Multivariate Conditional and Unconditional Kernel Density Estimation
with Mixed Data Types
[1] Racine, J., Li, Q. Nonparametric econometrics: theory and practice.
Princeton University Press. (2007)
[2] Racine, Jeff. "Nonparametric Econometrics: A Primer," Foundation
and Trends in Econometrics: Vol 3: No 1, pp1-88. (2008)
[3] Racine, J., Li, Q. "Nonparametric Estimation of Distributions
with Categorical and Continuous Data." Working Paper. (2000)
[4] Racine, J. Li, Q. "Kernel Estimation of Multivariate Conditional
Distributions Annals of Economics and Finance 5, 211-235 (2004)
[5] Liu, R., Yang, L. "Kernel estimation of multivariate
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Journal of Nonparametric Statistics (2008)
[6] Li, R., Ju, G. "Nonparametric Estimation of Multivariate CDF
with Categorical and Continuous Data." Working Paper
[7] Li, Q., Racine, J. "Cross-validated local linear nonparametric
regression" Statistica Sinica 14(2004), pp. 485-512
[8] Racine, J.: "Consistent Significance Testing for Nonparametric
Regression" Journal of Business & Economics Statistics
[9] Racine, J., Hart, J., Li, Q., "Testing the Significance of
Categorical Predictor Variables in Nonparametric Regression
Models", 2006, Econometric Reviews 25, 523-544
# TODO: make default behavior efficient=True above a certain n_obs
import copy
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles
from ._kernel_base import GenericKDE, EstimatorSettings, gpke, \
LeaveOneOut, _get_type_pos, _adjust_shape, _compute_min_std_IQR, kernel_func
__all__ = ['KernelReg', 'KernelCensoredReg']
class KernelReg(GenericKDE):
Nonparametric kernel regression class.
Calculates the conditional mean ``E[y|X]`` where ``y = g(X) + e``.
Note that the "local constant" type of regression provided here is also
known as Nadaraya-Watson kernel regression; "local linear" is an extension
of that which suffers less from bias issues at the edge of the support. Note
that specifying a custom kernel works only with "local linear" kernel
regression. For example, a custom ``tricube`` kernel yields LOESS regression.
endog : array_like
This is the dependent variable.
exog : array_like
The training data for the independent variable(s)
Each element in the list is a separate variable
var_type : str
The type of the variables, one character per variable:
- c: continuous
- u: unordered (discrete)
- o: ordered (discrete)
reg_type : {'lc', 'll'}, optional
Type of regression estimator. 'lc' means local constant and
'll' local Linear estimator. Default is 'll'
bw : str or array_like, optional
Either a user-specified bandwidth or the method for bandwidth
selection. If a string, valid values are 'cv_ls' (least-squares
cross-validation) and 'aic' (AIC Hurvich bandwidth estimation).
Default is 'cv_ls'. User specified bandwidth must have as many
entries as the number of variables.
ckertype : str, optional
The kernel used for the continuous variables.
okertype : str, optional
The kernel used for the ordered discrete variables.
ukertype : str, optional
The kernel used for the unordered discrete variables.
defaults : EstimatorSettings instance, optional
The default values for the efficient bandwidth estimation.
bw : array_like
The bandwidth parameters.
def __init__(self, endog, exog, var_type, reg_type='ll', bw='cv_ls',
ckertype='gaussian', okertype='wangryzin',
ukertype='aitchisonaitken', defaults=None):
self.var_type = var_type
self.data_type = var_type
self.reg_type = reg_type
self.ckertype = ckertype
self.okertype = okertype
self.ukertype = ukertype
if not (self.ckertype in kernel_func and self.ukertype in kernel_func
and self.okertype in kernel_func):
raise ValueError('user specified kernel must be a supported '
'kernel from statsmodels.nonparametric.kernels.')
self.k_vars = len(self.var_type)
self.endog = _adjust_shape(endog, 1)
self.exog = _adjust_shape(exog, self.k_vars)
self.data = np.column_stack((self.endog, self.exog))
self.nobs = np.shape(self.exog)[0]
self.est = dict(lc=self._est_loc_constant, ll=self._est_loc_linear)
defaults = EstimatorSettings() if defaults is None else defaults
if not isinstance(bw, str):
bw = np.asarray(bw)
if len(bw) != self.k_vars:
raise ValueError('bw must have the same dimension as the '
'number of variables.')
if not self.efficient:
self.bw = self._compute_reg_bw(bw)
self.bw = self._compute_efficient(bw)
def _compute_reg_bw(self, bw):
if not isinstance(bw, str):
self._bw_method = "user-specified"
return np.asarray(bw)
# The user specified a bandwidth selection method e.g. 'cv_ls'
self._bw_method = bw
# Workaround to avoid instance methods in __dict__
if bw == 'cv_ls':
res = self.cv_loo
else: # bw == 'aic'
res = self.aic_hurvich
X = np.std(self.exog, axis=0)
h0 = 1.06 * X * \
self.nobs ** (- 1. / (4 + np.size(self.exog, axis=1)))
func = self.est[self.reg_type]
bw_estimated = optimize.fmin(res, x0=h0, args=(func, ),
maxiter=1e3, maxfun=1e3, disp=0)
return bw_estimated
def _est_loc_linear(self, bw, endog, exog, data_predict):
Local linear estimator of g(x) in the regression ``y = g(x) + e``.
bw : array_like
Vector of bandwidth value(s).
endog : 1D array_like
The dependent variable.
exog : 1D or 2D array_like
The independent variable(s).
data_predict : 1D array_like of length K, where K is the number of variables.
The point at which the density is estimated.
D_x : array_like
The value of the conditional mean at `data_predict`.
See p. 81 in [1] and p.38 in [2] for the formulas.
Unlike other methods, this one requires that `data_predict` be 1D.
nobs, k_vars = exog.shape
ker = gpke(bw, data=exog, data_predict=data_predict,
tosum=False) / float(nobs)
# Create the matrix on p.492 in [7], after the multiplication w/ K_h,ij
# See also p. 38 in [2]
#ix_cont = np.arange(self.k_vars) # Use all vars instead of continuous only
# Note: because ix_cont was defined here such that it selected all
# columns, I removed the indexing with it from exog/data_predict.
# Convert ker to a 2-D array to make matrix operations below work
ker = ker[:, np.newaxis]
M12 = exog - data_predict
M22 = np.dot(M12.T, M12 * ker)
M12 = (M12 * ker).sum(axis=0)
M = np.empty((k_vars + 1, k_vars + 1))
M[0, 0] = ker.sum()
M[0, 1:] = M12
M[1:, 0] = M12
M[1:, 1:] = M22
ker_endog = ker * endog
V = np.empty((k_vars + 1, 1))
V[0, 0] = ker_endog.sum()
V[1:, 0] = ((exog - data_predict) * ker_endog).sum(axis=0)
mean_mfx = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(M), V)
mean = mean_mfx[0]
mfx = mean_mfx[1:, :]
return mean, mfx
def _est_loc_constant(self, bw, endog, exog, data_predict):
Local constant estimator of g(x) in the regression
y = g(x) + e
bw : array_like
Array of bandwidth value(s).
endog : 1D array_like
The dependent variable.
exog : 1D or 2D array_like
The independent variable(s).
data_predict : 1D or 2D array_like
The point(s) at which the density is estimated.
G : ndarray
The value of the conditional mean at `data_predict`.
B_x : ndarray
The marginal effects.
ker_x = gpke(bw, data=exog, data_predict=data_predict,
ker_x = np.reshape(ker_x, np.shape(endog))
G_numer = (ker_x * endog).sum(axis=0)
G_denom = ker_x.sum(axis=0)
G = G_numer / G_denom
nobs = exog.shape[0]
f_x = G_denom / float(nobs)
ker_xc = gpke(bw, data=exog, data_predict=data_predict,
ker_xc = ker_xc[:, np.newaxis]
d_mx = -(endog * ker_xc).sum(axis=0) / float(nobs) #* np.prod(bw[:, ix_cont]))
d_fx = -ker_xc.sum(axis=0) / float(nobs) #* np.prod(bw[:, ix_cont]))
B_x = d_mx / f_x - G * d_fx / f_x
B_x = (G_numer * d_fx - G_denom * d_mx) / (G_denom**2)
#B_x = (f_x * d_mx - m_x * d_fx) / (f_x ** 2)
return G, B_x
def aic_hurvich(self, bw, func=None):
Computes the AIC Hurvich criteria for the estimation of the bandwidth.
bw : str or array_like
See the ``bw`` parameter of `KernelReg` for details.
aic : ndarray
The AIC Hurvich criteria, one element for each variable.
func : None
Unused here, needed in signature because it's used in `cv_loo`.
See ch.2 in [1] and p.35 in [2].
H = np.empty((self.nobs, self.nobs))
for j in range(self.nobs):
H[:, j] = gpke(bw, data=self.exog, data_predict=self.exog[j,:],
ckertype=self.ckertype, ukertype=self.ukertype,
okertype=self.okertype, var_type=self.var_type,
denom = H.sum(axis=1)
H = H / denom
gx = KernelReg(endog=self.endog, exog=self.exog, var_type=self.var_type,
reg_type=self.reg_type, bw=bw,
gx = np.reshape(gx, (self.nobs, 1))
sigma = ((self.endog - gx)**2).sum(axis=0) / float(self.nobs)
frac = (1 + np.trace(H) / float(self.nobs)) / \
(1 - (np.trace(H) + 2) / float(self.nobs))
#siga = np.dot(self.endog.T, (I - H).T)
#sigb = np.dot((I - H), self.endog)
#sigma = np.dot(siga, sigb) / float(self.nobs)
aic = np.log(sigma) + frac
return aic
def cv_loo(self, bw, func):
The cross-validation function with leave-one-out estimator.
bw : array_like
Vector of bandwidth values.
func : callable function
Returns the estimator of g(x). Can be either ``_est_loc_constant``
(local constant) or ``_est_loc_linear`` (local_linear).
L : float
The value of the CV function.
Calculates the cross-validation least-squares function. This function
is minimized by compute_bw to calculate the optimal value of `bw`.
For details see p.35 in [2]
.. math:: CV(h)=n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(Y_{i}-g_{-i}(X_{i}))^{2}
where :math:`g_{-i}(X_{i})` is the leave-one-out estimator of g(X)
and :math:`h` is the vector of bandwidths
LOO_X = LeaveOneOut(self.exog)
LOO_Y = LeaveOneOut(self.endog).__iter__()
L = 0
for ii, X_not_i in enumerate(LOO_X):
Y = next(LOO_Y)
G = func(bw, endog=Y, exog=-X_not_i,
data_predict=-self.exog[ii, :])[0]
L += (self.endog[ii] - G) ** 2
# Note: There might be a way to vectorize this. See p.72 in [1]
return L / self.nobs
def r_squared(self):
Returns the R-Squared for the nonparametric regression.
For more details see p.45 in [2]
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