'''Testing numerical differentiation
Still some problems, with API (args tuple versus *args)
finite difference Hessian has some problems that I did not look at yet
Should Hessian also work per observation, if fun returns 2d
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_allclose
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tools import numdiff
from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import (approx_fprime, approx_fprime_cs,
DEC3 = 3
DEC4 = 4
DEC5 = 5
DEC6 = 6
DEC8 = 8
DEC13 = 13
DEC14 = 14
def maxabs(x,y):
return np.abs(x-y).max()
def fun(beta, x):
return np.dot(x, beta).sum(0)
def fun1(beta, y, x):
#print(beta.shape, x.shape)
xb = np.dot(x, beta)
return (y-xb)**2 #(xb-xb.mean(0))**2
def fun2(beta, y, x):
#print(beta.shape, x.shape)
return fun1(beta, y, x).sum(0)
#ravel() added because of MNLogit 2d params
class CheckGradLoglikeMixin(object):
def test_score(self):
for test_params in self.params:
sc = self.mod.score(test_params)
scfd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params.ravel(),
assert_almost_equal(sc, scfd, decimal=1)
sccs = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params.ravel(),
assert_almost_equal(sc, sccs, decimal=11)
def test_hess(self):
for test_params in self.params:
he = self.mod.hessian(test_params)
hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params, self.mod.score)
assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=DEC8)
#NOTE: notice the accuracy below
assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=7)
hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, self.mod.score,
assert_allclose(he, hefd, rtol=1e-9)
hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, self.mod.score,
assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=4)
hescs = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params.ravel(),
assert_allclose(he, hescs, rtol=1e-13)
hecs = numdiff.approx_hess_cs(test_params.ravel(),
assert_allclose(he, hecs, rtol=1e-9)
#NOTE: Look at the lack of precision - default epsilon not always
grad = self.mod.score(test_params)
hecs, gradcs = numdiff.approx_hess1(test_params, self.mod.loglike,
1e-6, return_grad=True)
assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=1)
assert_almost_equal(grad, gradcs, decimal=1)
hecs, gradcs = numdiff.approx_hess2(test_params, self.mod.loglike,
1e-4, return_grad=True)
assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=3)
assert_almost_equal(grad, gradcs, decimal=1)
hecs = numdiff.approx_hess3(test_params, self.mod.loglike, 1e-5)
assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=4)
class TestGradMNLogit(CheckGradLoglikeMixin):
def setup_class(cls):
#from .results.results_discrete import Anes
data = sm.datasets.anes96.load(as_pandas=False)
exog = data.exog
exog = sm.add_constant(exog, prepend=False)
cls.mod = sm.MNLogit(data.endog, exog)
#def loglikeflat(cls, params):
#reshapes flattened params
# return cls.loglike(params.reshape(6,6))
#cls.mod.loglike = loglikeflat #need instance method
#cls.params = [np.ones((6,6)).ravel()]
res = cls.mod.fit(disp=0)
cls.params = [res.params.ravel('F')]
def test_hess(self):
#NOTE: I had to overwrite this to lessen the tolerance
for test_params in self.params:
he = self.mod.hessian(test_params)
hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params, self.mod.score)
assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=DEC8)
#NOTE: notice the accuracy below and the epsilon changes
# this does not work well for score -> hessian with non-cs step
# it's a little better around the optimum
assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=7)
hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, self.mod.score,
assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=4)
hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, self.mod.score, 1e-9,
assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=2)
hescs = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params, self.mod.score)
assert_almost_equal(he, hescs, decimal=DEC8)
hecs = numdiff.approx_hess_cs(test_params, self.mod.loglike)
assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=5)
#NOTE: these just do not work well
#hecs = numdiff.approx_hess1(test_params, self.mod.loglike, 1e-3)
#assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=1)
#hecs = numdiff.approx_hess2(test_params, self.mod.loglike, 1e-4)
#assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=0)
hecs = numdiff.approx_hess3(test_params, self.mod.loglike, 1e-4)
assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=0)
class TestGradLogit(CheckGradLoglikeMixin):
def setup_class(cls):
data = sm.datasets.spector.load(as_pandas=False)
data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False)
#mod = sm.Probit(data.endog, data.exog)
cls.mod = sm.Logit(data.endog, data.exog)
#res = mod.fit(method="newton")
cls.params = [np.array([1,0.25,1.4,-7])]
##loglike = mod.loglike
##score = mod.score
##hess = mod.hessian
class CheckDerivativeMixin(object):
def setup_class(cls):
nobs = 200
#x = np.arange(nobs*3).reshape(nobs,-1)
x = np.random.randn(nobs,3)
xk = np.array([1,2,3])
xk = np.array([1.,1.,1.])
#xk = np.zeros(3)
beta = xk
y = np.dot(x, beta) + 0.1*np.random.randn(nobs)
xkols = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(x),y)
cls.x = x
cls.y = y
cls.params = [np.array([1.,1.,1.]), xkols]
def init(cls):
def test_grad_fun1_fd(self):
for test_params in self.params:
#gtrue = self.x.sum(0)
gtrue = self.gradtrue(test_params)
fun = self.fun()
epsilon = 1e-6
gfd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, fun, epsilon=epsilon,
gfd += numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, fun, epsilon=-epsilon,
gfd /= 2.
assert_almost_equal(gtrue, gfd, decimal=DEC6)
def test_grad_fun1_fdc(self):
for test_params in self.params:
#gtrue = self.x.sum(0)
gtrue = self.gradtrue(test_params)
fun = self.fun()
# default epsilon of 1e-6 is not precise enough here
gfd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, fun, epsilon=1e-8,
args=self.args, centered=True)
assert_almost_equal(gtrue, gfd, decimal=DEC5)
def test_grad_fun1_cs(self):
for test_params in self.params:
#gtrue = self.x.sum(0)
gtrue = self.gradtrue(test_params)
fun = self.fun()
gcs = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params, fun, args=self.args)
assert_almost_equal(gtrue, gcs, decimal=DEC13)
def test_hess_fun1_fd(self):
for test_params in self.params:
#hetrue = 0
hetrue = self.hesstrue(test_params)
if hetrue is not None: #Hessian does not work for 2d return of fun
fun = self.fun()
#default works, epsilon 1e-6 or 1e-8 is not precise enough
hefd = numdiff.approx_hess1(test_params, fun, #epsilon=1e-8,
# TODO: should be kwds
assert_almost_equal(hetrue, hefd, decimal=DEC3)
#TODO: I reduced precision to DEC3 from DEC4 because of
# TestDerivativeFun
hefd = numdiff.approx_hess2(test_params, fun, #epsilon=1e-8,
# TODO: should be kwds
assert_almost_equal(hetrue, hefd, decimal=DEC3)
hefd = numdiff.approx_hess3(test_params, fun, #epsilon=1e-8,
# TODO: should be kwds
assert_almost_equal(hetrue, hefd, decimal=DEC3)
def test_hess_fun1_cs(self):
for test_params in self.params:
#hetrue = 0
hetrue = self.hesstrue(test_params)
if hetrue is not None: #Hessian does not work for 2d return of fun
fun = self.fun()
hecs = numdiff.approx_hess_cs(test_params, fun, args=self.args)
assert_almost_equal(hetrue, hecs, decimal=DEC6)
class TestDerivativeFun(CheckDerivativeMixin):
def setup_class(cls):
xkols = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(cls.x), cls.y)
cls.params = [np.array([1.,1.,1.]), xkols]
cls.args = (cls.x,)
def fun(self):
return fun
def gradtrue(self, params):
return self.x.sum(0)
def hesstrue(self, params):
return np.zeros((3,3)) #make it (3,3), because test fails with scalar 0
#why is precision only DEC3
class TestDerivativeFun2(CheckDerivativeMixin):
def setup_class(cls):
xkols = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(cls.x), cls.y)
cls.params = [np.array([1.,1.,1.]), xkols]
cls.args = (cls.y, cls.x)
def fun(self):
return fun2
def gradtrue(self, params):
y, x = self.y, self.x
return (-x*2*(y-np.dot(x, params))[:,None]).sum(0)
#2*(y-np.dot(x, params)).sum(0)
def hesstrue(self, params):
x = self.x
return 2*np.dot(x.T, x)
class TestDerivativeFun1(CheckDerivativeMixin):
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestDerivativeFun1, cls).setup_class()
xkols = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(cls.x), cls.y)
cls.params = [np.array([1.,1.,1.]), xkols]
cls.args = (cls.y, cls.x)
def fun(self):
return fun1
def gradtrue(self, params):
y, x = self.y, self.x
return (-x*2*(y-np.dot(x, params))[:,None])
def hesstrue(self, params):
return None
y, x = self.y, self.x
return (-x*2*(y-np.dot(x, params))[:,None]) #TODO: check shape
def test_dtypes():
def f(x):
return 2*x
desired = np.array([[2, 0],
[0, 2]])
assert_allclose(approx_fprime(np.array([1, 2]), f), desired)
assert_allclose(approx_fprime(np.array([1., 2.]), f), desired)
assert_allclose(approx_fprime(np.array([1.+0j, 2.+0j]), f), desired)
if __name__ == '__main__': # FIXME: turn into tests or move/remove
epsilon = 1e-6
nobs = 200
x = np.arange(nobs*3).reshape(nobs,-1)
x = np.random.randn(nobs,3)
xk = np.array([1,2,3])
xk = np.array([1.,1.,1.])
#xk = np.zeros(3)
beta = xk
y = np.dot(x, beta) + 0.1*np.random.randn(nobs)
xkols = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(x),y)
gradtrue = x.sum(0)
gradcs = approx_fprime_cs((1,2,3), fun, (x,), h=1.0e-20)
print(gradcs, maxabs(gradcs, gradtrue))
print(approx_hess_cs((1,2,3), fun, (x,), h=1.0e-20)) #this is correctly zero
print(approx_hess_cs((1,2,3), fun2, (y,x), h=1.0e-20)-2*np.dot(x.T, x))
print(numdiff.approx_hess(xk,fun2,1e-3, (y,x))[0] - 2*np.dot(x.T, x))
gt = (-x*2*(y-np.dot(x, [1,2,3]))[:,None])
g = approx_fprime_cs((1,2,3), fun1, (y,x), h=1.0e-20)#.T #this should not be transposed
gd = numdiff.approx_fprime((1,2,3),fun1,epsilon,(y,x))
print(maxabs(g, gt))
print(maxabs(gd, gt))
data = sm.datasets.spector.load(as_pandas=False)
data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False)
#mod = sm.Probit(data.endog, data.exog)
mod = sm.Logit(data.endog, data.exog)
#res = mod.fit(method="newton")
test_params = [1,0.25,1.4,-7]
loglike = mod.loglike
score = mod.score
hess = mod.hessian
#cs does not work for Probit because special.ndtr does not support complex
#maybe calculating ndtr for real and imag parts separately, if we need it
#and if it still works in this case
print('sm', score(test_params))
print('fd', numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params,loglike,epsilon))
print('cs', numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params,loglike))
print('sm', hess(test_params))
print('fd', numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params,score,epsilon))
print('cs', numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params, score))
hesscs = numdiff.approx_hess_cs(test_params, loglike)
print('cs', hesscs)
print(maxabs(hess(test_params), hesscs))
data = sm.datasets.anes96.load(as_pandas=False)
exog = data.exog
exog = sm.add_constant(exog, prepend=False)
res1 = sm.MNLogit(data.endog, exog).fit(method="newton", disp=0)
datap = sm.datasets.randhie.load(as_pandas=False)
nobs = len(datap.endog)
exogp = sm.add_constant(datap.exog.view(float).reshape(nobs,-1),
modp = sm.Poisson(datap.endog, exogp)
resp = modp.fit(method='newton', disp=0)