Information Theoretic and Entropy Measures
Golan, As. 2008. "Information and Entropy Econometrics -- A Review and
Synthesis." Foundations And Trends in Econometrics 2(1-2), 1-145.
Golan, A., Judge, G., and Miller, D. 1996. Maximum Entropy Econometrics.
Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
#For MillerMadow correction
#Miller, G. 1955. Note on the bias of information estimates. Info. Theory
# Psychol. Prob. Methods II-B:95-100.
#For ChaoShen method
#Chao, A., and T.-J. Shen. 2003. Nonparametric estimation of Shannon's index of diversity when
#there are unseen species in sample. Environ. Ecol. Stat. 10:429-443.
#Good, I. J. 1953. The population frequencies of species and the estimation of population parameters.
#Biometrika 40:237-264.
#Horvitz, D.G., and D. J. Thompson. 1952. A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finute universe. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 47:663-685.
#For NSB method
#Nemenman, I., F. Shafee, and W. Bialek. 2002. Entropy and inference, revisited. In: Dietterich, T.,
#S. Becker, Z. Gharamani, eds. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14: 471-478.
#Cambridge (Massachusetts): MIT Press.
#For shrinkage method
#Dougherty, J., Kohavi, R., and Sahami, M. (1995). Supervised and unsupervised discretization of
#continuous features. In International Conference on Machine Learning.
#Yang, Y. and Webb, G. I. (2003). Discretization for naive-bayes learning: managing discretization
#bias and variance. Technical Report 2003/131 School of Computer Science and Software Engineer-
#ing, Monash University.
from statsmodels.compat.python import lzip, lmap
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import logsumexp as sp_logsumexp
#TODO: change these to use maxentutils so that over/underflow is handled
#with the logsumexp.
def logsumexp(a, axis=None):
Compute the log of the sum of exponentials log(e^{a_1}+...e^{a_n}) of a
Avoids numerical overflow.
a : array_like
The vector to exponentiate and sum
axis : int, optional
The axis along which to apply the operation. Defaults is None.
This function was taken from the mailing list
This should be superceded by the ufunc when it is finished.
if axis is None:
# Use the scipy.maxentropy version.
return sp_logsumexp(a)
a = np.asarray(a)
shp = list(a.shape)
shp[axis] = 1
a_max = a.max(axis=axis)
s = np.log(np.exp(a - a_max.reshape(shp)).sum(axis=axis))
lse = a_max + s
return lse
def _isproperdist(X):
Checks to see if `X` is a proper probability distribution
X = np.asarray(X)
if not np.allclose(np.sum(X), 1) or not np.all(X>=0) or not np.all(X<=1):
return False
return True
def discretize(X, method="ef", nbins=None):
Discretize `X`
bins : int, optional
Number of bins. Default is floor(sqrt(N))
method : str
"ef" is equal-frequency binning
"ew" is equal-width binning
nobs = len(X)
if nbins is None:
nbins = np.floor(np.sqrt(nobs))
if method == "ef":
discrete = np.ceil(nbins * stats.rankdata(X)/nobs)
if method == "ew":
width = np.max(X) - np.min(X)
width = np.floor(width/nbins)
svec, ivec = stats.fastsort(X)
discrete = np.zeros(nobs)
binnum = 1
base = svec[0]
discrete[ivec[0]] = binnum
for i in range(1,nobs):
if svec[i] < base + width:
discrete[ivec[i]] = binnum
base = svec[i]
binnum += 1
discrete[ivec[i]] = binnum
return discrete
#TODO: looks okay but needs more robust tests for corner cases
def logbasechange(a,b):
There is a one-to-one transformation of the entropy value from
a log base b to a log base a :
return np.log(b)/np.log(a)
def natstobits(X):
Converts from nats to bits
return logbasechange(np.e, 2) * X
def bitstonats(X):
Converts from bits to nats
return logbasechange(2, np.e) * X
#TODO: make this entropy, and then have different measures as
#a method
def shannonentropy(px, logbase=2):
This is Shannon's entropy
logbase, int or np.e
The base of the log
px : 1d or 2d array_like
Can be a discrete probability distribution, a 2d joint distribution,
or a sequence of probabilities.
For log base 2 (bits) given a discrete distribution
H(p) = sum(px * log2(1/px) = -sum(pk*log2(px)) = E[log2(1/p(X))]
For log base 2 (bits) given a joint distribution
H(px,py) = -sum_{k,j}*w_{kj}log2(w_{kj})
shannonentropy(0) is defined as 0
#TODO: have not defined the px,py case?
px = np.asarray(px)
if not np.all(px <= 1) or not np.all(px >= 0):
raise ValueError("px does not define proper distribution")
entropy = -np.sum(np.nan_to_num(px*np.log2(px)))
if logbase != 2:
return logbasechange(2,logbase) * entropy
return entropy
# Shannon's information content
def shannoninfo(px, logbase=2):
Shannon's information
px : float or array_like
`px` is a discrete probability distribution
For logbase = 2
px = np.asarray(px)
if not np.all(px <= 1) or not np.all(px >= 0):
raise ValueError("px does not define proper distribution")
if logbase != 2:
return - logbasechange(2,logbase) * np.log2(px)
return - np.log2(px)
def condentropy(px, py, pxpy=None, logbase=2):
Return the conditional entropy of X given Y.
px : array_like
py : array_like
pxpy : array_like, optional
If pxpy is None, the distributions are assumed to be independent
and conendtropy(px,py) = shannonentropy(px)
logbase : int or np.e
where q_{j} = Y[j]
and w_kj = X[k,j]
if not _isproperdist(px) or not _isproperdist(py):
raise ValueError("px or py is not a proper probability distribution")
if pxpy is not None and not _isproperdist(pxpy):
raise ValueError("pxpy is not a proper joint distribtion")
if pxpy is None:
pxpy = np.outer(py,px)
condent = np.sum(pxpy * np.nan_to_num(np.log2(py/pxpy)))
if logbase == 2:
return condent
return logbasechange(2, logbase) * condent
def mutualinfo(px,py,pxpy, logbase=2):
Returns the mutual information between X and Y.
px : array_like
Discrete probability distribution of random variable X
py : array_like
Discrete probability distribution of random variable Y
pxpy : 2d array_like
The joint probability distribution of random variables X and Y.
Note that if X and Y are independent then the mutual information
is zero.
logbase : int or np.e, optional
Default is 2 (bits)
shannonentropy(px) - condentropy(px,py,pxpy)
if not _isproperdist(px) or not _isproperdist(py):
raise ValueError("px or py is not a proper probability distribution")
if pxpy is not None and not _isproperdist(pxpy):
raise ValueError("pxpy is not a proper joint distribtion")
if pxpy is None:
pxpy = np.outer(py,px)
return shannonentropy(px, logbase=logbase) - condentropy(px,py,pxpy,
def corrent(px,py,pxpy,logbase=2):
An information theoretic correlation measure.
Reflects linear and nonlinear correlation between two random variables
X and Y, characterized by the discrete probability distributions px and py
px : array_like
Discrete probability distribution of random variable X
py : array_like
Discrete probability distribution of random variable Y
pxpy : 2d array_like, optional
Joint probability distribution of X and Y. If pxpy is None, X and Y
are assumed to be independent.
logbase : int or np.e, optional
Default is 2 (bits)
This is also equivalent to
corrent(px,py,pxpy) = 1 - condent(px,py,pxpy)/shannonentropy(py)
if not _isproperdist(px) or not _isproperdist(py):
raise ValueError("px or py is not a proper probability distribution")
if pxpy is not None and not _isproperdist(pxpy):
raise ValueError("pxpy is not a proper joint distribtion")
if pxpy is None:
pxpy = np.outer(py,px)
return mutualinfo(px,py,pxpy,logbase=logbase)/shannonentropy(py,
def covent(px,py,pxpy,logbase=2):
An information theoretic covariance measure.
Reflects linear and nonlinear correlation between two random variables
X and Y, characterized by the discrete probability distributions px and py
px : array_like
Discrete probability distribution of random variable X
py : array_like
Discrete probability distribution of random variable Y
pxpy : 2d array_like, optional
Joint probability distribution of X and Y. If pxpy is None, X and Y
are assumed to be independent.
logbase : int or np.e, optional
Default is 2 (bits)
condent(px,py,pxpy,logbase=logbase) + condent(py,px,pxpy,
This is also equivalent to
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