Durbin-Levinson recursions for estimating AR(p) model parameters.
Author: Chad Fulton
License: BSD-3
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.tools.tools import Bunch
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acovf
from statsmodels.tsa.arima.specification import SARIMAXSpecification
from statsmodels.tsa.arima.params import SARIMAXParams
def durbin_levinson(endog, ar_order=0, demean=True, unbiased=False):
Estimate AR parameters at multiple orders using Durbin-Levinson recursions.
endog : array_like or SARIMAXSpecification
Input time series array, assumed to be stationary.
ar_order : int, optional
Autoregressive order. Default is 0.
demean : bool, optional
Whether to estimate and remove the mean from the process prior to
fitting the autoregressive coefficients. Default is True.
unbiased : bool, optional
Whether to use the "unbiased" autocovariance estimator, which uses
n - h degrees of freedom rather than n. Note that despite the name, it
is only truly unbiased if the process mean is known (rather than
estimated) and for some processes it can result in a non-positive
definite autocovariance matrix. Default is False.
parameters : list of SARIMAXParams objects
List elements correspond to estimates at different `ar_order`. For
example, parameters[0] is an `SARIMAXParams` instance corresponding to
other_results : Bunch
Includes one component, `spec`, containing the `SARIMAXSpecification`
instance corresponding to the input arguments.
The primary reference is [1]_, section 2.5.1.
This procedure assumes that the series is stationary.
.. [1] Brockwell, Peter J., and Richard A. Davis. 2016.
Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting. Springer.
max_spec = SARIMAXSpecification(endog, ar_order=ar_order)
endog = max_spec.endog
# Make sure we have a consecutive process
if not max_spec.is_ar_consecutive:
raise ValueError('Durbin-Levinson estimation unavailable for models'
' with seasonal or otherwise non-consecutive AR'
' orders.')
gamma = acovf(endog, unbiased=unbiased, fft=True, demean=demean,
# If no AR component, just a variance computation
if max_spec.ar_order == 0:
ar_params = [None]
sigma2 = [gamma[0]]
# Otherwise, AR model
Phi = np.zeros((max_spec.ar_order, max_spec.ar_order))
v = np.zeros(max_spec.ar_order + 1)
Phi[0, 0] = gamma[1] / gamma[0]
v[0] = gamma[0]
v[1] = v[0] * (1 - Phi[0, 0]**2)
for i in range(1, max_spec.ar_order):
tmp = Phi[i-1, :i]
Phi[i, i] = (gamma[i + 1] - np.dot(tmp, gamma[i:0:-1])) / v[i]
Phi[i, :i] = (tmp - Phi[i, i] * tmp[::-1])
v[i + 1] = v[i] * (1 - Phi[i, i]**2)
ar_params = [None] + [Phi[i, :i + 1] for i in range(max_spec.ar_order)]
sigma2 = v
# Compute output
out = []
for i in range(max_spec.ar_order + 1):
spec = SARIMAXSpecification(ar_order=i)
p = SARIMAXParams(spec=spec)
if i == 0:
p.params = sigma2[i]
p.params = np.r_[ar_params[i], sigma2[i]]
# Construct other results
other_results = Bunch({
'spec': spec,
return out, other_results