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Version: 0.11.1 

/ tsa / tsatools.py

from statsmodels.compat.python import lrange, lzip
from statsmodels.compat.numpy import recarray_select

import numpy as np
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as nprf
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas.tseries import offsets
from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset

from statsmodels.tools.validation import int_like, bool_like, string_like
from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import ValueWarning
from statsmodels.tools.data import _is_using_pandas, _is_recarray
from statsmodels.tools.validation import array_like

def add_trend(x, trend="c", prepend=False, has_constant='skip'):
    Add a trend and/or constant to an array.

    x : array_like
        Original array of data.
    trend : str {'n', 'c', 't', 'ct', 'ctt'}
        The trend to add.

        * 'n' add no trend.
        * 'c' add constant only.
        * 't' add trend only.
        * 'ct' add constant and linear trend.
        * 'ctt' add constant and linear and quadratic trend.
    prepend : bool
        If True, prepends the new data to the columns of X.
    has_constant : str {'raise', 'add', 'skip'}
        Controls what happens when trend is 'c' and a constant column already
        exists in x. 'raise' will raise an error. 'add' will add a column of
        1s. 'skip' will return the data without change. 'skip' is the default.

        The original data with the additional trend columns.  If x is a
        recarray or pandas Series or DataFrame, then the trend column names
        are 'const', 'trend' and 'trend_squared'.

    See Also
        Add a constant column to an array.

    Returns columns as ['ctt','ct','c'] whenever applicable. There is currently
    no checking for an existing trend.
    prepend = bool_like(prepend, 'prepend')
    trend = string_like(trend, 'trend', options=('n', 'c', 't', 'ct', 'ctt'))
    has_constant = string_like(has_constant, 'has_constant',
                               options=('raise', 'add', 'skip'))

    # TODO: could be generalized for trend of aribitrary order
    columns = ['const', 'trend', 'trend_squared']
    if trend == 'n':
        return x.copy()
    elif trend == "c":  # handles structured arrays
        columns = columns[:1]
        trendorder = 0
    elif trend == "ct" or trend == "t":
        columns = columns[:2]
        if trend == "t":
            columns = columns[1:2]
        trendorder = 1
    elif trend == "ctt":
        trendorder = 2

    is_recarray = _is_recarray(x)
    is_pandas = _is_using_pandas(x, None) or is_recarray
    if is_pandas or is_recarray:
        if is_recarray:
            # deprecated: remove recarray support after 0.12
            import warnings
            from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import recarray_warning
            warnings.warn(recarray_warning, FutureWarning)

            descr = x.dtype.descr
            x = pd.DataFrame.from_records(x)
        elif isinstance(x, pd.Series):
            x = pd.DataFrame(x)
            x = x.copy()
        x = np.asanyarray(x)

    nobs = len(x)
    trendarr = np.vander(np.arange(1, nobs + 1, dtype=np.float64), trendorder + 1)
    # put in order ctt
    trendarr = np.fliplr(trendarr)
    if trend == "t":
        trendarr = trendarr[:, 1]

    if "c" in trend:
        if is_pandas or is_recarray:
            # Mixed type protection
            def safe_is_const(s):
                    return np.ptp(s) == 0.0 and np.any(s != 0.0)
                    return False
            col_const = x.apply(safe_is_const, 0)
            ptp0 = np.ptp(np.asanyarray(x), axis=0)
            col_is_const = ptp0 == 0
            nz_const = col_is_const & (x[0] != 0)
            col_const = nz_const

        if np.any(col_const):
            if has_constant == 'raise':
                msg = "x contains a constant. Adding a constant with " \
                      "trend='{0}' is not allowed.".format(trend)
                raise ValueError(msg)
            elif has_constant == 'skip':
                columns = columns[1:]
                trendarr = trendarr[:, 1:]

    order = 1 if prepend else -1
    if is_recarray or is_pandas:
        trendarr = pd.DataFrame(trendarr, index=x.index, columns=columns)
        x = [trendarr, x]
        x = pd.concat(x[::order], 1)
        x = [trendarr, x]
        x = np.column_stack(x[::order])

    if is_recarray:
        x = x.to_records(index=False)
        new_descr = x.dtype.descr
        extra_col = len(new_descr) - len(descr)
        if prepend:
            descr = new_descr[:extra_col] + descr
            descr = descr + new_descr[-extra_col:]

        x = x.astype(np.dtype(descr))

    return x

def add_lag(x, col=None, lags=1, drop=False, insert=True):
    Returns an array with lags included given an array.

    x : array_like
        An array or NumPy ndarray subclass. Can be either a 1d or 2d array with
        observations in columns.
    col : 'string', int, or None
        If data is a structured array or a recarray, `col` can be a string
        that is the name of the column containing the variable. Or `col` can
        be an int of the zero-based column index. If it's a 1d array `col`
        can be None.
    lags : int
        The number of lags desired.
    drop : bool
        Whether to keep the contemporaneous variable for the data.
    insert : bool or int
        If True, inserts the lagged values after `col`. If False, appends
        the data. If int inserts the lags at int.

    array : ndarray
        Array with lags


    >>> import statsmodels.api as sm
    >>> data = sm.datasets.macrodata.load(as_pandas=False)
    >>> data = data.data[['year','quarter','realgdp','cpi']]
    >>> data = sm.tsa.add_lag(data, 'realgdp', lags=2)

    Trims the array both forward and backward, so that the array returned
    so that the length of the returned array is len(`X`) - lags. The lags are
    returned in increasing order, ie., t-1,t-2,...,t-lags
    lags = int_like(lags, 'lags')
    drop = bool_like(drop, 'drop')

    if x.dtype.names:
        names = x.dtype.names
        if not col and np.squeeze(x).ndim > 1:
            raise IndexError("col is None and the input array is not 1d")
        elif len(names) == 1:
            col = names[0]
        if isinstance(col, int):
            col = x.dtype.names[col]

        contemp = x[col]

        # make names for lags
        tmp_names = [col + '_'+'L(%i)' % i for i in range(1, lags+1)]
        ndlags = lagmat(contemp, maxlag=lags, trim='Both')

        # get index for return
        if insert is True:
            ins_idx = list(names).index(col) + 1
        elif insert is False:
            ins_idx = len(names) + 1
        else: # insert is an int
            if insert > len(names):
                import warnings
                warnings.warn("insert > number of variables, inserting at the"
                              " last position", ValueWarning)
            ins_idx = insert

        first_names = list(names[:ins_idx])
        last_names = list(names[ins_idx:])

        if drop:
            if col in first_names:

        if first_names: # only do this if x is not "empty"
            # Workaround to avoid NumPy FutureWarning
            _x = recarray_select(x, first_names)
            first_arr = nprf.append_fields(_x[lags:], tmp_names, ndlags.T,

            first_arr = np.zeros(len(x)-lags, dtype=lzip(tmp_names,
            for i,name in enumerate(tmp_names):
                first_arr[name] = ndlags[:,i]
        if last_names:
            return nprf.append_fields(first_arr, last_names,
                    [x[name][lags:] for name in last_names], usemask=False)
        else: # lags for last variable
            return first_arr

    else: # we have an ndarray

        if x.ndim == 1: # make 2d if 1d
            x = x[:,None]
        if col is None:
            col = 0

        # handle negative index
        if col < 0:
            col = x.shape[1] + col

        contemp = x[:,col]

        if insert is True:
            ins_idx = col + 1
        elif insert is False:
            ins_idx = x.shape[1]
            if insert < 0: # handle negative index
                insert = x.shape[1] + insert + 1
            if insert > x.shape[1]:
                insert = x.shape[1]
                import warnings
                warnings.warn("insert > number of variables, inserting at the"
                              " last position", ValueWarning)
            ins_idx = insert

        ndlags = lagmat(contemp, lags, trim='Both')
        first_cols = lrange(ins_idx)
        last_cols = lrange(ins_idx,x.shape[1])
        if drop:
            if col in first_cols:
        return np.column_stack((x[lags:,first_cols],ndlags,

def detrend(x, order=1, axis=0):
    Detrend an array with a trend of given order along axis 0 or 1.

    x : array_like, 1d or 2d
        Data, if 2d, then each row or column is independently detrended with
        the same trendorder, but independent trend estimates.
    order : int
        The polynomial order of the trend, zero is constant, one is
        linear trend, two is quadratic trend.
    axis : int
        Axis can be either 0, observations by rows, or 1, observations by

        The detrended series is the residual of the linear regression of the
        data on the trend of given order.
    order = int_like(order, 'order')
    axis = int_like(axis, 'axis')

    if x.ndim == 2 and int(axis) == 1:
        x = x.T
    elif x.ndim > 2:
        raise NotImplementedError('x.ndim > 2 is not implemented until it is needed')

    nobs = x.shape[0]
    if order == 0:
        # Special case demean
        resid = x - x.mean(axis=0)
        trends = np.vander(np.arange(float(nobs)), N=order + 1)
        beta = np.linalg.pinv(trends).dot(x)
        resid = x - np.dot(trends, beta)

    if x.ndim == 2 and int(axis) == 1:
        resid = resid.T

    return resid

def lagmat(x, maxlag, trim='forward', original='ex', use_pandas=False):
    Create 2d array of lags.

    x : array_like
        Data; if 2d, observation in rows and variables in columns.
    maxlag : int
        All lags from zero to maxlag are included.
    trim : {'forward', 'backward', 'both', 'none', None}
        The trimming method to use.

        * 'forward' : trim invalid observations in front.
        * 'backward' : trim invalid initial observations.
        * 'both' : trim invalid observations on both sides.
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