import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (assert_, assert_allclose, assert_raises,
assert_array_equal, assert_raises_regex)
import as e6
from import assert_equal
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.tests.JMulTi_results.parse_jmulti_vecm_output import dt_s_tup_to_string
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.tests.JMulTi_results.parse_jmulti_vecm_output import load_results_jmulti
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.tests.JMulTi_results.parse_jmulti_vecm_output import\
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.util import seasonal_dummies
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.var_model import VARProcess
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm import VECM, select_order, select_coint_rank
import pytest
pytestmark = pytest.mark.filterwarnings('ignore:in the future np.array_split')
class DataSet(object):
A class for representing the data in a data module.
data_module : module
A module contained in the statsmodels/datasets directory.
n_seasons : list
A list of integers. Each int represents a number of seasons to test the
model with.
first_season : list
A list of integers. Each int corresponds to the int with the same index
in the n_seasons list and declares to which season the first data entry
variable_names : list
A list of strings. Each string names a variable.
def __init__(self, data_module, n_seasons, first_season, variable_names):
self.data_module = data_module
self.seasons = n_seasons
self.first_season = first_season
self.dt_s_list = [(det, s, self.first_season[i])
for det in deterministic_terms_list
for i, s in enumerate(self.seasons)]
self.variable_names = variable_names
def __str__(self):
return self.data_module.__str__()
atol = 0.0005 # absolute tolerance
rtol = 0 # relative tolerance
datasets = []
data = {}
results_ref = {}
results_sm = {}
results_sm_exog = {}
results_sm_exog_coint = {}
coint_rank = 1
debug_mode = False
dont_test_se_t_p = False
deterministic_terms_list = ["nc", "co", "colo", "ci", "cili"]
all_tests = ["Gamma", "alpha", "beta", "C", "det_coint", "Sigma_u",
"VAR repr. A", "VAR to VEC representation", "log_like", "fc",
"granger", "inst. causality", "impulse-response", "lag order",
"test_norm", "whiteness", "summary", "exceptions",
to_test = all_tests # ["beta"]
def load_data(dataset, data_dict):
dtset = dataset.data_module.load_pandas()
variables = dataset.variable_names
loaded =[variables].astype(float).values
data_dict[dataset] = loaded.reshape((-1, len(variables)))
def load_results_statsmodels(dataset):
results_per_deterministic_terms = dict.fromkeys(dataset.dt_s_list)
for dt_s_tup in dataset.dt_s_list:
model = VECM(data[dataset], k_ar_diff=3, coint_rank=coint_rank,
deterministic=dt_s_tup[0], seasons=dt_s_tup[1],
results_per_deterministic_terms[dt_s_tup] ="ml")
return results_per_deterministic_terms
def load_results_statsmodels_exog(dataset):
Load data with seasonal terms in `exog`.
Same as load_results_statsmodels() except that the seasonal term is
provided to :class:`VECM`'s `__init__()` method via the `eoxg` parameter.
This is to check whether the same results are produced no matter whether
`exog` or `seasons` is being used.
dataset : DataSet
results_per_deterministic_terms = dict.fromkeys(dataset.dt_s_list)
endog = data[dataset]
for dt_s_tup in dataset.dt_s_list:
det_string = dt_s_tup[0]
seasons = dt_s_tup[1]
first_season = dt_s_tup[2]
if seasons == 0:
exog = None
exog = seasonal_dummies(seasons, len(data[dataset]), first_season,
if "lo" in dt_s_tup[0]:
exog = np.hstack((exog,
1 + np.arange(len(endog)).reshape(-1, 1)))
# remove "lo" since it's now already in exog.
det_string = det_string[:-2]
model = VECM(endog, exog, k_ar_diff=3, coint_rank=coint_rank,
results_per_deterministic_terms[dt_s_tup] ="ml")
return results_per_deterministic_terms
def load_results_statsmodels_exog_coint(dataset):
Load data with deterministic terms in `exog_coint`.
Same as load_results_statsmodels() except that deterministic terms inside
the cointegration relation are provided to :class:`VECM`'s `__init__()`
method via the `eoxg_coint` parameter. This is to check whether the same
results are produced no matter whether `exog_coint` or the `deterministic`
argument is being used.
dataset : DataSet
results_per_deterministic_terms = dict.fromkeys(dataset.dt_s_list)
endog = data[dataset]
for dt_s_tup in dataset.dt_s_list:
det_string = dt_s_tup[0]
if "ci" not in det_string and "li" not in det_string:
exog_coint = None
exog_coint = []
if "li" in det_string:
exog_coint.append(1 + np.arange(len(endog)).reshape(-1, 1))
det_string = det_string[:-2]
if "ci" in det_string:
exog_coint.append(np.ones(len(endog)).reshape(-1, 1))
det_string = det_string[:-2]
# reversing (such that constant is first and linear is second)
exog_coint = exog_coint[::-1]
exog_coint = np.hstack(exog_coint)
model = VECM(endog, exog=None, exog_coint=exog_coint, k_ar_diff=3,
coint_rank=coint_rank, deterministic=det_string,
seasons=dt_s_tup[1], first_season=dt_s_tup[2])
results_per_deterministic_terms[dt_s_tup] ="ml")
return results_per_deterministic_terms
def build_err_msg(ds, dt_s, parameter_str):
dt = dt_s_tup_to_string(dt_s)
seasons = dt_s[1]
err_msg = "Error in " + parameter_str + " for:\n"
err_msg += "- Dataset: " + ds.__str__() + "\n"
err_msg += "- Deterministic terms: "
err_msg += (dt_s[0] if dt != "nc" else "no det. terms")
if seasons > 0:
err_msg += ", seasons: " + str(seasons)
return err_msg
def setup():
DataSet(e6, [0, 4], [0, 1], ["Dp", "R"]),
# DataSet(...) TODO: append more data sets for more test cases.
for ds in datasets:
load_data(ds, data)
results_ref[ds] = load_results_jmulti(ds)
results_sm[ds] = load_results_statsmodels(ds)
results_sm_exog[ds] = load_results_statsmodels_exog(ds)
results_sm_exog_coint[ds] = load_results_statsmodels_exog_coint(ds)
def test_ml_gamma():
if debug_mode:
if "Gamma" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nGAMMA", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
# estimated parameter vector
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "Gamma")
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].gamma
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].gamma
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].gamma
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["est"]["Gamma"]
assert_allclose(obtained, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obtained_exog, obtained, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obtained_exog_coint, obtained, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
if debug_mode and dont_test_se_t_p: # pragma: no cover
# standard errors
obt = results_sm[ds][dt].stderr_gamma
obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].stderr_gamma
obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].stderr_gamma
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["se"]["Gamma"]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, "STANDARD ERRORS\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obt_exog, obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obt_exog_coint, obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
# t-values
obt = results_sm[ds][dt].tvalues_gamma
obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].tvalues_gamma
obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].tvalues_gamma
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["t"]["Gamma"]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, "t-VALUES\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obt_exog, obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obt_exog_coint, obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
# p-values
obt = results_sm[ds][dt].pvalues_gamma
obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].pvalues_gamma
obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].pvalues_gamma
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["p"]["Gamma"]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, "p-VALUES\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obt_exog, obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obt_exog_coint, obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
def test_ml_alpha():
if debug_mode:
if "alpha" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nALPHA", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "alpha")
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].alpha
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].alpha
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].alpha
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["est"]["alpha"]
assert_allclose(obtained, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obtained_exog, obtained, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obtained_exog_coint, obtained, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
if debug_mode and dont_test_se_t_p: # pragma: no cover
# standard errors
obt = results_sm[ds][dt].stderr_alpha
obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].stderr_alpha
obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].stderr_alpha
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["se"]["alpha"]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, "STANDARD ERRORS\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obt_exog, obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obt_exog_coint, obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
# t-values
obt = results_sm[ds][dt].tvalues_alpha
obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].tvalues_alpha
obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].tvalues_alpha
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["t"]["alpha"]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, "t-VALUES\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obt_exog, obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obt_exog_coint, obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
# p-values
obt = results_sm[ds][dt].pvalues_alpha
obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].pvalues_alpha
obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].pvalues_alpha
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["p"]["alpha"]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, "p-VALUES\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obt_exog, obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obt_exog_coint, obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
def test_ml_beta():
if debug_mode:
if "beta" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nBETA", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "beta")
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["est"]["beta"]
rows = desired.shape[0]
# - first coint_rank rows in JMulTi output have se=t_val=p_val=0
# - beta includes deterministic terms in cointegration relation in
# sm, so we compare only the elements belonging to beta.
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].beta[coint_rank:rows]
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].beta[coint_rank:rows]
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].beta[
desired = desired[coint_rank:]
assert_allclose(obtained, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obtained_exog, obtained, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obtained_exog_coint, obtained, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
if debug_mode and dont_test_se_t_p: # pragma: no cover
# standard errors
obt = results_sm[ds][dt].stderr_beta[coint_rank:rows]
obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].stderr_beta[coint_rank:rows]
obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].stderr_beta[
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["se"]["beta"][coint_rank:]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, "STANDARD ERRORS\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obt_exog, obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obt_exog_coint, obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
# t-values
obt = results_sm[ds][dt].tvalues_beta[coint_rank:rows]
obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].tvalues_beta[coint_rank:rows]
obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].tvalues_beta[
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["t"]["beta"][coint_rank:]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, "t-VALUES\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obt_exog, obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obt_exog_coint, obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
# p-values
obt = results_sm[ds][dt].pvalues_beta[coint_rank:rows]
obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].pvalues_beta[coint_rank:rows]
obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].pvalues_beta[
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["p"]["beta"][coint_rank:]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, "p-VALUES\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obt_exog, obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obt_exog_coint, obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
def test_ml_c(): # test deterministic terms outside coint relation
if debug_mode:
if "C" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nDET_COEF", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
C_obt = results_sm[ds][dt].det_coef
C_obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].det_coef
C_obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].det_coef
se_C_obt = results_sm[ds][dt].stderr_det_coef
se_C_obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].stderr_det_coef
se_C_obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].stderr_det_coef
t_C_obt = results_sm[ds][dt].tvalues_det_coef
t_C_obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].tvalues_det_coef
t_C_obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].tvalues_det_coef
p_C_obt = results_sm[ds][dt].pvalues_det_coef
p_C_obt_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].pvalues_det_coef
p_C_obt_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].pvalues_det_coef
if "C" not in results_ref[ds][dt]["est"].keys():
# case: there are no deterministic terms
if C_obt.size == 0 and se_C_obt.size == 0 \
and t_C_obt.size == 0 and p_C_obt.size == 0:
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["est"]["C"]
dt_string = dt_s_tup_to_string(dt)
if "co" in dt_string:
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "CONST")
const_obt = C_obt[:, :1]
const_obt_exog = C_obt_exog[:, :1]
const_obt_exog_coint = C_obt_exog_coint[:, :1]
const_des = desired[:, :1]
C_obt = C_obt[:, 1:]
C_obt_exog = C_obt_exog[:, 1:]
C_obt_exog_coint = C_obt_exog_coint[:, 1:]
desired = desired[:, 1:]
assert_allclose(const_obt, const_des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(const_obt_exog, const_obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(const_obt_exog_coint, const_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
if "s" in dt_string:
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "SEASONAL")
if "lo" in dt_string:
seas_obt = C_obt[:, :-1]
seas_obt_exog = C_obt_exog[:, :-1]
seas_obt_exog_coint = C_obt_exog_coint[:, :-1]
seas_des = desired[:, :-1]
seas_obt = C_obt
seas_obt_exog = C_obt_exog
seas_obt_exog_coint = C_obt_exog_coint
seas_des = desired
assert_allclose(seas_obt, seas_des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(seas_obt_exog, seas_obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(seas_obt_exog_coint, seas_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
if "lo" in dt_string:
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "LINEAR TREND")
lt_obt = C_obt[:, -1:]
lt_obt_exog = C_obt_exog[:, -1:]
lt_obt_exog_coint = C_obt_exog_coint[:, -1:]
lt_des = desired[:, -1:]
assert_allclose(lt_obt, lt_des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(lt_obt_exog, lt_obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(lt_obt_exog_coint, lt_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
if debug_mode and dont_test_se_t_p: # pragma: no cover
# standard errors
se_desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["se"]["C"]
if "co" in dt_string:
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "SE CONST")
se_const_obt = se_C_obt[:, 0][:, None]
se_C_obt = se_C_obt[:, 1:]
se_const_obt_exog = se_C_obt_exog[:, 0][:, None]
se_C_obt_exog = se_C_obt_exog[:, 1:]
se_const_obt_exog_coint = se_C_obt_exog_coint[:, 0][:, None]
se_C_obt_exog_coint = se_C_obt_exog_coint[:, 1:]
se_const_des = se_desired[:, 0][:, None]
se_desired = se_desired[:, 1:]
assert_allclose(se_const_obt, se_const_des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(se_const_obt_exog, se_const_obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(se_const_obt_exog_coint, se_const_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
if "s" in dt_string:
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "SE SEASONAL")
if "lo" in dt_string:
se_seas_obt = se_C_obt[:, :-1]
se_seas_obt_exog = se_C_obt_exog[:, :-1]
se_seas_obt_exog_coint = se_C_obt_exog_coint[:, :-1]
se_seas_des = se_desired[:, :-1]
se_seas_obt = se_C_obt
se_seas_obt_exog = se_C_obt_exog
se_seas_obt_exog_coint = se_C_obt_exog_coint
se_seas_des = se_desired
assert_allclose(se_seas_obt, se_seas_des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(se_seas_obt_exog, se_seas_obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(se_seas_obt_exog_coint, se_seas_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
if "lo" in dt_string:
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "SE LIN. TREND")
se_lt_obt = se_C_obt[:, -1:]
se_lt_obt_exog = se_C_obt_exog[:, -1:]
se_lt_obt_exog_coint = se_C_obt_exog_coint[:, -1:]
se_lt_des = se_desired[:, -1:]
assert_allclose(se_lt_obt, se_lt_des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(se_lt_obt_exog, se_lt_obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(se_lt_obt_exog_coint, se_lt_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
# t-values
t_desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["t"]["C"]
if "co" in dt_string:
t_const_obt = t_C_obt[:, 0][:, None]
t_C_obt = t_C_obt[:, 1:]
t_const_obt_exog = t_C_obt_exog[:, 0][:, None]
t_C_obt_exog = t_C_obt_exog[:, 1:]
t_const_obt_exog_coint = t_C_obt_exog_coint[:, 0][:, None]
t_C_obt_exog_coint = t_C_obt_exog_coint[:, 1:]
t_const_des = t_desired[:, 0][:, None]
t_desired = t_desired[:, 1:]
assert_allclose(t_const_obt, t_const_des, rtol, atol, False, build_err_msg(ds, dt, "T CONST"))
if exog:
assert_equal(t_const_obt_exog, t_const_obt, "WITH EXOG: " + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(t_const_obt_exog_coint, t_const_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT: " + err_msg)
if "s" in dt_string:
if "lo" in dt_string:
t_seas_obt = t_C_obt[:, :-1]
t_seas_obt_exog = t_C_obt_exog[:, :-1]
t_seas_obt_exog_coint = t_C_obt_exog_coint[:, :-1]
t_seas_des = t_desired[:, :-1]
t_seas_obt = t_C_obt
t_seas_obt_exog = t_C_obt_exog
t_seas_obt_exog_coint = t_C_obt_exog_coint
t_seas_des = t_desired
assert_allclose(t_seas_obt, t_seas_des, rtol, atol, False, build_err_msg(ds, dt, "T SEASONAL"))
if exog:
assert_equal(t_seas_obt_exog, t_seas_obt, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(t_seas_obt_exog_coint, t_seas_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
if "lo" in dt_string:
t_lt_obt = t_C_obt[:, -1:]
t_lt_obt_exog = t_C_obt_exog[:, -1:]
t_lt_obt_exog_coint = t_C_obt_exog_coint[:, -1:]
t_lt_des = t_desired[:, -1:]
assert_allclose(t_lt_obt, t_lt_des, rtol, atol, False, build_err_msg(ds, dt, "T LIN. TREND"))
if exog:
assert_equal(t_lt_obt_exog, t_lt_obt, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(t_lt_obt_exog_coint, t_lt_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
# p-values
p_desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["p"]["C"]
if "co" in dt_string:
p_const_obt = p_C_obt[:, 0][:, None]
p_C_obt = p_C_obt[:, 1:]
p_const_obt_exog = p_C_obt_exog[:, 0][:, None]
p_C_obt_exog = p_C_obt_exog[:, 1:]
p_const_obt_exog_coint = p_C_obt_exog_coint[:, 0][:, None]
p_C_obt_exo_cointg = p_C_obt_exog_coint[:, 1:]
p_const_des = p_desired[:, 0][:, None]
p_desired = p_desired[:, 1:]
assert_allclose(p_const_obt, p_const_des, rtol, atol, False, build_err_msg(ds, dt, "P CONST"))
if exog:
assert_equal(p_const_obt, p_const_obt_exog, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(p_const_obt, p_const_obt_exog_coint, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
if "s" in dt_string:
if "lo" in dt_string:
p_seas_obt = p_C_obt[:, :-1]
p_seas_obt_exog = p_C_obt_exog[:, :-1]
p_seas_obt_exog_coint = p_C_obt_exog_coint[:, :-1]
p_seas_des = p_desired[:, :-1]
p_seas_obt = p_C_obt
p_seas_obt_exog = p_C_obt_exog
p_seas_obt_exog_coint = p_C_obt_exog_coint
p_seas_des = p_desired
assert_allclose(p_seas_obt, p_seas_des, rtol, atol, False, build_err_msg(ds, dt, "P SEASONAL"))
if exog:
assert_equal(p_seas_obt_exog, p_seas_obt, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(p_seas_obt_exog_coint, p_seas_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
if "lo" in dt_string:
p_lt_obt = p_C_obt[:, -1:]
p_lt_obt_exog = p_C_obt_exog[:, -1:]
p_lt_obt_exog_coint = p_C_obt_exog_coint[:, -1:]
p_lt_des = p_desired[:, -1:]
assert_allclose(p_lt_obt, p_lt_des, rtol, atol, False, build_err_msg(ds, dt, "P LIN. TREND"))
if exog:
assert_equal(p_lt_obt_exog, p_lt_obt, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(p_lt_obt_exog_coint, p_lt_obt, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
def test_ml_det_terms_in_coint_relation():
if debug_mode:
if "det_coint" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nDET_COEF_COINT", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "det terms in coint relation")
dt_string = dt_s_tup_to_string(dt)
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].det_coef_coint
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].det_coef_coint
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].det_coef_coint
if "ci" not in dt_string and "li" not in dt_string:
if obtained.size > 0:
assert_(False, build_err_msg(ds, dt, "There should not be any det terms in " +
"cointegration for deterministic terms " +
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["est"]["det_coint"]
assert_allclose(obtained, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obtained_exog, obtained, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obtained_exog_coint, obtained, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
# standard errors
se_obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].stderr_det_coef_coint
se_obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].stderr_det_coef_coint
se_obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][
se_desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["se"]["det_coint"]
assert_allclose(se_obtained, se_desired, rtol, atol, False, "STANDARD ERRORS\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(se_obtained_exog, se_obtained, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(se_obtained_exog_coint, se_obtained, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
# t-values
t_obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].tvalues_det_coef_coint
t_obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].tvalues_det_coef_coint
t_obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][
t_desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["t"]["det_coint"]
assert_allclose(t_obtained, t_desired, rtol, atol, False, "t-VALUES\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(t_obtained_exog, t_obtained, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(t_obtained_exog_coint, t_obtained, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
# p-values
p_obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].pvalues_det_coef_coint
p_obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].pvalues_det_coef_coint
p_obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][
p_desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["p"]["det_coint"]
assert_allclose(p_obtained, p_desired, rtol, atol, False, "p-VALUES\n" + err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(p_obtained_exog, p_obtained, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(p_obtained_exog_coint, p_obtained, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
def test_ml_sigma():
if debug_mode:
if "Sigma_u" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nSIGMA_U", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "Sigma_u")
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].sigma_u
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].sigma_u
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].sigma_u
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["est"]["Sigma_u"]
assert_allclose(obtained, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obtained_exog, obtained, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obtained_exog_coint, obtained, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
def test_var_rep():
if debug_mode:
if "VAR repr. A" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nVAR REPRESENTATION", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "VAR repr. A")
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].var_rep
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].var_rep
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].var_rep
p = obtained.shape[0]
desired = np.hsplit(results_ref[ds][dt]["est"]["VAR A"], p)
assert_allclose(obtained, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obtained_exog, obtained, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obtained_exog_coint, obtained, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
def test_var_to_vecm():
if debug_mode:
if "VAR to VEC representation" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nVAR TO VEC", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "VAR to VEC representation")
sigma_u = results_sm[ds][dt].sigma_u
coefs = results_sm[ds][dt].var_rep
intercept = np.zeros(len(sigma_u))
# Note: _params_info k_trend, k_exog, ... is inferred with defaults
var = VARProcess(coefs, intercept, sigma_u)
vecm_results = var.to_vecm()
obtained_pi = vecm_results["Pi"]
obtained_gamma = vecm_results["Gamma"]
desired_pi =[ds][dt].alpha,
desired_gamma = results_sm[ds][dt].gamma
assert_allclose(obtained_pi, desired_pi, rtol, atol, False, err_msg + " Pi")
assert_allclose(obtained_gamma, desired_gamma, rtol, atol, False, err_msg + " Gamma")
# Commented out since JMulTi shows the same det. terms for both VEC & VAR repr.
# def test_var_rep_det():
# for ds in datasets:
# for dt in dt_s_list:
# if dt != "nc":
# err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "VAR repr. deterministic")
# obtained = 0 # not implemented since the same values as VECM
# desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["est"]["VAR deterministic"]
# assert_allclose(obtained, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
def test_log_like():
if debug_mode:
if "log_like" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nLOG LIKELIHOOD", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "Log Likelihood")
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].llf
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].llf
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].llf
# JMulTi's llf seems to have a bug (Stata and tsdyn suggest that
# our code is correct). We use nobs to correct this inconsistency.
nobs = results_sm[ds][dt].nobs
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["log_like"] * nobs / (nobs-1)
assert_allclose(obtained, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obtained_exog, obtained, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obtained_exog_coint, obtained, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
def test_fc():
if debug_mode:
if "fc" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nFORECAST", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
ALPHA = 0.05
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "FORECAST")
# test point forecast functionality of predict method
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].predict(steps=STEPS)
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["fc"]["fc"]
assert_allclose(obtained, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# with exog:
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_fc = None
if exog: # build future values of exog and test:
seasons = dt[1]
exog_model = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog
exog_seasons_fc = exog_model[-seasons:, :seasons-1]
exog_seasons_fc = np.pad(exog_seasons_fc,
((0, STEPS-exog_seasons_fc.shape[0]), (0, 0)), "wrap")
# if linear trend in exog
if exog_seasons_fc.shape[1] + 1 == exog_model.shape[1]:
exog_lt_fc = exog_model[-1, -1] + 1 + np.arange(STEPS)
exog_fc = np.column_stack((exog_seasons_fc, exog_lt_fc))
exog_fc = exog_seasons_fc
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].predict(
steps=STEPS, exog_fc=exog_fc)
assert_allclose(obtained_exog, obtained, 1e-07, 0, False, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
# test predict method with confidence interval calculation
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "FORECAST WITH INTERVALS")
obtained_w_intervals = results_sm[ds][dt].predict(
steps=STEPS, alpha=ALPHA)
obtained_w_intervals_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].predict(
steps=STEPS, alpha=ALPHA, exog_fc=exog_fc)
obt = obtained_w_intervals[0] # forecast
obt_l = obtained_w_intervals[1] # lower bound
obt_u = obtained_w_intervals[2] # upper bound
obt_exog = obtained_w_intervals_exog[0]
obt_exog_l = obtained_w_intervals_exog[1]
obt_exog_u = obtained_w_intervals_exog[2]
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["fc"]["fc"]
des_l = results_ref[ds][dt]["fc"]["lower"]
des_u = results_ref[ds][dt]["fc"]["upper"]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
assert_allclose(obt_l, des_l, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
assert_allclose(obt_u, des_u, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_allclose(obt_exog, obt, 1e-07, 0, False, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
assert_allclose(obt_exog_l, obt_l, 1e-07, 0, False, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
assert_allclose(obt_exog_u, obt_u, 1e-07, 0, False, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# with exog_coint:
exog_coint_model = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint
exog_coint = (exog_coint_model is not None)
exog_coint_fc = None
if exog_coint: # build future values of exog_coint and test:
# const is in exog_coint in all tests that have exog_coint
exog_coint_fc = np.ones(STEPS-1)
# if linear trend in exog_coint
if exog_coint_model.shape[1] == 2:
exog_coint_fc = np.column_stack(
exog_coint_model[-1, -1] + 1 + np.arange(STEPS-1))
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].predict(
steps=STEPS, exog_coint_fc=exog_coint_fc)
assert_allclose(obtained_exog_coint, obtained, 1e-07,
0, False, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
# test predict method with confidence interval calculation
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "FORECAST WITH INTERVALS")
obtained_w_intervals = results_sm[ds][dt].predict(
steps=STEPS, alpha=ALPHA)
obtained_w_intervals_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][
dt].predict(steps=STEPS, alpha=ALPHA,
obt = obtained_w_intervals[0] # forecast
obt_l = obtained_w_intervals[1] # lower bound
obt_u = obtained_w_intervals[2] # upper bound
obt_exog_coint = obtained_w_intervals_exog_coint[0]
obt_exog_coint_l = obtained_w_intervals_exog_coint[1]
obt_exog_coint_u = obtained_w_intervals_exog_coint[2]
des = results_ref[ds][dt]["fc"]["fc"]
des_l = results_ref[ds][dt]["fc"]["lower"]
des_u = results_ref[ds][dt]["fc"]["upper"]
assert_allclose(obt, des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
assert_allclose(obt_l, des_l, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
assert_allclose(obt_u, des_u, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_allclose(obt_exog_coint, obt, 1e-07, 0, False, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
assert_allclose(obt_exog_coint_l, obt_l, 1e-07, 0, False, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
assert_allclose(obt_exog_coint_u, obt_u, 1e-07, 0, False, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
def test_granger_causality():
if debug_mode:
if "granger" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nGRANGER", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
err_msg_g_p = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "GRANGER CAUS. - p-VALUE")
err_msg_g_t = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "GRANGER CAUS. - TEST STAT.")
v_ind = range(len(ds.variable_names))
for causing_ind in sublists(v_ind, 1, len(v_ind)-1):
causing_names = ["y" + str(i+1) for i in causing_ind]
causing_key = tuple(ds.variable_names[i] for i in causing_ind)
caused_ind = [i for i in v_ind if i not in causing_ind]
caused_names = ["y" + str(i+1) for i in caused_ind]
caused_key = tuple(ds.variable_names[i] for i in caused_ind)
granger_sm_ind = results_sm[ds][
dt].test_granger_causality(caused_ind, causing_ind)
granger_sm_ind_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][
dt].test_granger_causality(caused_ind, causing_ind)
granger_sm_ind_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][
dt].test_granger_causality(caused_ind, causing_ind)
granger_sm_str = results_sm[ds][
dt].test_granger_causality(caused_names, causing_names)
# call methods to assure they do not raise exceptions
str(granger_sm_ind) # __str__()
assert_(granger_sm_ind == granger_sm_str) # __eq__()
# test test-statistic for Granger non-causality:
g_t_obt = granger_sm_ind.test_statistic
g_t_obt_exog = granger_sm_ind_exog.test_statistic
g_t_obt_exog_coint = granger_sm_ind_exog_coint.test_statistic
g_t_des = results_ref[ds][dt]["granger_caus"][
"test_stat"][(causing_key, caused_key)]
assert_allclose(g_t_obt, g_t_des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg_g_t)
if exog:
assert_allclose(g_t_obt_exog, g_t_obt, 1e-07, 0, False, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg_g_t)
if exog_coint:
assert_allclose(g_t_obt_exog_coint, g_t_obt, 1e-07, 0, False, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg_g_t)
# check whether string sequences as args work in the same way:
g_t_obt_str = granger_sm_str.test_statistic
assert_allclose(g_t_obt_str, g_t_obt, 1e-07, 0, False,
err_msg_g_t + " - sequences of integers and ".upper() +
"strings as arguments do not yield the same result!".upper())
# check if int (e.g. 0) as index and list of int ([0]) yield
# the same result:
if len(causing_ind) == 1 or len(caused_ind) == 1:
ci = causing_ind[0] if len(causing_ind)==1 else causing_ind
ce = caused_ind[0] if len(caused_ind) == 1 else caused_ind
granger_sm_single_ind = results_sm[ds][
dt].test_granger_causality(ce, ci)
g_t_obt_single = granger_sm_single_ind.test_statistic
assert_allclose(g_t_obt_single, g_t_obt, 1e-07, 0, False,
err_msg_g_t + " - list of int and int as ".upper() +
"argument do not yield the same result!".upper())
# test p-value for Granger non-causality:
g_p_obt = granger_sm_ind.pvalue
g_p_des = results_ref[ds][dt]["granger_caus"]["p"][(
causing_key, caused_key)]
assert_allclose(g_p_obt, g_p_des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg_g_p)
# check whether string sequences as args work in the same way:
g_p_obt_str = granger_sm_str.pvalue
assert_allclose(g_p_obt_str, g_p_obt, 1e-07, 0, False,
err_msg_g_t + " - sequences of integers and ".upper() + \
"strings as arguments do not yield the same result!".upper())
# check if int (e.g. 0) as index and list of int ([0]) yield
# the same result:
if len(causing_ind) == 1:
g_p_obt_single = granger_sm_single_ind.pvalue
assert_allclose(g_p_obt_single, g_p_obt, 1e-07, 0, False,
err_msg_g_t + " - list of int and int as ".upper() + \
"argument do not yield the same result!".upper())
def test_inst_causality(): # test instantaneous causality
if debug_mode:
if "inst. causality" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nINST. CAUSALITY", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
err_msg_i_p = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "INSTANT. CAUS. - p-VALUE")
err_msg_i_t = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "INSTANT. CAUS. - TEST STAT.")
v_ind = range(len(ds.variable_names))
for causing_ind in sublists(v_ind, 1, len(v_ind)-1):
causing_names = ["y" + str(i+1) for i in causing_ind]
causing_key = tuple(ds.variable_names[i] for i in causing_ind)
caused_ind = [i for i in v_ind if i not in causing_ind]
caused_key = tuple(ds.variable_names[i] for i in caused_ind)
inst_sm_ind = results_sm[ds][dt].test_inst_causality(
inst_sm_ind_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][
inst_sm_ind_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][
inst_sm_str = results_sm[ds][dt].test_inst_causality(
# call methods to assure they do not raise exceptions
str(inst_sm_ind) # __str__()
assert_(inst_sm_ind == inst_sm_str) # __eq__()
# test test-statistic for instantaneous non-causality
t_obt = inst_sm_ind.test_statistic
t_obt_exog = inst_sm_ind_exog.test_statistic
t_obt_exog_coint = inst_sm_ind_exog_coint.test_statistic
t_des = results_ref[ds][dt]["inst_caus"][
"test_stat"][(causing_key, caused_key)]
assert_allclose(t_obt, t_des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg_i_t)
if exog:
assert_allclose(t_obt_exog, t_obt, 1e-07, 0, False, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg_i_t)
if exog_coint:
assert_allclose(t_obt_exog_coint, t_obt, 1e-07, 0, False,
"WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg_i_t)
# check whether string sequences as args work in the same way:
t_obt_str = inst_sm_str.test_statistic
assert_allclose(t_obt_str, t_obt, 1e-07, 0, False,
err_msg_i_t + " - sequences of integers and ".upper() +
"strings as arguments do not yield the same result!".upper())
# check if int (e.g. 0) as index and list of int ([0]) yield
# the same result:
if len(causing_ind) == 1:
inst_sm_single_ind = results_sm[ds][
t_obt_single = inst_sm_single_ind.test_statistic
assert_allclose(t_obt_single, t_obt, 1e-07, 0, False,
err_msg_i_t + " - list of int and int as ".upper() +
"argument do not yield the same result!".upper())
# test p-value for instantaneous non-causality
p_obt = results_sm[ds][dt].test_inst_causality(
p_des = results_ref[ds][dt]["inst_caus"]["p"][(
causing_key, caused_key)]
assert_allclose(p_obt, p_des, rtol, atol, False, err_msg_i_p)
# check whether string sequences as args work in the same way:
p_obt_str = inst_sm_str.pvalue
assert_allclose(p_obt_str, p_obt, 1e-07, 0, False,
err_msg_i_p + " - sequences of integers and ".upper() +
"strings as arguments do not yield the same result!".upper())
# check if int (e.g. 0) as index and list of int ([0]) yield
# the same result:
if len(causing_ind) == 1:
inst_sm_single_ind = results_sm[ds][
p_obt_single = inst_sm_single_ind.pvalue
assert_allclose(p_obt_single, p_obt, 1e-07, 0, False,
err_msg_i_p + " - list of int and int as ".upper() +
"argument do not yield the same result!".upper())
def test_impulse_response():
if debug_mode:
if "impulse-response" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nIMPULSE-RESPONSE", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "IMULSE-RESPONSE")
periods = 20
obtained_all = results_sm[ds][dt].irf(periods=periods).irfs
obtained_all_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].irf(
obtained_all_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].irf(
# flatten inner arrays to make them comparable to parsed results:
obtained_all = obtained_all.reshape(periods+1, -1)
obtained_all_exog = obtained_all_exog.reshape(periods+1, -1)
obtained_all_exog_coint = obtained_all_exog_coint.reshape(
periods+1, -1)
desired_all = results_ref[ds][dt]["ir"]
assert_allclose(obtained_all, desired_all, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obtained_all_exog, obtained_all, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obtained_all_exog_coint, obtained_all, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
def test_lag_order_selection():
if debug_mode:
if "lag order" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nLAG ORDER SELECTION", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
deterministic = dt[0]
endog_tot = data[ds]
obtained_all = select_order(endog_tot, 10, dt[0], dt[1])
deterministic_outside_exog = ""
# "co" is not in exog in any test case
if "co" in deterministic:
deterministic_outside_exog += "co"
# "lo" is is in exog only in test cases with seasons>0
if "lo" in deterministic and dt[1] == 0:
deterministic_outside_exog += "lo"
exog_model = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog
exog = (exog_model is not None)
exog_coint_model = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint
exog_coint = (exog_coint_model is not None)
obtained_all_exog = select_order(endog_tot, 10,
seasons=0, exog=exog_model)
# "ci" and "li" are always in exog_coint, so pass "nc" as det. term
obtained_all_exog_coint = select_order(endog_tot, 10, "nc",
for ic in ["aic", "fpe", "hqic", "bic"]:
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt,
"LAG ORDER SELECTION - " + ic.upper())
obtained = getattr(obtained_all, ic)
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["lagorder"][ic]
assert_allclose(obtained, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(getattr(obtained_all_exog, ic),
getattr(obtained_all, ic), "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(getattr(obtained_all_exog_coint, ic),
getattr(obtained_all, ic), "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
# call methods to assure they do not raise exceptions
str(obtained_all) # __str__()
def test_normality():
if debug_mode:
if "test_norm" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nTEST NON-NORMALITY", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].test_normality(signif=0.05)
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].test_normality(signif=0.05)
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].test_normality(
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "TEST NON-NORMALITY - STATISTIC")
obt_statistic = obtained.test_statistic
obt_statistic_exog = obtained_exog.test_statistic
obt_statistic_exog_coint = obtained_exog_coint.test_statistic
des_statistic = results_ref[ds][dt]["test_norm"][
assert_allclose(obt_statistic, des_statistic, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obt_statistic_exog, obt_statistic, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
assert_equal(obt_statistic_exog_coint, obt_statistic, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "TEST NON-NORMALITY - P-VALUE")
obt_pvalue = obtained.pvalue
des_pvalue = results_ref[ds][dt]["test_norm"]["joint_pvalue"]
assert_allclose(obt_pvalue, des_pvalue, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
# call methods to assure they do not raise exceptions
str(obtained) # __str__()
assert_(obtained == obtained_exog) # __eq__()
def test_whiteness():
if debug_mode:
if "whiteness" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nTEST WHITENESS OF RESIDUALS", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
lags = results_ref[ds][dt]["whiteness"]["tested order"]
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].test_whiteness(nlags=lags)
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].test_whiteness(nlags=lags)
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].test_whiteness(
# test statistic
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "WHITENESS OF RESIDUALS - "
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["whiteness"]["test statistic"]
assert_allclose(obtained.test_statistic, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
obtained.test_statistic, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
obtained.test_statistic, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
# p-value
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "WHITENESS OF RESIDUALS - "
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["whiteness"]["p-value"]
assert_allclose(obtained.pvalue, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
obtained = results_sm[ds][dt].test_whiteness(nlags=lags,
obtained_exog = results_sm_exog[ds][dt].test_whiteness(
nlags=lags, adjusted=True)
obtained_exog_coint = results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].test_whiteness(
nlags=lags, adjusted=True)
# test statistic (adjusted Portmanteau test)
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "WHITENESS OF RESIDUALS - "
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["whiteness"]["test statistic adj."]
assert_allclose(obtained.test_statistic, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
if exog:
assert_equal(obtained_exog.test_statistic, obtained.test_statistic, "WITH EXOG" + err_msg)
if exog_coint:
obtained.test_statistic, "WITH EXOG_COINT" + err_msg)
# p-value (adjusted Portmanteau test)
err_msg = build_err_msg(ds, dt, "WHITENESS OF RESIDUALS - "
desired = results_ref[ds][dt]["whiteness"]["p-value adjusted"]
assert_allclose(obtained.pvalue, desired, rtol, atol, False, err_msg)
# call methods to assure they do not raise exceptions
str(obtained) # __str__()
assert_(obtained == obtained_exog) # __eq__()
def test_summary():
if debug_mode:
if "summary" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nSUMMARY", end="")
for ds in datasets:
for dt in ds.dt_s_list:
if debug_mode:
print("\n" + dt_s_tup_to_string(dt) + ": ", end="")
# see if summary gets printed
exog = (results_sm_exog[ds][dt].exog is not None)
if exog is not None:
exog_coint = (results_sm_exog_coint[ds][dt].exog_coint is not None)
if exog_coint is not None:
def test_exceptions():
if debug_mode:
if "exceptions" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nEXCEPTIONS\n", end="")
ds = datasets[0]
dt = ds.dt_s_list[0]
endog = data[datasets[0]]
# select_coint_rank:
# method argument cannot be "my_method"
assert_raises(ValueError, select_coint_rank, endog, 0, 3, "my_method", 0.05)
# det_order has to be -1, 0, or 1:
assert_raises(ValueError, select_coint_rank, endog, 2, 3)
assert_raises(ValueError, select_coint_rank, endog, 0.5, 3)
# 0.025 is not possible (must be 0.1, 0.05, or 0.01)
assert_raises(ValueError, select_coint_rank, endog, 0, 3, "trace", 0.025)
# Granger_causality:
# ### 0<signif<1
# this means signif=0
assert_raises(ValueError, results_sm[ds][dt].test_granger_causality, 0, None, 0)
# ### caused must be int, str or iterable of int or str
# 0.5 not int
assert_raises(TypeError, results_sm[ds][dt].test_granger_causality, [0.5])
# ### causing must be None, int, str or iterable of int or str
# .5 not int
assert_raises(TypeError, results_sm[ds][dt].test_granger_causality, 0, .5)
# exceptions in VECM class
# ### choose only one of the two: "co" and "ci"
model = VECM(endog, k_ar_diff=1, deterministic="cico")
# ### we analyze multiple time series
univariate_data = endog[0]
assert_raises(ValueError, VECM, univariate_data)
# ### fit only allowed with known method
model = VECM(endog, k_ar_diff=1, deterministic="nc")
assert_raises(ValueError,, "abc") # no "abc" estim.-method
# pass a shorter array than endog as exog_coint argument
assert_raises(ValueError, VECM, endog, None, np.ones(len(endog) - 1))
# forecasting: argument checks
# ### with exog
exog = seasonal_dummies(4, len(endog), 2, centered=True) # seasonal...
exog = np.hstack((exog, 1 + np.arange(len(endog)).reshape(-1, 1))) # & lin
vecm_res = VECM(endog, exog, k_ar_diff=3, coint_rank=coint_rank,
# ##### exog_fc not passed as argument:
assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "exog_fc is None.*", vecm_res.predict)
# ##### exog_fc is too short:
exog_fc = np.ones(STEPS)
assert_raises_regex(ValueError, ".*exog_fc must have at least steps elements.*",
vecm_res.predict, 5, None, exog_fc[:2]) # [:2] shortens exog_fc
# ##### exog_coint_fc (NOT exog_fc) is passed when there is no exog_coint
assert_raises_regex(ValueError, ".*exog_coint attribute is None.*",
vecm_res.predict, 5, None, exog_fc, exog_fc) # passed as exog_coint_fc-argument!
# ### with exog_coint
exog_coint = []
exog_coint.append(np.ones(len(endog)).reshape(-1, 1))
exog_coint.append(1 + np.arange(len(endog)).reshape(-1, 1))
exog_coint = np.hstack(exog_coint)
vecm_res = VECM(endog, k_ar_diff=1, deterministic="nc",
# ##### exog_coint_fc not passed as argument:
assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "exog_coint_fc is None.*", vecm_res.predict)
# ##### exog_coint_fc is too short:
exog_coint_fc = np.ones(STEPS)
assert_raises_regex(ValueError, ".*exog_coint_fc must have at least steps elements.*",
vecm_res.predict, 5, None, None, exog_coint_fc[:2]) # [:2] shortens
# ##### exog_fc (NOT exog_coint_fc) is passed when there is no exog
assert_raises_regex(ValueError, ".*exog attribute is None.*",
vecm_res.predict, 5, None, exog_coint_fc) # passed as exog_fc-argument!
def test_select_coint_rank(): # This is only a smoke test.
if debug_mode:
if "select_coint_rank" not in to_test: # pragma: no cover
print("\n\nSELECT_COINT_RANK\n", end="")
endog = data[datasets[0]]
neqs = endog.shape[1]
trace_result = select_coint_rank(endog, 0, 3, method="trace")
rank = trace_result.rank
r_1 = trace_result.r_1
test_stats = trace_result.test_stats
crit_vals = trace_result.crit_vals
if rank > 0:
assert_equal(r_1[0], r_1[1])
for i in range(rank):
assert_(test_stats[i] > crit_vals[i])
if rank < neqs:
assert_(test_stats[rank] < crit_vals[rank])
maxeig_result = select_coint_rank(endog, 0, 3, method="maxeig", signif=0.1)
rank = maxeig_result.rank
r_1 = maxeig_result.r_1
test_stats = maxeig_result.test_stats
crit_vals = maxeig_result.crit_vals
if maxeig_result.rank > 0:
assert_equal(r_1[0], r_1[1] - 1)
for i in range(rank):
assert_(test_stats[i] > crit_vals[i])
if rank < neqs:
assert_(test_stats[rank] < crit_vals[rank])
def test_VECM_seasonal_forecast():
# timing of seasonal dummies, VAR forecast horizon
nobs = 200
seasons = 6
fact = np.cumsum(0.1 + np.random.randn(nobs, 2),0)
xx = np.random.randn(nobs+2, 3)
xx = xx[2:] + 0.6 * xx[1:-1] + 0.25 * xx[:-2]
xx[:,:2] += fact[:,0][:,None]
xx[:,2:] += fact[:,1][:,None]
# add large seasonal effect
xx += 3 * np.log(0.1 + (np.arange(nobs)[:, None] % seasons))
res0 = VECM(xx, k_ar_diff=0, coint_rank=2, deterministic='co', seasons=seasons, first_season=0).fit()
res2 = VECM(xx, k_ar_diff=2, coint_rank=2, deterministic='co', seasons=seasons, first_season=0).fit()
res4 = VECM(xx, k_ar_diff=4, coint_rank=2, deterministic='co', seasons=seasons, first_season=0).fit()
# check that seasonal dummy are independent of number of lags
assert_allclose(res2._delta_x.T[-2 * seasons:, -seasons:],
res0._delta_x.T[-2 * seasons:, -seasons:], rtol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(res4._delta_x.T[-2 * seasons:, -seasons:],
res0._delta_x.T[-2 * seasons:, -seasons:], rtol=1e-10)
# check location of smallest seasonal coefficient
assert_array_equal(np.argmin(res0.det_coef, axis=1), [1, 1, 1])
assert_array_equal(np.argmin(res2.det_coef, axis=1), [1, 1, 1])
assert_array_equal(np.argmin(res4.det_coef, axis=1), [1, 1, 1])
# predict 3 cycles, check location of dips
dips_true = np.array([[ 4, 4, 4],
[10, 10, 10],
[16, 16, 16]])
for res in [res0, res2, res4]:
forecast = res.predict(steps=3*seasons)
dips = np.sort(np.argsort(forecast, axis=0)[:3], axis=0)
assert_array_equal(dips, dips_true)
# res2.plot_forecast(steps=18, alpha=0.1, n_last_obs=4*seasons)