General tests for Markov switching models
Author: Chad Fulton
License: BSD-3
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_equal, assert_allclose, assert_raises
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime_cs
from statsmodels.tsa.regime_switching import markov_switching
def test_params():
def check_transtion_2(params):
assert_equal(params['regime_transition'], np.s_[0:2])
assert_equal(params[0, 'regime_transition'], [0])
assert_equal(params[1, 'regime_transition'], [1])
assert_equal(params['regime_transition', 0], [0])
assert_equal(params['regime_transition', 1], [1])
def check_transition_3(params):
assert_equal(params['regime_transition'], np.s_[0:6])
assert_equal(params[0, 'regime_transition'], [0, 3])
assert_equal(params[1, 'regime_transition'], [1, 4])
assert_equal(params[2, 'regime_transition'], [2, 5])
assert_equal(params['regime_transition', 0], [0, 3])
assert_equal(params['regime_transition', 1], [1, 4])
assert_equal(params['regime_transition', 2], [2, 5])
params = markov_switching.MarkovSwitchingParams(k_regimes=2)
params['regime_transition'] = [1]
assert_equal(params.k_params, 1 * 2)
assert_equal(params[0], [0])
assert_equal(params[1], [1])
params['exog'] = [0, 1]
assert_equal(params.k_params, 1 * 2 + 1 + 1 * 2)
assert_equal(params[0], [0, 2, 3])
assert_equal(params[1], [1, 2, 4])
assert_equal(params['exog'], np.s_[2:5])
assert_equal(params[0, 'exog'], [2, 3])
assert_equal(params[1, 'exog'], [2, 4])
assert_equal(params['exog', 0], [2, 3])
assert_equal(params['exog', 1], [2, 4])
params = markov_switching.MarkovSwitchingParams(k_regimes=3)
params['regime_transition'] = [1, 1]
assert_equal(params.k_params, 2 * 3)
assert_equal(params[0], [0, 3])
assert_equal(params[1], [1, 4])
assert_equal(params[2], [2, 5])
# Test for invalid parameter setting
assert_raises(IndexError, params.__setitem__, None, [1, 1])
# Test for invalid parameter selection
assert_raises(IndexError, params.__getitem__, None)
assert_raises(IndexError, params.__getitem__, (0, 0))
assert_raises(IndexError, params.__getitem__, ('exog', 'exog'))
assert_raises(IndexError, params.__getitem__, ('exog', 0, 1))
def test_init_endog():
index = pd.date_range(start='1950-01-01', periods=10, freq='D')
endog = [
np.ones(10), pd.Series(np.ones(10), index=index), np.ones((10, 1)),
pd.DataFrame(np.ones((10, 1)), index=index)
for _endog in endog:
mod = markov_switching.MarkovSwitching(_endog, k_regimes=2)
assert_equal(mod.nobs, 10)
assert_equal(mod.endog, _endog.squeeze())
assert_equal(mod.k_regimes, 2)
assert_equal(mod.tvtp, False)
assert_equal(mod.k_tvtp, 0)
assert_equal(mod.k_params, 2)
# Invalid: k_regimes < 2
endog = np.ones(10)
assert_raises(ValueError, markov_switching.MarkovSwitching, endog,
# Invalid: multiple endog columns
endog = np.ones((10, 2))
assert_raises(ValueError, markov_switching.MarkovSwitching, endog,
def test_init_exog_tvtp():
endog = np.ones(10)
exog_tvtp = np.c_[np.ones((10, 1)), (np.arange(10) + 1)[:, np.newaxis]]
mod = markov_switching.MarkovSwitching(endog, k_regimes=2,
assert_equal(mod.tvtp, True)
assert_equal(mod.k_tvtp, 2)
# Invalid exog_tvtp (too many obs)
exog_tvtp = np.c_[np.ones((11, 1)), (np.arange(11) + 1)[:, np.newaxis]]
assert_raises(ValueError, markov_switching.MarkovSwitching, endog,
k_regimes=2, exog_tvtp=exog_tvtp)
def test_transition_matrix():
# k_regimes = 2
endog = np.ones(10)
mod = markov_switching.MarkovSwitching(endog, k_regimes=2)
params = np.r_[0., 0., 1.]
transition_matrix = np.zeros((2, 2, 1))
transition_matrix[1, :] = 1.
assert_allclose(mod.regime_transition_matrix(params), transition_matrix)
# k_regimes = 3
endog = np.ones(10)
mod = markov_switching.MarkovSwitching(endog, k_regimes=3)
params = np.r_[[0]*3, [0.2]*3, 1.]
transition_matrix = np.zeros((3, 3, 1))
transition_matrix[1, :, 0] = 0.2
transition_matrix[2, :, 0] = 0.8
assert_allclose(mod.regime_transition_matrix(params), transition_matrix)
# k_regimes = 2, tvtp
endog = np.ones(10)
exog_tvtp = np.c_[np.ones((10, 1)), (np.arange(10) + 1)[:, np.newaxis]]
mod = markov_switching.MarkovSwitching(endog, k_regimes=2,
# If all TVTP regression coefficients are zero, then the logit transform
# results in exp(0) / (1 + exp(0)) = 0.5 for all parameters; since it's
# k_regimes=2 the remainder calculation is also 0.5.
params = np.r_[0, 0, 0, 0]
assert_allclose(mod.regime_transition_matrix(params), 0.5)
# Manually compute the TVTP coefficients
params = np.r_[1, 2, 1, 2]
transition_matrix = np.zeros((2, 2, 10))
coeffs0 = np.sum(exog_tvtp, axis=1)
p11 = np.exp(coeffs0) / (1 + np.exp(coeffs0))
transition_matrix[0, 0, :] = p11
transition_matrix[1, 0, :] = 1 - p11
coeffs1 = np.sum(2 * exog_tvtp, axis=1)
p21 = np.exp(coeffs1) / (1 + np.exp(coeffs1))
transition_matrix[0, 1, :] = p21
transition_matrix[1, 1, :] = 1 - p21
assert_allclose(mod.regime_transition_matrix(params), transition_matrix,
# k_regimes = 3, tvtp
endog = np.ones(10)
exog_tvtp = np.c_[np.ones((10, 1)), (np.arange(10) + 1)[:, np.newaxis]]
mod = markov_switching.MarkovSwitching(
endog, k_regimes=3, exog_tvtp=exog_tvtp)
# If all TVTP regression coefficients are zero, then the logit transform
# results in exp(0) / (1 + exp(0) + exp(0)) = 1/3 for all parameters;
# since it's k_regimes=3 the remainder calculation is also 1/3.
params = np.r_[[0]*12]
assert_allclose(mod.regime_transition_matrix(params), 1 / 3)
# Manually compute the TVTP coefficients for the first column
params = np.r_[[0]*6, [2]*6]
transition_matrix = np.zeros((3, 3, 10))
p11 = np.zeros(10)
p12 = 2 * np.sum(exog_tvtp, axis=1)
tmp = np.exp(np.c_[p11, p12]).T
transition_matrix[:2, 0, :] = tmp / (1 + np.sum(tmp, axis=0))
transition_matrix[2, 0, :] = (
1 - np.sum(transition_matrix[:2, 0, :], axis=0))
assert_allclose(mod.regime_transition_matrix(params)[:, 0, :],
transition_matrix[:, 0, :], atol=1e-10)
def test_initial_probabilities():
endog = np.ones(10)
mod = markov_switching.MarkovSwitching(endog, k_regimes=2)
params = np.r_[0.5, 0.5, 1.]
# Valid known initial probabilities
mod.initialize_known([0.2, 0.8])
assert_allclose(mod.initial_probabilities(params), [0.2, 0.8])
# Invalid known initial probabilities (too many elements)
assert_raises(ValueError, mod.initialize_known, [0.2, 0.2, 0.6])
# Invalid known initial probabilities (does not sum to 1)
assert_raises(ValueError, mod.initialize_known, [0.2, 0.2])
# Valid steady-state probabilities
assert_allclose(mod.initial_probabilities(params), [0.5, 0.5])
# Invalid steady-state probabilities (when mod has tvtp)
endog = np.ones(10)
mod = markov_switching.MarkovSwitching(endog, k_regimes=2, exog_tvtp=endog)
assert_raises(ValueError, mod.initialize_steady_state)
def test_logistic():
logistic = markov_switching._logistic
# For a number, logistic(x) = np.exp(x) / (1 + np.exp(x))
cases = [0, 10., -4]
for x in cases:
# Have to use allclose b/c logistic() actually uses logsumexp, so
# they're not equal
assert_allclose(logistic(x), np.exp(x) / (1 + np.exp(x)))
# For a vector, logistic(x) returns
# np.exp(x[i]) / (1 + np.sum(np.exp(x[:]))) for each i
# but squeezed
cases = [[1.], [0, 1.], [-2, 3., 1.2, -30.]]
for x in cases:
actual = logistic(x)
desired = [np.exp(i) / (1 + np.sum(np.exp(x))) for i in x]
assert_allclose(actual, desired)
# For a 2-dim, logistic(x) returns
# np.exp(x[i, t]) / (1 + np.sum(np.exp(x[:, t]))) for each i, each t
# but squeezed
case = [[1.]]
actual = logistic(case)
assert_equal(actual.shape, (1, 1))
assert_allclose(actual, np.exp(1) / (1 + np.exp(1)))
# Here, np.array(case) is 2x1, so it is interpreted as i=0, 1 and t=0
case = [[0], [1.]]
actual = logistic(case)
desired = [np.exp(i) / (1 + np.sum(np.exp(case))) for i in case]
assert_allclose(actual, desired)
# Here, np.array(case) is 1x2, so it is interpreted as i=0 and t=0, 1
case = [[0, 1.]]
actual = logistic(case)
desired = np.exp(case) / (1 + np.exp(case))
assert_allclose(actual, desired)
# For a 3-dim, logistic(x) returns
# np.exp(x[i, j, t]) / (1 + np.sum(np.exp(x[:, j, t])))
# for each i, each j, each t
case = np.arange(2*3*4).reshape(2, 3, 4)
actual = logistic(case)
for j in range(3):
assert_allclose(actual[:, j, :], logistic(case[:, j, :]))
def test_partials_logistic():
# Here we compare to analytic derivatives and to finite-difference
# approximations
logistic = markov_switching._logistic
partials_logistic = markov_switching._partials_logistic
# For a number, logistic(x) = np.exp(x) / (1 + np.exp(x))
# Then d/dx = logistix(x) - logistic(x)**2
cases = [0, 10., -4]
for x in cases:
assert_allclose(partials_logistic(x), logistic(x) - logistic(x)**2)
assert_allclose(partials_logistic(x), approx_fprime_cs([x], logistic))
# For a vector, logistic(x) returns
# np.exp(x[i]) / (1 + np.sum(np.exp(x[:]))) for each i
# Then d logistic(x[i]) / dx[i] = (logistix(x) - logistic(x)**2)[i]
# And d logistic(x[i]) / dx[j] = -(logistic(x[i]) * logistic[x[j]])
cases = [[1.], [0, 1.], [-2, 3., 1.2, -30.]]
for x in cases:
evaluated = np.atleast_1d(logistic(x))
partials = np.diag(evaluated - evaluated**2)
for i in range(len(x)):
for j in range(i):
partials[i, j] = partials[j, i] = -evaluated[i] * evaluated[j]
assert_allclose(partials_logistic(x), partials)
assert_allclose(partials_logistic(x), approx_fprime_cs(x, logistic))
# For a 2-dim, logistic(x) returns
# np.exp(x[i, t]) / (1 + np.sum(np.exp(x[:, t]))) for each i, each t
# but squeezed
case = [[1.]]
evaluated = logistic(case)
partial = [evaluated - evaluated**2]
assert_allclose(partials_logistic(case), partial)
assert_allclose(partials_logistic(case), approx_fprime_cs(case, logistic))
# # Here, np.array(case) is 2x1, so it is interpreted as i=0, 1 and t=0
case = [[0], [1.]]
evaluated = logistic(case)[:, 0]
partials = np.diag(evaluated - evaluated**2)
partials[0, 1] = partials[1, 0] = -np.multiply(*evaluated)
assert_allclose(partials_logistic(case)[:, :, 0], partials)
approx_fprime_cs(np.squeeze(case), logistic)[..., None])
# Here, np.array(case) is 1x2, so it is interpreted as i=0 and t=0, 1
case = [[0, 1.]]
evaluated = logistic(case)
partials = (evaluated - evaluated**2)[None, ...]
assert_allclose(partials_logistic(case), partials)
approx_fprime_cs(case, logistic).T)
# For a 3-dim, logistic(x) returns
# np.exp(x[i, j, t]) / (1 + np.sum(np.exp(x[:, j, t])))
# for each i, each j, each t
case = np.arange(2*3*4).reshape(2, 3, 4)
evaluated = logistic(case)
partials = partials_logistic(case)
for t in range(4):
for j in range(3):
desired = np.diag(evaluated[:, j, t] - evaluated[:, j, t]**2)
desired[0, 1] = desired[1, 0] = -np.multiply(*evaluated[:, j, t])
assert_allclose(partials[..., j, t], desired)