
            Lagrange multiplier

        est_vect : ndarray (n,k)
            Estimating equations vector

        wts : nx1 array
            Observation weights

        data_star : ndarray
            The weighted logstar of the estimting equations

        This function is only a placeholder for the _fit_Newton.
        The function value is not used in optimization and the optimal value
        is disregarded when computing the log likelihood ratio.
        data_star = np.log(weights) + (np.sum(weights) +\
                                       np.dot(est_vect, eta))
        idx = data_star < 1. / nobs
        not_idx = ~idx
        nx = nobs * data_star[idx]
        data_star[idx] = np.log(1. / nobs) - 1.5 + nx * (2. - nx / 2)
        data_star[not_idx] = np.log(data_star[not_idx])
        return data_star

    def _hess(self, eta, est_vect, weights, nobs):
        Calculates the hessian of a weighted empirical likelihood

        eta : ndarray, (1,m)
            Lagrange multiplier in the profile likelihood maximization

        est_vect : ndarray (n,k)
            Estimating equations vector

        weights : 1darray
            Observation weights

        hess : m x m array
            Weighted hessian used in _wtd_modif_newton
        #eta = np.squeeze(eta)
        data_star_doub_prime = np.sum(weights) + np.dot(est_vect, eta)
        idx = data_star_doub_prime < 1. / nobs
        not_idx = ~idx
        data_star_doub_prime[idx] = - nobs ** 2
        data_star_doub_prime[not_idx] = - (data_star_doub_prime[not_idx]) ** -2
        wtd_dsdp = weights * data_star_doub_prime
        return np.dot(est_vect.T, wtd_dsdp[:, None] * est_vect)

    def _grad(self, eta, est_vect, weights, nobs):
        Calculates the gradient of a weighted empirical likelihood

        eta : ndarray, (1,m)
            Lagrange multiplier in the profile likelihood maximization

        est_vect : ndarray, (n,k)
            Estimating equations vector

        weights : 1darray
            Observation weights

        gradient : ndarray (m,1)
            The gradient used in _wtd_modif_newton
        #eta = np.squeeze(eta)
        data_star_prime = np.sum(weights) + np.dot(est_vect, eta)
        idx = data_star_prime < 1. / nobs
        not_idx = ~idx
        data_star_prime[idx] = nobs * (2 - nobs * data_star_prime[idx])
        data_star_prime[not_idx] = 1. / data_star_prime[not_idx]
        return np.dot(weights * data_star_prime, est_vect)

    def _modif_newton(self,  eta, est_vect, weights):
        Modified Newton's method for maximizing the log 'star' equation.  This
        function calls _fit_newton to find the optimal values of eta.

        eta : ndarray, (1,m)
            Lagrange multiplier in the profile likelihood maximization

        est_vect : ndarray, (n,k)
            Estimating equations vector

        weights : 1darray
            Observation weights

        params : 1xm array
            Lagrange multiplier that maximizes the log-likelihood
        nobs = len(est_vect)
        f = lambda x0: - np.sum(self._log_star(x0, est_vect, weights, nobs))
        grad = lambda x0: - self._grad(x0, est_vect, weights, nobs)
        hess = lambda x0: - self._hess(x0, est_vect, weights, nobs)
        kwds = {'tol': 1e-8}
        eta = eta.squeeze()
        res = _fit_newton(f, grad, eta, (), kwds, hess=hess, maxiter=50, \
        return res[0]

    def _find_eta(self, eta):
        Finding the root of sum(xi-h0)/(1+eta(xi-mu)) solves for
        eta when computing ELR for univariate mean.

        eta : float
            Lagrange multiplier in the empirical likelihood maximization

        llr : float
            n times the log likelihood value for a given value of eta
        return np.sum((self.endog - self.mu0) / \
              (1. + eta * (self.endog - self.mu0)))

    def _ci_limits_mu(self, mu):
        Calculates the difference between the log likelihood of mu_test and a
        specified critical value.

        mu : float
           Hypothesized value of the mean.

        diff : float
            The difference between the log likelihood value of mu0 and
            a specified value.
        return self.test_mean(mu)[0] - self.r0

    def _find_gamma(self, gamma):
        Finds gamma that satisfies
        sum(log(n * w(gamma))) - log(r0) = 0

        Used for confidence intervals for the mean

        gamma : float
            Lagrange multiplier when computing confidence interval

        diff : float
            The difference between the log-liklihood when the Lagrange
            multiplier is gamma and a pre-specified value
        denom = np.sum((self.endog - gamma) ** -1)
        new_weights = (self.endog - gamma) ** -1 / denom
        return -2 * np.sum(np.log(self.nobs * new_weights)) - \

    def _opt_var(self, nuisance_mu, pval=False):
        This is the function to be optimized over a nuisance mean parameter
        to determine the likelihood ratio for the variance

        nuisance_mu : float
            Value of a nuisance mean parameter

        llr : float
            Log likelihood of a pre-specified variance holding the nuisance
            parameter constant
        endog = self.endog
        nobs = self.nobs
        sig_data = ((endog - nuisance_mu) ** 2 \
                    - self.sig2_0)
        mu_data = (endog - nuisance_mu)
        est_vect = np.column_stack((mu_data, sig_data))
        eta_star = self._modif_newton(np.array([1. / nobs,
                                               1. / nobs]), est_vect,
                                                np.ones(nobs) * (1. / nobs))

        denom = 1 + np.dot(eta_star, est_vect.T)
        self.new_weights = 1. / nobs * 1. / denom
        llr = np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights))
        if pval:  # Used for contour plotting
            return chi2.sf(-2 * llr, 1)
        return -2 * llr

    def _ci_limits_var(self, var):
        Used to determine the confidence intervals for the variance.
        It calls test_var and when called by an optimizer,
        finds the value of sig2_0 that is chi2.ppf(significance-level)

        var_test : float
            Hypothesized value of the variance

        diff : float
            The difference between the log likelihood ratio at var_test and a
            pre-specified value.
        return self.test_var(var)[0] - self.r0

    def _opt_skew(self, nuis_params):
        Called by test_skew.  This function is optimized over
        nuisance parameters mu and sigma

        nuis_params : 1darray
            An array with a  nuisance mean and variance parameter

        llr : float
            The log likelihood ratio of a pre-specified skewness holding
            the nuisance parameters constant.
        endog = self.endog
        nobs = self.nobs
        mu_data = endog - nuis_params[0]
        sig_data = ((endog - nuis_params[0]) ** 2) - nuis_params[1]
        skew_data = ((((endog - nuis_params[0]) ** 3) /
                    (nuis_params[1] ** 1.5))) - self.skew0
        est_vect = np.column_stack((mu_data, sig_data, skew_data))
        eta_star = self._modif_newton(np.array([1. / nobs,
                                               1. / nobs,
                                               1. / nobs]), est_vect,
                                               np.ones(nobs) * (1. / nobs))
        denom = 1. + np.dot(eta_star, est_vect.T)
        self.new_weights = 1. / nobs * 1. / denom
        llr = np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights))
        return -2 * llr

    def _opt_kurt(self, nuis_params):
        Called by test_kurt.  This function is optimized over
        nuisance parameters mu and sigma

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