*** Sat, 3 Sep 2016 22:15:59 ***
endogenous variables: realcons realgdp realinv
exogenous variables:
deterministic variables: S1 S2 S3
endogenous lags: 4
exogenous lags: 0
sample range: [1960 Q1, 2009 Q3], T = 199
modulus of the eigenvalues of the reverse characteristic polynomial :
|z| = ( 1.4985 1.4985 2.0225 2.0225 3.9001 5.4939 1.5053 1.5053 1.1995 1.1181 1.0330 0.9947 )
Equation 1 Equation 2 ...
Variable 1 | Coefficient ...
| (Std. Dev.)
| {p - Value}
| [t - Value]
Variable 2 | ...
Lagged endogenous term:
realcons realgdp realinv
realcons(t-1)| 1.436 1.300 0.960
| (0.113) (0.194) (0.141)
| {0.000} {0.000} {0.000}
| [12.671] [6.693] [6.819]
realgdp (t-1)| -0.265 0.553 -0.177
| (0.089) (0.152) (0.110)
| {0.003} {0.000} {0.108}
| [-2.984] [3.632] [-1.606]
realinv (t-1)| 0.307 0.335 1.183
| (0.103) (0.177) (0.128)
| {0.003} {0.058} {0.000}
| [2.980] [1.892] [9.237]
realcons(t-2)| -0.138 -0.695 -0.638
| (0.192) (0.329) (0.238)
| {0.470} {0.034} {0.007}
| [-0.722] [-2.116] [-2.679]
realgdp (t-2)| 0.059 0.407 0.198
| (0.128) (0.220) (0.159)
| {0.646} {0.064} {0.214}
| [0.459] [1.850] [1.243]
realinv (t-2)| -0.154 -0.475 -0.328
| (0.164) (0.281) (0.203)
| {0.347} {0.091} {0.107}
| [-0.941] [-1.692] [-1.612]
realcons(t-3)| 0.160 -0.102 -0.146
| (0.196) (0.336) (0.244)
| {0.413} {0.762} {0.548}
| [0.818] [-0.303] [-0.601]
realgdp (t-3)| -0.011 -0.183 -0.211
| (0.128) (0.219) (0.159)
| {0.928} {0.402} {0.182}
| [-0.090] [-0.839] [-1.333]
realinv (t-3)| -0.041 0.129 0.243
| (0.161) (0.276) (0.200)
| {0.800} {0.640} {0.223}
| [-0.254] [0.468] [1.218]
realcons(t-4)| -0.475 -0.424 -0.098
| (0.129) (0.222) (0.161)
| {0.000} {0.056} {0.541}
| [-3.666] [-1.912] [-0.611]
realgdp (t-4)| 0.233 0.186 0.148
| (0.093) (0.159) (0.115)
| {0.012} {0.242} {0.199}
| [2.514] [1.170] [1.284]
realinv (t-4)| -0.121 -0.104 -0.197
| (0.110) (0.188) (0.136)
| {0.270} {0.581} {0.148}
| [-1.103] [-0.552] [-1.448]
Deterministic term:
realcons realgdp realinv
S1(t)| 4.537 8.340 2.612
| (5.338) (9.150) (6.631)
| {0.395} {0.362} {0.694}
| [0.850] [0.912] [0.394]
S2(t)| -1.573 15.042 5.870
| (5.261) (9.018) (6.535)
| {0.765} {0.095} {0.369}
| [-0.299] [1.668] [0.898]
S3(t)| 8.851 13.868 4.856
| (5.340) (9.153) (6.633)
| {0.097} {0.130} {0.464}
| [1.658] [1.515] [0.732]