*** Sat, 3 Sep 2016 22:25:42 ***
endogenous variables: realcons realgdp realinv
exogenous variables:
deterministic variables: CONST S1 S2 S3
endogenous lags: 4
exogenous lags: 0
sample range: [1960 Q1, 2009 Q3], T = 199
modulus of the eigenvalues of the reverse characteristic polynomial :
|z| = ( 1.4992 1.4992 2.0185 2.0185 3.5410 6.3965 1.5057 1.5057 1.0509 1.0509 1.3257 0.9958 )
Equation 1 Equation 2 ...
Variable 1 | Coefficient ...
| (Std. Dev.)
| {p - Value}
| [t - Value]
Variable 2 | ...
Lagged endogenous term:
realcons realgdp realinv
realcons(t-1)| 1.436 1.305 0.953
| (0.114) (0.195) (0.141)
| {0.000} {0.000} {0.000}
| [12.621] [6.693] [6.758]
realgdp (t-1)| -0.266 0.543 -0.164
| (0.090) (0.154) (0.111)
| {0.003} {0.000} {0.142}
| [-2.954] [3.525] [-1.469]
realinv (t-1)| 0.308 0.345 1.169
| (0.104) (0.179) (0.129)
| {0.003} {0.053} {0.000}
| [2.953] [1.932] [9.038]
realcons(t-2)| -0.138 -0.686 -0.649
| (0.193) (0.330) (0.239)
| {0.474} {0.037} {0.006}
| [-0.717] [-2.082] [-2.722]
realgdp (t-2)| 0.058 0.400 0.208
| (0.129) (0.221) (0.160)
| {0.650} {0.071} {0.193}
| [0.453] [1.809] [1.300]
realinv (t-2)| -0.154 -0.470 -0.335
| (0.164) (0.282) (0.204)
| {0.349} {0.095} {0.100}
| [-0.936] [-1.669] [-1.644]
realcons(t-3)| 0.160 -0.107 -0.139
| (0.197) (0.337) (0.244)
| {0.416} {0.750} {0.569}
| [0.814] [-0.318] [-0.570]
realgdp (t-3)| -0.011 -0.179 -0.218
| (0.128) (0.219) (0.159)
| {0.930} {0.415} {0.170}
| [-0.087] [-0.815] [-1.371]
realinv (t-3)| -0.041 0.123 0.252
| (0.162) (0.277) (0.200)
| {0.799} {0.656} {0.209}
| [-0.255] [0.445] [1.256]
realcons(t-4)| -0.474 -0.419 -0.105
| (0.130) (0.223) (0.161)
| {0.000} {0.060} {0.515}
| [-3.649] [-1.884] [-0.651]
realgdp (t-4)| 0.233 0.188 0.145
| (0.093) (0.159) (0.115)
| {0.012} {0.238} {0.208}
| [2.507] [1.179] [1.258]
realinv (t-4)| -0.121 -0.108 -0.191
| (0.110) (0.189) (0.136)
| {0.271} {0.567} {0.161}
| [-1.101] [-0.572] [-1.403]
Deterministic term:
realcons realgdp realinv
CONST | 0.514 8.866 -12.124
| (11.320) (19.393) (14.032)
| {0.964} {0.648} {0.388}
| [0.045] [0.457] [-0.864]
S1 (t)| 4.472 7.218 4.147
| (5.541) (9.493) (6.869)
| {0.420} {0.447} {0.546}
| [0.807] [0.760] [0.604]
S2 (t)| -1.636 13.947 7.368
| (5.458) (9.350) (6.766)
| {0.764} {0.136} {0.276}
| [-0.300] [1.492] [1.089]
S3 (t)| 8.790 12.807 6.307
| (5.523) (9.462) (6.846)
| {0.112} {0.176} {0.357}
| [1.591] [1.354] [0.921]