*** Sat, 3 Sep 2016 21:52:15 ***
endogenous variables: realcons realgdp realinv
exogenous variables:
deterministic variables:
endogenous lags: 4
exogenous lags: 0
sample range: [1960 Q1, 2009 Q3], T = 199
modulus of the eigenvalues of the reverse characteristic polynomial :
|z| = ( 1.5237 1.5237 2.1188 2.1188 4.0128 4.0128 1.5233 1.5233 1.1578 1.1578 1.0233 0.9937 )
Equation 1 Equation 2 ...
Variable 1 | Coefficient ...
| (Std. Dev.)
| {p - Value}
| [t - Value]
Variable 2 | ...
Lagged endogenous term:
realcons realgdp realinv
realcons(t-1)| 1.396 1.251 0.943
| (0.112) (0.191) (0.137)
| {0.000} {0.000} {0.000}
| [12.500] [6.550] [6.862]
realgdp (t-1)| -0.234 0.591 -0.164
| (0.087) (0.149) (0.107)
| {0.007} {0.000} {0.127}
| [-2.674] [3.956] [-1.526]
realinv (t-1)| 0.280 0.297 1.170
| (0.102) (0.175) (0.126)
| {0.006} {0.090} {0.000}
| [2.734] [1.696] [9.292]
realcons(t-2)| -0.070 -0.617 -0.613
| (0.188) (0.322) (0.232)
| {0.710} {0.055} {0.008}
| [-0.372] [-1.918] [-2.646]
realgdp (t-2)| 0.017 0.348 0.178
| (0.127) (0.216) (0.156)
| {0.896} {0.108} {0.253}
| [0.131] [1.608] [1.144]
realinv (t-2)| -0.107 -0.424 -0.311
| (0.162) (0.278) (0.200)
| {0.509} {0.127} {0.119}
| [-0.661] [-1.526] [-1.558]
realcons(t-3)| 0.100 -0.115 -0.146
| (0.192) (0.329) (0.237)
| {0.604} {0.725} {0.538}
| [0.519] [-0.351] [-0.615]
realgdp (t-3)| 0.012 -0.165 -0.207
| (0.126) (0.215) (0.155)
| {0.923} {0.442} {0.179}
| [0.097] [-0.769] [-1.343]
realinv (t-3)| -0.071 0.113 0.241
| (0.160) (0.273) (0.197)
| {0.655} {0.679} {0.221}
| [-0.446] [0.414] [1.224]
realcons(t-4)| -0.448 -0.454 -0.112
| (0.128) (0.219) (0.158)
| {0.000} {0.038} {0.475}
| [-3.497] [-2.075] [-0.714]
realgdp (t-4)| 0.224 0.201 0.155
| (0.092) (0.157) (0.113)
| {0.014} {0.200} {0.169}
| [2.448] [1.282] [1.376]
realinv (t-4)| -0.111 -0.108 -0.201
| (0.109) (0.187) (0.134)
| {0.310} {0.561} {0.136}
| [-1.016] [-0.581] [-1.492]