Tests for the generic MLEModel
Author: Chad Fulton
License: Simplified-BSD
import os
import re
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytest
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace import (sarimax, varmax, kalman_filter,
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.mlemodel import MLEModel, MLEResultsWrapper
from statsmodels.datasets import nile
from numpy.testing import (
assert_almost_equal, assert_equal, assert_allclose, assert_raises)
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.tests.results import (
results_sarimax, results_var_misc)
current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Basic kwargs
kwargs = {
'k_states': 1, 'design': [[1]], 'transition': [[1]],
'selection': [[1]], 'state_cov': [[1]],
'initialization': 'approximate_diffuse'
def get_dummy_mod(fit=True, pandas=False):
# This tests time-varying parameters regression when in fact the parameters
# are not time-varying, and in fact the regression fit is perfect
endog = np.arange(100)*1.0
exog = 2*endog
if pandas:
index = pd.date_range('1960-01-01', periods=100, freq='MS')
endog = pd.Series(endog, index=index)
exog = pd.Series(exog, index=index)
mod = sarimax.SARIMAX(
endog, exog=exog, order=(0, 0, 0),
time_varying_regression=True, mle_regression=False,
if fit:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
res = mod.fit(disp=-1)
res = None
return mod, res
def test_init_matrices_time_invariant():
# Test setting state space system matrices in __init__, with time-invariant
# matrices
k_endog = 2
k_states = 3
k_posdef = 1
endog = np.zeros((10, 2))
obs_intercept = np.arange(k_endog) * 1.0
design = np.reshape(
np.arange(k_endog * k_states) * 1.0, (k_endog, k_states))
obs_cov = np.reshape(np.arange(k_endog**2) * 1.0, (k_endog, k_endog))
state_intercept = np.arange(k_states) * 1.0
transition = np.reshape(np.arange(k_states**2) * 1.0, (k_states, k_states))
selection = np.reshape(
np.arange(k_states * k_posdef) * 1.0, (k_states, k_posdef))
state_cov = np.reshape(np.arange(k_posdef**2) * 1.0, (k_posdef, k_posdef))
mod = MLEModel(endog, k_states=k_states, k_posdef=k_posdef,
obs_intercept=obs_intercept, design=design,
obs_cov=obs_cov, state_intercept=state_intercept,
transition=transition, selection=selection,
assert_allclose(mod['obs_intercept'], obs_intercept)
assert_allclose(mod['design'], design)
assert_allclose(mod['obs_cov'], obs_cov)
assert_allclose(mod['state_intercept'], state_intercept)
assert_allclose(mod['transition'], transition)
assert_allclose(mod['selection'], selection)
assert_allclose(mod['state_cov'], state_cov)
def test_init_matrices_time_varying():
# Test setting state space system matrices in __init__, with time-varying
# matrices
nobs = 10
k_endog = 2
k_states = 3
k_posdef = 1
endog = np.zeros((10, 2))
obs_intercept = np.reshape(np.arange(k_endog * nobs) * 1.0,
(k_endog, nobs))
design = np.reshape(
np.arange(k_endog * k_states * nobs) * 1.0, (k_endog, k_states, nobs))
obs_cov = np.reshape(
np.arange(k_endog**2 * nobs) * 1.0, (k_endog, k_endog, nobs))
state_intercept = np.reshape(
np.arange(k_states * nobs) * 1.0, (k_states, nobs))
transition = np.reshape(
np.arange(k_states**2 * nobs) * 1.0, (k_states, k_states, nobs))
selection = np.reshape(
np.arange(k_states * k_posdef * nobs) * 1.0,
(k_states, k_posdef, nobs))
state_cov = np.reshape(
np.arange(k_posdef**2 * nobs) * 1.0, (k_posdef, k_posdef, nobs))
mod = MLEModel(endog, k_states=k_states, k_posdef=k_posdef,
obs_intercept=obs_intercept, design=design,
obs_cov=obs_cov, state_intercept=state_intercept,
transition=transition, selection=selection,
assert_allclose(mod['obs_intercept'], obs_intercept)
assert_allclose(mod['design'], design)
assert_allclose(mod['obs_cov'], obs_cov)
assert_allclose(mod['state_intercept'], state_intercept)
assert_allclose(mod['transition'], transition)
assert_allclose(mod['selection'], selection)
assert_allclose(mod['state_cov'], state_cov)
def test_wrapping():
# Test the wrapping of various Representation / KalmanFilter /
# KalmanSmoother methods / attributes
mod, _ = get_dummy_mod(fit=False)
# Test that we can get the design matrix
assert_equal(mod['design', 0, 0], 2.0 * np.arange(100))
# Test that we can set individual elements of the design matrix
mod['design', 0, 0, :] = 2
assert_equal(mod.ssm['design', 0, 0, :], 2)
assert_equal(mod.ssm['design'].shape, (1, 1, 100))
# Test that we can set the entire design matrix
mod['design'] = [[3.]]
assert_equal(mod.ssm['design', 0, 0], 3.)
# (Now it's no longer time-varying, so only 2-dim)
assert_equal(mod.ssm['design'].shape, (1, 1))
# Test that we can change the following properties: loglikelihood_burn,
# initial_variance, tolerance
assert_equal(mod.loglikelihood_burn, 0)
mod.loglikelihood_burn = 1
assert_equal(mod.ssm.loglikelihood_burn, 1)
assert_equal(mod.tolerance, mod.ssm.tolerance)
mod.tolerance = 0.123
assert_equal(mod.ssm.tolerance, 0.123)
assert_equal(mod.initial_variance, 1e10)
mod.initial_variance = 1e12
assert_equal(mod.ssm.initial_variance, 1e12)
# Test that we can use the following wrappers: initialization,
# initialize_known, initialize_stationary, initialize_approximate_diffuse
# Initialization starts off as none
assert_equal(isinstance(mod.initialization, object), True)
# Since the SARIMAX model may be fully stationary or may have diffuse
# elements, it uses a custom initialization by default, but it can be
# overridden by users
mod.initialize_default() # no-op here
assert_equal(mod.initialization.initialization_type, 'approximate_diffuse')
assert_equal(mod.initialization.approximate_diffuse_variance, 1e5)
mod.initialize_known([5.], [[40]])
assert_equal(mod.initialization.initialization_type, 'known')
assert_equal(mod.initialization.constant, [5.])
assert_equal(mod.initialization.stationary_cov, [[40]])
assert_equal(mod.initialization.initialization_type, 'stationary')
# Test that we can use the following wrapper methods: set_filter_method,
# set_stability_method, set_conserve_memory, set_smoother_output
# The defaults are as follows:
assert_equal(mod.ssm.filter_method, kalman_filter.FILTER_CONVENTIONAL)
assert_equal(mod.ssm.conserve_memory, kalman_filter.MEMORY_STORE_ALL)
assert_equal(mod.ssm.smoother_output, kalman_smoother.SMOOTHER_ALL)
# Now, create the Cython filter object and assert that they have
# transferred correctly
kf = mod.ssm._kalman_filter
assert_equal(kf.filter_method, kalman_filter.FILTER_CONVENTIONAL)
assert_equal(kf.stability_method, kalman_filter.STABILITY_FORCE_SYMMETRY)
assert_equal(kf.conserve_memory, kalman_filter.MEMORY_STORE_ALL)
# (the smoother object is so far not in Cython, so there is no
# transferring)
# Change the attributes in the model class
# Assert that the changes have occurred in the ssm class
assert_equal(mod.ssm.filter_method, 100)
assert_equal(mod.ssm.stability_method, 101)
assert_equal(mod.ssm.conserve_memory, 102)
assert_equal(mod.ssm.smoother_output, 103)
# Assert that the changes have *not yet* occurred in the filter object
assert_equal(kf.filter_method, kalman_filter.FILTER_CONVENTIONAL)
assert_equal(kf.stability_method, kalman_filter.STABILITY_FORCE_SYMMETRY)
assert_equal(kf.conserve_memory, kalman_filter.MEMORY_STORE_ALL)
# Now, test the setting of the other two methods by resetting the
# filter method to a valid value
# Retrieve the new kalman filter object (a new object had to be created
# due to the changing filter method)
kf = mod.ssm._kalman_filter
assert_equal(kf.filter_method, 1)
assert_equal(kf.stability_method, 101)
assert_equal(kf.conserve_memory, 102)
def test_fit_misc():
true = results_sarimax.wpi1_stationary
endog = np.diff(true['data'])[1:]
mod = sarimax.SARIMAX(endog, order=(1, 0, 1), trend='c')
# Test optim_hessian={'opg','oim','approx'}
with warnings.catch_warnings():
res1 = mod.fit(method='ncg', disp=0, optim_hessian='opg',
res2 = mod.fit(method='ncg', disp=0, optim_hessian='oim',
# Check that the Hessians broadly result in the same optimum
assert_allclose(res1.llf, res2.llf, rtol=1e-2)
# Test return_params=True
mod, _ = get_dummy_mod(fit=False)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
res_params = mod.fit(disp=-1, return_params=True)
# 5 digits necessary to accommodate 32-bit numpy/scipy with OpenBLAS 0.2.18
assert_almost_equal(res_params, [0, 0], 5)
def test_score_misc():
mod, res = get_dummy_mod()
# Test that the score function works
def test_from_formula():
assert_raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: MLEModel.from_formula(1, 2, 3))
def test_score_analytic_ar1():
# Test the score against the analytic score for an AR(1) model with 2
# observations
# Let endog = [1, 0.5], params=[0, 1]
mod = sarimax.SARIMAX([1, 0.5], order=(1, 0, 0))
def partial_phi(phi, sigma2):
return -0.5 * (phi**2 + 2*phi*sigma2 - 1) / (sigma2 * (1 - phi**2))
def partial_sigma2(phi, sigma2):
return -0.5 * (2*sigma2 + phi - 1.25) / (sigma2**2)
params = np.r_[0., 2]
# Compute the analytic score
analytic_score = np.r_[
partial_phi(params[0], params[1]),
partial_sigma2(params[0], params[1])]
# Check each of the approximations, transformed parameters
approx_cs = mod.score(params, transformed=True, approx_complex_step=True)
assert_allclose(approx_cs, analytic_score)
approx_fd = mod.score(params, transformed=True, approx_complex_step=False)
assert_allclose(approx_fd, analytic_score, atol=1e-5)
approx_fd_centered = (
mod.score(params, transformed=True, approx_complex_step=False,
assert_allclose(approx_fd, analytic_score, atol=1e-5)
harvey_cs = mod.score(params, transformed=True, method='harvey',
assert_allclose(harvey_cs, analytic_score)
harvey_fd = mod.score(params, transformed=True, method='harvey',
assert_allclose(harvey_fd, analytic_score, atol=1e-5)
harvey_fd_centered = mod.score(params, transformed=True, method='harvey',
assert_allclose(harvey_fd_centered, analytic_score, atol=1e-5)
# Check the approximations for untransformed parameters. The analytic
# check now comes from chain rule with the analytic derivative of the
# transformation
# if L* is the likelihood evaluated at untransformed parameters and
# L is the likelihood evaluated at transformed parameters, then we have:
# L*(u) = L(t(u))
# and then
# L'*(u) = L'(t(u)) * t'(u)
def partial_transform_phi(phi):
return -1. / (1 + phi**2)**(3./2)
def partial_transform_sigma2(sigma2):
return 2. * sigma2
uparams = mod.untransform_params(params)
analytic_score = np.dot(
np.r_[partial_phi(params[0], params[1]),
partial_sigma2(params[0], params[1])])
approx_cs = mod.score(uparams, transformed=False, approx_complex_step=True)
assert_allclose(approx_cs, analytic_score)
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