# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Mar 23 13:34:19 2013
Author: Josef Perktold
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.tools.rootfinding import brentq_expanding
from numpy.testing import (assert_allclose, assert_equal, assert_raises,
def func(x, a):
f = (x - a)**3
return f
def func_nan(x, a, b):
x = np.atleast_1d(x)
f = (x - 1.*a)**3
f[x < b] = np.nan
return f
def funcn(x, a):
f = -(x - a)**3
return f
def test_brentq_expanding():
cases = [
(0, {}),
(50, {}),
(-50, {}),
(500000, dict(low=10000)),
(-50000, dict(upp=-1000)),
(500000, dict(low=300000, upp=700000)),
(-50000, dict(low= -70000, upp=-1000))
funcs = [(func, None),
(func, True),
(funcn, None),
(funcn, False)]
for f, inc in funcs:
for a, kwds in cases:
kw = {'increasing':inc}
res = brentq_expanding(f, args=(a,), **kwds)
#print '%10d'%a, ['dec', 'inc'][f is func], res - a
assert_allclose(res, a, rtol=1e-5)
# wrong sign for start bounds
# does not raise yet during development TODO: activate this
# it kind of works in some cases, but not correctly or in a useful way
#assert_raises(ValueError, brentq_expanding, func, args=(-500,), start_upp=-1000)
#assert_raises(ValueError, brentq_expanding, func, args=(500,), start_low=1000)
# low upp given, but does not bound root, leave brentq exception
# ValueError: f(a) and f(b) must have different signs
assert_raises(ValueError, brentq_expanding, funcn, args=(-50000,), low= -40000, upp=-10000)
# max_it too low to find root bounds
# ValueError: f(a) and f(b) must have different signs
assert_raises(ValueError, brentq_expanding, func, args=(-50000,), max_it=2)
# maxiter_bq too low
# RuntimeError: Failed to converge after 3 iterations.
assert_raises(RuntimeError, brentq_expanding, func, args=(-50000,), maxiter_bq=3)
# cannot determine whether increasing, all 4 low trial points return nan
assert_raises(ValueError, brentq_expanding, func_nan, args=(-20, 0.6))
# test for full_output
a = 500
val, info = brentq_expanding(func, args=(a,), full_output=True)
assert_allclose(val, a, rtol=1e-5)
info1 = {'iterations': 63, 'start_bounds': (-1, 1),
'brentq_bounds': (100, 1000), 'flag': 'converged',
'function_calls': 64, 'iterations_expand': 3, 'converged': True}
# adjustments for scipy 0.8.0 with changed convergence criteria
assert_array_less(info.__dict__['iterations'], 70)
assert_array_less(info.__dict__['function_calls'], 70)
for k in info1:
if k in ['iterations', 'function_calls']:
assert_equal(info1[k], info.__dict__[k])
assert_allclose(info.root, a, rtol=1e-5)