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Version: 0.11.1 

/ imputation / ros.py

Implementation of Regression on Order Statistics for imputing left-
censored (non-detect data)

Method described in *Nondetects and Data Analysis* by Dennis R.
Helsel (John Wiley, 2005) to estimate the left-censored (non-detect)
values of a dataset.

Author: Paul M. Hobson
Company: Geosyntec Consultants (Portland, OR)
Date: 2016-06-14


import warnings

import numpy
from scipy import stats
import pandas

def _ros_sort(df, observations, censorship, warn=False):
    This function prepares a dataframe for ROS.

    It sorts ascending with
    left-censored observations first. Censored observations larger than
    the maximum uncensored observations are removed from the dataframe.

    df : pandas.DataFrame

    observations : str
        Name of the column in the dataframe that contains observed
        values. Censored values should be set to the detection (upper)

    censorship : str
        Name of the column in the dataframe that indicates that a
        observation is left-censored. (i.e., True -> censored,
        False -> uncensored)

    sorted_df : pandas.DataFrame
        The sorted dataframe with all columns dropped except the
        observation and censorship columns.

    # separate uncensored data from censored data
    censored = df[df[censorship]].sort_values(observations, axis=0)
    uncensored = df[~df[censorship]].sort_values(observations, axis=0)

    if censored[observations].max() > uncensored[observations].max():
        censored = censored[censored[observations] <= uncensored[observations].max()]

        if warn:
            msg = ("Dropping censored observations greater than "
                   "the max uncensored observation.")

    return censored.append(uncensored)[[observations, censorship]].reset_index(drop=True)

def cohn_numbers(df, observations, censorship):
    Computes the Cohn numbers for the detection limits in the dataset.

    The Cohn Numbers are:

        - :math:`A_j =` the number of uncensored obs above the jth
        - :math:`B_j =` the number of observations (cen & uncen) below
          the jth threshold.
        - :math:`C_j =` the number of censored observations at the jth
        - :math:`\mathrm{PE}_j =` the probability of exceeding the jth
        - :math:`\mathrm{DL}_j =` the unique, sorted detection limits
        - :math:`\mathrm{DL}_{j+1} = \mathrm{DL}_j` shifted down a
          single index (row)

    dataframe : pandas.DataFrame

    observations : str
        Name of the column in the dataframe that contains observed
        values. Censored values should be set to the detection (upper)

    censorship : str
        Name of the column in the dataframe that indicates that a
        observation is left-censored. (i.e., True -> censored,
        False -> uncensored)

    cohn : pandas.DataFrame

    def nuncen_above(row):
        """ A, the number of uncensored obs above the given threshold.

        # index of observations above the lower_dl DL
        above = df[observations] >= row['lower_dl']

        # index of observations below the upper_dl DL
        below = df[observations] < row['upper_dl']

        # index of non-detect observations
        detect = ~df[censorship]

        # return the number of observations where all conditions are True
        return df[above & below & detect].shape[0]

    def nobs_below(row):
        """ B, the number of observations (cen & uncen) below the given

        # index of data less than the lower_dl DL
        less_than = df[observations] < row['lower_dl']

        # index of data less than or equal to the lower_dl DL
        less_thanequal = df[observations] <= row['lower_dl']

        # index of detects, non-detects
        uncensored = ~df[censorship]
        censored = df[censorship]

        # number observations less than or equal to lower_dl DL and non-detect
        LTE_censored = df[less_thanequal & censored].shape[0]

        # number of observations less than lower_dl DL and detected
        LT_uncensored = df[less_than & uncensored].shape[0]

        # return the sum
        return LTE_censored + LT_uncensored

    def ncen_equal(row):
        """ C, the number of censored observations at the given

        censored_index = df[censorship]
        censored_data = df[observations][censored_index]
        censored_below = censored_data == row['lower_dl']
        return censored_below.sum()

    def set_upper_limit(cohn):
        """ Sets the upper_dl DL for each row of the Cohn dataframe. """
        if cohn.shape[0] > 1:
            return cohn['lower_dl'].shift(-1).fillna(value=numpy.inf)
            return [numpy.inf]

    def compute_PE(A, B):
        """ Computes the probability of excedance for each row of the
        Cohn dataframe. """
        N = len(A)
        PE = numpy.empty(N, dtype='float64')
        PE[-1] = 0.0
        for j in range(N-2, -1, -1):
            PE[j] = PE[j+1] + (1 - PE[j+1]) * A[j] / (A[j] + B[j])

        return PE

    # unique, sorted detection limts
    censored_data = df[censorship]
    DLs = pandas.unique(df.loc[censored_data, observations])

    # if there is a observations smaller than the minimum detection limit,
    # add that value to the array
    if DLs.shape[0] > 0:
        if df[observations].min() < DLs.min():
            DLs = numpy.hstack([df[observations].min(), DLs])

        # create a dataframe
        # (editted for pandas 0.14 compatibility; see commit 63f162e
        #  when `pipe` and `assign` are available)
        cohn = pandas.DataFrame(DLs, columns=['lower_dl'])
        cohn.loc[:, 'upper_dl'] = set_upper_limit(cohn)
        cohn.loc[:, 'nuncen_above'] = cohn.apply(nuncen_above, axis=1)
        cohn.loc[:, 'nobs_below'] = cohn.apply(nobs_below, axis=1)
        cohn.loc[:, 'ncen_equal'] = cohn.apply(ncen_equal, axis=1)
        cohn = cohn.reindex(range(DLs.shape[0] + 1))
        cohn.loc[:, 'prob_exceedance'] = compute_PE(cohn['nuncen_above'], cohn['nobs_below'])

        dl_cols = ['lower_dl', 'upper_dl', 'nuncen_above',
                   'nobs_below', 'ncen_equal', 'prob_exceedance']
        cohn = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.empty((0, len(dl_cols))), columns=dl_cols)

    return cohn

def _detection_limit_index(obs, cohn):
    Locates the corresponding detection limit for each observation.

    Basically, creates an array of indices for the detection limits
    (Cohn numbers) corresponding to each data point.

    obs : float
        A single observation from the larger dataset.

    cohn : pandas.DataFrame
        DataFrame of Cohn numbers.

    det_limit_index : int
        The index of the corresponding detection limit in `cohn`

    See Also

    if cohn.shape[0] > 0:
        index, = numpy.where(cohn['lower_dl'] <= obs)
        det_limit_index = index[-1]
        det_limit_index = 0

    return det_limit_index

def _ros_group_rank(df, dl_idx, censorship):
    Ranks each observation within the data groups.

    In this case, the groups are defined by the record's detection
    limit index and censorship status.

    df : pandas.DataFrame

    dl_idx : str
        Name of the column in the dataframe the index of the
        observations' corresponding detection limit in the `cohn`

    censorship : str
        Name of the column in the dataframe that indicates that a
        observation is left-censored. (i.e., True -> censored,
        False -> uncensored)

    ranks : numpy.array
        Array of ranks for the dataset.

    # (editted for pandas 0.14 compatibility; see commit 63f162e
    #  when `pipe` and `assign` are available)
    ranks = df.copy()
    ranks.loc[:, 'rank'] = 1
    ranks = (
        ranks.groupby(by=[dl_idx, censorship])['rank']
             .transform(lambda g: g.cumsum())
    return ranks

def _ros_plot_pos(row, censorship, cohn):
    ROS-specific plotting positions.

    Computes the plotting position for an observation based on its rank,
    censorship status, and detection limit index.

    row : pandas.Series or dict-like
        Full observation (row) from a censored dataset. Requires a
        'rank', 'detection_limit', and `censorship` column.

    censorship : str
        Name of the column in the dataframe that indicates that a
        observation is left-censored. (i.e., True -> censored,
        False -> uncensored)

    cohn : pandas.DataFrame
        DataFrame of Cohn numbers.

    plotting_position : float

    See Also

    DL_index = row['det_limit_index']
    rank = row['rank']
    censored = row[censorship]

    dl_1 = cohn.iloc[DL_index]
    dl_2 = cohn.iloc[DL_index + 1]
    if censored:
        return (1 - dl_1['prob_exceedance']) * rank / (dl_1['ncen_equal']+1)
        return (1 - dl_1['prob_exceedance']) + (dl_1['prob_exceedance'] - dl_2['prob_exceedance']) * \
                rank / (dl_1['nuncen_above']+1)

def _norm_plot_pos(observations):
    Computes standard normal (Gaussian) plotting positions using scipy.

    observations : array_like
        Sequence of observed quantities.

    plotting_position : array of floats
    ppos, sorted_res = stats.probplot(observations, fit=False)
    return stats.norm.cdf(ppos)

def plotting_positions(df, censorship, cohn):
    Compute the plotting positions for the observations.

    The ROS-specific plotting postions are based on the observations'
    rank, censorship status, and corresponding detection limit.

    df : pandas.DataFrame

    censorship : str
        Name of the column in the dataframe that indicates that a
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