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alkaline-ml / statsmodels   python

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Version: 0.11.1 

/ sandbox / stats / stats_mstats_short.py

'''get versions of mstats percentile functions that also work with non-masked arrays

uses dispatch to mstats version for difficult cases:
  - data is masked array
  - data requires nan handling (masknan=True)
  - data should be trimmed (limit is non-empty)
handle simple cases directly, which does not require apply_along_axis
changes compared to mstats: plotting_positions for n-dim with axis argument
addition: plotting_positions_w1d: with weights, 1d ndarray only

consistency with scipy.stats versions not checked
docstrings from mstats not updated yet
code duplication, better solutions (?)
convert examples to tests
rename alphap, betap for consistency
timing question: one additional argsort versus apply_along_axis
weighted plotting_positions
- I have not figured out nd version of weighted plotting_positions
- add weighted quantiles

import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
from scipy import stats

#from numpy.ma import nomask

#---- --- Percentiles ---

def quantiles(a, prob=list([.25,.5,.75]), alphap=.4, betap=.4, axis=None,
               limit=(), masknan=False):
    Computes empirical quantiles for a data array.

    Samples quantile are defined by :math:`Q(p) = (1-g).x[i] +g.x[i+1]`,
    where :math:`x[j]` is the *j*th order statistic, and
    `i = (floor(n*p+m))`, `m=alpha+p*(1-alpha-beta)` and `g = n*p + m - i`.

    Typical values of (alpha,beta) are:
        - (0,1)    : *p(k) = k/n* : linear interpolation of cdf (R, type 4)
        - (.5,.5)  : *p(k) = (k+1/2.)/n* : piecewise linear
          function (R, type 5)
        - (0,0)    : *p(k) = k/(n+1)* : (R type 6)
        - (1,1)    : *p(k) = (k-1)/(n-1)*. In this case, p(k) = mode[F(x[k])].
          That's R default (R type 7)
        - (1/3,1/3): *p(k) = (k-1/3)/(n+1/3)*. Then p(k) ~ median[F(x[k])].
          The resulting quantile estimates are approximately median-unbiased
          regardless of the distribution of x. (R type 8)
        - (3/8,3/8): *p(k) = (k-3/8)/(n+1/4)*. Blom.
          The resulting quantile estimates are approximately unbiased
          if x is normally distributed (R type 9)
        - (.4,.4)  : approximately quantile unbiased (Cunnane)
        - (.35,.35): APL, used with PWM ?? JP
        - (0.35, 0.65): PWM   ?? JP  p(k) = (k-0.35)/n

    a : array_like
        Input data, as a sequence or array of dimension at most 2.
    prob : array_like, optional
        List of quantiles to compute.
    alpha : float, optional
        Plotting positions parameter, default is 0.4.
    beta : float, optional
        Plotting positions parameter, default is 0.4.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to perform the trimming.
        If None (default), the input array is first flattened.
    limit : tuple
        Tuple of (lower, upper) values.
        Values of `a` outside this closed interval are ignored.

    quants : MaskedArray
        An array containing the calculated quantiles.

    >>> from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles
    >>> a = np.array([6., 47., 49., 15., 42., 41., 7., 39., 43., 40., 36.])
    >>> mquantiles(a)
    array([ 19.2,  40. ,  42.8])

    Using a 2D array, specifying axis and limit.

    >>> data = np.array([[   6.,    7.,    1.],
                         [  47.,   15.,    2.],
                         [  49.,   36.,    3.],
                         [  15.,   39.,    4.],
                         [  42.,   40., -999.],
                         [  41.,   41., -999.],
                         [   7., -999., -999.],
                         [  39., -999., -999.],
                         [  43., -999., -999.],
                         [  40., -999., -999.],
                         [  36., -999., -999.]])
    >>> mquantiles(data, axis=0, limit=(0, 50))
    array([[ 19.2 ,  14.6 ,   1.45],
           [ 40.  ,  37.5 ,   2.5 ],
           [ 42.8 ,  40.05,   3.55]])

    >>> data[:, 2] = -999.
    >>> mquantiles(data, axis=0, limit=(0, 50))
    masked_array(data =
     [[19.2 14.6 --]
     [40.0 37.5 --]
     [42.8 40.05 --]],
                 mask =
     [[False False  True]
      [False False  True]
      [False False  True]],
           fill_value = 1e+20)

    if isinstance(a, np.ma.MaskedArray):
        return stats.mstats.mquantiles(a, prob=prob, alphap=alphap, betap=alphap, axis=axis,
    if limit:
        marr = stats.mstats.mquantiles(a, prob=prob, alphap=alphap, betap=alphap, axis=axis,
        return ma.filled(marr, fill_value=np.nan)
    if masknan:
        nanmask = np.isnan(a)
        if nanmask.any():
            marr = ma.array(a, mask=nanmask)
            marr = stats.mstats.mquantiles(marr, prob=prob, alphap=alphap, betap=alphap,
                              axis=axis, limit=limit)
            return ma.filled(marr, fill_value=np.nan)

    # Initialization & checks ---------
    data = np.asarray(a)

    p = np.array(prob, copy=False, ndmin=1)
    m = alphap + p*(1.-alphap-betap)

    isrolled = False
    #from _quantiles1d
    if (axis is None):
        data = data.ravel()  #reshape(-1,1)
        axis = 0
        axis = np.arange(data.ndim)[axis]
        data = np.rollaxis(data, axis)
        isrolled = True # keep track, maybe can be removed

    x = np.sort(data, axis=0)
    n = x.shape[0]
    returnshape = list(data.shape)
    returnshape[axis] = p

    #TODO: check these
    if n == 0:
        return np.empty(len(p), dtype=float)
    elif n == 1:
        return np.resize(x, p.shape)
    aleph = (n*p + m)
    k = np.floor(aleph.clip(1, n-1)).astype(int)
    ind = [None]*x.ndim
    ind[0] = slice(None)
    gamma = (aleph-k).clip(0,1)[ind]
    q = (1.-gamma)*x[k-1] + gamma*x[k]
    if isrolled:
        return np.rollaxis(q, 0, axis+1)
        return q

def scoreatpercentile(data, per, limit=(), alphap=.4, betap=.4, axis=0, masknan=None):
    """Calculate the score at the given 'per' percentile of the
    sequence a.  For example, the score at per=50 is the median.

    This function is a shortcut to mquantile
    per = np.asarray(per, float)
    if (per < 0).any() or (per > 100.).any():
        raise ValueError("The percentile should be between 0. and 100. !"\
                         " (got %s)" % per)
    return quantiles(data, prob=[per/100.], alphap=alphap, betap=betap,
                      limit=limit, axis=axis, masknan=masknan).squeeze()

def plotting_positions(data, alpha=0.4, beta=0.4, axis=0, masknan=False):
    """Returns the plotting positions (or empirical percentile points) for the
    Plotting positions are defined as (i-alpha)/(n+1-alpha-beta), where:
        - i is the rank order statistics (starting at 1)
        - n is the number of unmasked values along the given axis
        - alpha and beta are two parameters.

    Typical values for alpha and beta are:
        - (0,1)    : *p(k) = k/n* : linear interpolation of cdf (R, type 4)
        - (.5,.5)  : *p(k) = (k-1/2.)/n* : piecewise linear function (R, type 5)
          (Bliss 1967: "Rankit")
        - (0,0)    : *p(k) = k/(n+1)* : Weibull (R type 6), (Van der Waerden 1952)
        - (1,1)    : *p(k) = (k-1)/(n-1)*. In this case, p(k) = mode[F(x[k])].
          That's R default (R type 7)
        - (1/3,1/3): *p(k) = (k-1/3)/(n+1/3)*. Then p(k) ~ median[F(x[k])].
          The resulting quantile estimates are approximately median-unbiased
          regardless of the distribution of x. (R type 8), (Tukey 1962)
        - (3/8,3/8): *p(k) = (k-3/8)/(n+1/4)*.
          The resulting quantile estimates are approximately unbiased
          if x is normally distributed (R type 9) (Blom 1958)
        - (.4,.4)  : approximately quantile unbiased (Cunnane)
        - (.35,.35): APL, used with PWM

    x : sequence
        Input data, as a sequence or array of dimension at most 2.
    prob : sequence
        List of quantiles to compute.
    alpha : {0.4, float} optional
        Plotting positions parameter.
    beta : {0.4, float} optional
        Plotting positions parameter.

    I think the adjustments assume that there are no ties in order to be a reasonable
    approximation to a continuous density function. TODO: check this

    dates to original papers from Beasley, Erickson, Allison 2009 Behav Genet
    if isinstance(data, np.ma.MaskedArray):
        if axis is None or data.ndim == 1:
            return stats.mstats.plotting_positions(data, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
            return ma.apply_along_axis(stats.mstats.plotting_positions, axis, data, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
    if masknan:
        nanmask = np.isnan(data)
        if nanmask.any():
            marr = ma.array(data, mask=nanmask)
            #code duplication:
            if axis is None or data.ndim == 1:
                marr = stats.mstats.plotting_positions(marr, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
                marr = ma.apply_along_axis(stats.mstats.plotting_positions, axis, marr, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
            return ma.filled(marr, fill_value=np.nan)

    data = np.asarray(data)
    if data.size == 1:    # use helper function instead
        data = np.atleast_1d(data)
        axis = 0
    if axis is None:
        data = data.ravel()
        axis = 0
    n = data.shape[axis]
    if data.ndim == 1:
        plpos = np.empty(data.shape, dtype=float)
        plpos[data.argsort()] = (np.arange(1,n+1) - alpha)/(n+1.-alpha-beta)
        #nd assignment instead of second argsort does not look easy
        plpos = (data.argsort(axis).argsort(axis) + 1. - alpha)/(n+1.-alpha-beta)
    return plpos

meppf = plotting_positions

def plotting_positions_w1d(data, weights=None, alpha=0.4, beta=0.4,
    '''Weighted plotting positions (or empirical percentile points) for the data.

    observations are weighted and the plotting positions are defined as
    (ws-alpha)/(n-alpha-beta), where:
        - ws is the weighted rank order statistics or cumulative weighted sum,
          normalized to n if method is "normed"
        - n is the number of values along the given axis if method is "normed"
          and total weight otherwise
        - alpha and beta are two parameters.

    wtd.quantile in R package Hmisc seems to use the "notnormed" version.
    notnormed coincides with unweighted segment in example, drop "normed" version ?

    See Also
    plotting_positions : unweighted version that works also with more than one
        dimension and has other options

    x = np.atleast_1d(data)
    if x.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError('currently implemented only for 1d')
    if weights is None:
        weights = np.ones(x.shape)
        weights = np.array(weights, float, copy=False, ndmin=1) #atleast_1d(weights)
        if weights.shape != x.shape:
            raise ValueError('if weights is given, it needs to be the same'
                             'shape as data')
    n = len(x)
    xargsort = x.argsort()
    ws = weights[xargsort].cumsum()
    res = np.empty(x.shape)
    if method == 'normed':
        res[xargsort] = (1.*ws/ws[-1]*n-alpha)/(n+1.-alpha-beta)
        res[xargsort] = (1.*ws-alpha)/(ws[-1]+1.-alpha-beta)
    return res

def edf_normal_inverse_transformed(x, alpha=3./8, beta=3./8, axis=0):
    '''rank based normal inverse transformed cdf
    from scipy import stats
    ranks = plotting_positions(x, alpha=alpha, beta=alpha, axis=0, masknan=False)
    ranks_transf = stats.norm.ppf(ranks)
    return ranks_transf

if __name__ == '__main__':

    x = np.arange(5)
    x = np.arange(10).reshape(-1,2)
    print(quantiles(x, axis=0))
    print(quantiles(x, axis=None))
    print(quantiles(x, axis=1))
    xm = ma.array(x)
    x2 = x.astype(float)
    x2[1,0] = np.nan
    print(plotting_positions(xm, axis=0))

    # test 0d, 1d
    for sl1 in [slice(None), 0]:
        print((plotting_positions(xm[sl1,0]) == plotting_positions(x[sl1,0])).all())
        print((quantiles(xm[sl1,0]) == quantiles(x[sl1,0])).all())
        print((stats.mstats.mquantiles(ma.fix_invalid(x2[sl1,0])) == quantiles(x2[sl1,0], masknan=1)).all())

    #test 2d
    for ax in [0, 1, None, -1]:
        print((plotting_positions(xm, axis=ax) == plotting_positions(x, axis=ax)).all())
        print((quantiles(xm, axis=ax) == quantiles(x, axis=ax)).all())
        print((stats.mstats.mquantiles(ma.fix_invalid(x2), axis=ax) == quantiles(x2, axis=ax, masknan=1)).all())

    #stats version does not have axis
    print((stats.mstats.plotting_positions(ma.fix_invalid(x2)) == plotting_positions(x2, axis=None, masknan=1)).all())

    #test 3d
    x3 = np.dstack((x,x)).T
    for ax in [1,2]:
        print((plotting_positions(x3, axis=ax)[0] == plotting_positions(x.T, axis=ax-1)).all())

    np.testing.assert_equal(plotting_positions(np.arange(10), alpha=0.35, beta=1-0.35), (1+np.arange(10)-0.35)/10)
    np.testing.assert_equal(plotting_positions(np.arange(10), alpha=0.4, beta=0.4), (1+np.arange(10)-0.4)/(10+0.2))
    np.testing.assert_equal(plotting_positions(np.arange(10)), (1+np.arange(10)-0.4)/(10+0.2))
    print(scoreatpercentile(x, [10,90]))
    print((plotting_positions_w1d(x[:,0]) == plotting_positions(x[:,0])).all())

    #weights versus replicating multiple occurencies of same x value
    w1 = [1, 1, 2, 1, 1]
    plotexample = 1
    if plotexample:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.title('ppf, cdf values on horizontal axis')
        plt.step(plotting_positions_w1d(x[:,0], weights=w1, method='0'), x[:,0], where='post')
        plt.plot(plotting_positions_w1d(x[:,0], weights=w1, method='0'), x[:,0], '-o')
        plt.plot(stats.mstats.plotting_positions(np.repeat(x[:,0],w1,axis=0)),np.repeat(x[:,0],w1,axis=0), '-o')

        plt.title('cdf, cdf values on vertical axis')
        plt.step(x[:,0], plotting_positions_w1d(x[:,0], weights=w1, method='0'),where='post')
        plt.step(np.repeat(x[:,0],w1,axis=0), stats.mstats.plotting_positions(np.repeat(x[:,0],w1,axis=0)),where='post')
        plt.plot(x[:,0], plotting_positions_w1d(x[:,0], weights=w1, method='0'), '-o')
        plt.plot(np.repeat(x[:,0],w1,axis=0), stats.mstats.plotting_positions(np.repeat(x[:,0],w1,axis=0)), '-o')