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Version: 0.11.1 

/ tsa / _bds.py

BDS test for IID time series


Broock, W. A., J. A. Scheinkman, W. D. Dechert, and B. LeBaron. 1996.
"A Test for Independence Based on the Correlation Dimension."
Econometric Reviews 15 (3): 197-235.

Kanzler, Ludwig. 1999.
"Very Fast and Correctly Sized Estimation of the BDS Statistic".
SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 151669. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network.

LeBaron, Blake. 1997.
"A Fast Algorithm for the BDS Statistic."
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics 2 (2) (January 1).

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

from statsmodels.tools.validation import array_like

def distance_indicators(x, epsilon=None, distance=1.5):
    Calculate all pairwise threshold distance indicators for a time series

    x : 1d array
        observations of time series for which heaviside distance indicators
        are calculated
    epsilon : scalar, optional
        the threshold distance to use in calculating the heaviside indicators
    distance : scalar, optional
        if epsilon is omitted, specifies the distance multiplier to use when
        computing it

    indicators : 2d array
        matrix of distance threshold indicators

    Since this can be a very large matrix, use np.int8 to save some space.
    x = array_like(x, 'x')

    if epsilon is not None and epsilon <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Threshold distance must be positive if specified."
                         " Got epsilon of %f" % epsilon)
    if distance <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Threshold distance must be positive."
                         " Got distance multiplier %f" % distance)

    # TODO: add functionality to select epsilon optimally
    # TODO: and/or compute for a range of epsilons in [0.5*s, 2.0*s]?
    #      or [1.5*s, 2.0*s]?
    if epsilon is None:
        epsilon = distance * x.std(ddof=1)

    return np.abs(x[:, None] - x) < epsilon

def correlation_sum(indicators, embedding_dim):
    Calculate a correlation sum

    Useful as an estimator of a correlation integral

    indicators : 2d array
        matrix of distance threshold indicators
    embedding_dim : int
        embedding dimension

    corrsum : float
        Correlation sum
        matrix of joint-distance-threshold indicators
    if not indicators.ndim == 2:
        raise ValueError('Indicators must be a matrix')
    if not indicators.shape[0] == indicators.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('Indicator matrix must be symmetric (square)')

    if embedding_dim == 1:
        indicators_joint = indicators
        corrsum, indicators = correlation_sum(indicators, embedding_dim - 1)
        indicators_joint = indicators[1:, 1:]*indicators[:-1, :-1]

    nobs = len(indicators_joint)
    corrsum = np.mean(indicators_joint[np.triu_indices(nobs, 1)])
    return corrsum, indicators_joint

def correlation_sums(indicators, max_dim):
    Calculate all correlation sums for embedding dimensions 1:max_dim

    indicators : 2d array
        matrix of distance threshold indicators
    max_dim : int
        maximum embedding dimension

    corrsums : 1d array
        Correlation sums

    corrsums = np.zeros((1, max_dim))

    corrsums[0, 0], indicators = correlation_sum(indicators, 1)
    for i in range(1, max_dim):
        corrsums[0, i], indicators = correlation_sum(indicators, 2)

    return corrsums

def _var(indicators, max_dim):
    Calculate the variance of a BDS effect

    indicators : 2d array
        matrix of distance threshold indicators
    max_dim : int
        maximum embedding dimension

    variances : float
        Variance of BDS effect
    nobs = len(indicators)
    corrsum_1dim, _ = correlation_sum(indicators, 1)
    k = ((indicators.sum(1)**2).sum() - 3*indicators.sum() +
         2*nobs) / (nobs * (nobs - 1) * (nobs - 2))

    variances = np.zeros((1, max_dim - 1))

    for embedding_dim in range(2, max_dim + 1):
        tmp = 0
        for j in range(1, embedding_dim):
            tmp += (k**(embedding_dim - j))*(corrsum_1dim**(2 * j))
        variances[0, embedding_dim-2] = 4 * (
            k**embedding_dim +
            2 * tmp +
            ((embedding_dim - 1)**2) * (corrsum_1dim**(2 * embedding_dim)) -
            (embedding_dim**2) * k * (corrsum_1dim**(2 * embedding_dim - 2)))

    return variances, k

def bds(x, max_dim=2, epsilon=None, distance=1.5):
    BDS Test Statistic for Independence of a Time Series

    x : ndarray
        Observations of time series for which bds statistics is calculated.
    max_dim : int
        The maximum embedding dimension.
    epsilon : {float, None}, optional
        The threshold distance to use in calculating the correlation sum.
    distance : float, optional
        Specifies the distance multiplier to use when computing the test
        statistic if epsilon is omitted.

    bds_stat : float
        The BDS statistic.
    pvalue : float
        The p-values associated with the BDS statistic.

    The null hypothesis of the test statistic is for an independent and
    identically distributed (i.i.d.) time series, and an unspecified
    alternative hypothesis.

    This test is often used as a residual diagnostic.

    The calculation involves matrices of size (nobs, nobs), so this test
    will not work with very long datasets.

    Implementation conditions on the first m-1 initial values, which are
    required to calculate the m-histories:
    x_t^m = (x_t, x_{t-1}, ... x_{t-(m-1)})
    x = array_like(x, 'x', ndim=1)
    nobs_full = len(x)

    if max_dim < 2 or max_dim >= nobs_full:
        raise ValueError("Maximum embedding dimension must be in the range"
                         " [2,len(x)-1]. Got %d." % max_dim)

    # Cache the indicators
    indicators = distance_indicators(x, epsilon, distance)

    # Get estimates of m-dimensional correlation integrals
    corrsum_mdims = correlation_sums(indicators, max_dim)

    # Get variance of effect
    variances, k = _var(indicators, max_dim)
    stddevs = np.sqrt(variances)

    bds_stats = np.zeros((1, max_dim - 1))
    pvalues = np.zeros((1, max_dim - 1))
    for embedding_dim in range(2, max_dim+1):
        ninitial = (embedding_dim - 1)
        nobs = nobs_full - ninitial

        # Get estimates of 1-dimensional correlation integrals
        # (see Kanzler footnote 10 for why indicators are truncated)
        corrsum_1dim, _ = correlation_sum(indicators[ninitial:, ninitial:], 1)
        corrsum_mdim = corrsum_mdims[0, embedding_dim - 1]

        # Get the intermediate values for the statistic
        effect = corrsum_mdim - (corrsum_1dim**embedding_dim)
        sd = stddevs[0, embedding_dim - 2]

        # Calculate the statistic: bds_stat ~ N(0,1)
        bds_stats[0, embedding_dim - 2] = np.sqrt(nobs) * effect / sd

        # Calculate the p-value (two-tailed test)
        pvalue = 2*stats.norm.sf(np.abs(bds_stats[0, embedding_dim - 2]))
        pvalues[0, embedding_dim - 2] = pvalue

    return np.squeeze(bds_stats), np.squeeze(pvalues)