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/ filters.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Bundled jinja filters.

    :copyright: (c) 2017 by the Jinja Team.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import re
import math
import random
import warnings

from itertools import groupby, chain
from collections import namedtuple
from jinja2.utils import Markup, escape, pformat, urlize, soft_unicode, \
     unicode_urlencode, htmlsafe_json_dumps
from jinja2.runtime import Undefined
from jinja2.exceptions import FilterArgumentError
from jinja2._compat import imap, string_types, text_type, iteritems, PY2

_word_re = re.compile(r'\w+', re.UNICODE)
_word_beginning_split_re = re.compile(r'([-\s\(\{\[\<]+)', re.UNICODE)

def contextfilter(f):
    """Decorator for marking context dependent filters. The current
    :class:`Context` will be passed as first argument.
    f.contextfilter = True
    return f

def evalcontextfilter(f):
    """Decorator for marking eval-context dependent filters.  An eval
    context object is passed as first argument.  For more information
    about the eval context, see :ref:`eval-context`.

    .. versionadded:: 2.4
    f.evalcontextfilter = True
    return f

def environmentfilter(f):
    """Decorator for marking environment dependent filters.  The current
    :class:`Environment` is passed to the filter as first argument.
    f.environmentfilter = True
    return f

def ignore_case(value):
    """For use as a postprocessor for :func:`make_attrgetter`. Converts strings
    to lowercase and returns other types as-is."""
    return value.lower() if isinstance(value, string_types) else value

def make_attrgetter(environment, attribute, postprocess=None):
    """Returns a callable that looks up the given attribute from a
    passed object with the rules of the environment.  Dots are allowed
    to access attributes of attributes.  Integer parts in paths are
    looked up as integers.
    if attribute is None:
        attribute = []
    elif isinstance(attribute, string_types):
        attribute = [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in attribute.split('.')]
        attribute = [attribute]

    def attrgetter(item):
        for part in attribute:
            item = environment.getitem(item, part)

        if postprocess is not None:
            item = postprocess(item)

        return item

    return attrgetter

def do_forceescape(value):
    """Enforce HTML escaping.  This will probably double escape variables."""
    if hasattr(value, '__html__'):
        value = value.__html__()
    return escape(text_type(value))

def do_urlencode(value):
    """Escape strings for use in URLs (uses UTF-8 encoding).  It accepts both
    dictionaries and regular strings as well as pairwise iterables.

    .. versionadded:: 2.7
    itemiter = None
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        itemiter = iteritems(value)
    elif not isinstance(value, string_types):
            itemiter = iter(value)
        except TypeError:
    if itemiter is None:
        return unicode_urlencode(value)
    return u'&'.join(unicode_urlencode(k) + '=' +
                     unicode_urlencode(v, for_qs=True)
                     for k, v in itemiter)

def do_replace(eval_ctx, s, old, new, count=None):
    """Return a copy of the value with all occurrences of a substring
    replaced with a new one. The first argument is the substring
    that should be replaced, the second is the replacement string.
    If the optional third argument ``count`` is given, only the first
    ``count`` occurrences are replaced:

    .. sourcecode:: jinja

        {{ "Hello World"|replace("Hello", "Goodbye") }}
            -> Goodbye World

        {{ "aaaaargh"|replace("a", "d'oh, ", 2) }}
            -> d'oh, d'oh, aaargh
    if count is None:
        count = -1
    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
        return text_type(s).replace(text_type(old), text_type(new), count)
    if hasattr(old, '__html__') or hasattr(new, '__html__') and \
       not hasattr(s, '__html__'):
        s = escape(s)
        s = soft_unicode(s)
    return s.replace(soft_unicode(old), soft_unicode(new), count)

def do_upper(s):
    """Convert a value to uppercase."""
    return soft_unicode(s).upper()

def do_lower(s):
    """Convert a value to lowercase."""
    return soft_unicode(s).lower()

def do_xmlattr(_eval_ctx, d, autospace=True):
    """Create an SGML/XML attribute string based on the items in a dict.
    All values that are neither `none` nor `undefined` are automatically

    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja

        <ul{{ {'class': 'my_list', 'missing': none,
                'id': 'list-%d'|format(variable)}|xmlattr }}>

    Results in something like this:

    .. sourcecode:: html

        <ul class="my_list" id="list-42">

    As you can see it automatically prepends a space in front of the item
    if the filter returned something unless the second parameter is false.
    rv = u' '.join(
        u'%s="%s"' % (escape(key), escape(value))
        for key, value in iteritems(d)
        if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Undefined)
    if autospace and rv:
        rv = u' ' + rv
    if _eval_ctx.autoescape:
        rv = Markup(rv)
    return rv

def do_capitalize(s):
    """Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others
    return soft_unicode(s).capitalize()

def do_title(s):
    """Return a titlecased version of the value. I.e. words will start with
    uppercase letters, all remaining characters are lowercase.
    return ''.join(
        [item[0].upper() + item[1:].lower()
         for item in _word_beginning_split_re.split(soft_unicode(s))
         if item])

def do_dictsort(value, case_sensitive=False, by='key', reverse=False):
    """Sort a dict and yield (key, value) pairs. Because python dicts are
    unsorted you may want to use this function to order them by either
    key or value:

    .. sourcecode:: jinja

        {% for item in mydict|dictsort %}
            sort the dict by key, case insensitive

        {% for item in mydict|dictsort(reverse=true) %}
            sort the dict by key, case insensitive, reverse order

        {% for item in mydict|dictsort(true) %}
            sort the dict by key, case sensitive

        {% for item in mydict|dictsort(false, 'value') %}
            sort the dict by value, case insensitive
    if by == 'key':
        pos = 0
    elif by == 'value':
        pos = 1
        raise FilterArgumentError(
            'You can only sort by either "key" or "value"'

    def sort_func(item):
        value = item[pos]

        if not case_sensitive:
            value = ignore_case(value)

        return value

    return sorted(value.items(), key=sort_func, reverse=reverse)

def do_sort(
    environment, value, reverse=False, case_sensitive=False, attribute=None
    """Sort an iterable.  Per default it sorts ascending, if you pass it
    true as first argument it will reverse the sorting.

    If the iterable is made of strings the third parameter can be used to
    control the case sensitiveness of the comparison which is disabled by

    .. sourcecode:: jinja

        {% for item in iterable|sort %}
        {% endfor %}

    It is also possible to sort by an attribute (for example to sort
    by the date of an object) by specifying the `attribute` parameter:

    .. sourcecode:: jinja

        {% for item in iterable|sort(attribute='date') %}
        {% endfor %}

    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
       The `attribute` parameter was added.
    key_func = make_attrgetter(
        environment, attribute,
        postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None
    return sorted(value, key=key_func, reverse=reverse)

def do_unique(environment, value, case_sensitive=False, attribute=None):
    """Returns a list of unique items from the the given iterable.

    .. sourcecode:: jinja

        {{ ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar', 'FooBar']|unique }}
            -> ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar']

    The unique items are yielded in the same order as their first occurrence in
    the iterable passed to the filter.

    :param case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
    :param attribute: Filter objects with unique values for this attribute.
    getter = make_attrgetter(
        environment, attribute,
        postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None
    seen = set()

    for item in value:
        key = getter(item)

        if key not in seen:
            yield item

def _min_or_max(environment, value, func, case_sensitive, attribute):
    it = iter(value)

        first = next(it)
    except StopIteration:
        return environment.undefined('No aggregated item, sequence was empty.')

    key_func = make_attrgetter(
        environment, attribute,
        ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None
    return func(chain([first], it), key=key_func)

def do_min(environment, value, case_sensitive=False, attribute=None):
    """Return the smallest item from the sequence.

    .. sourcecode:: jinja

        {{ [1, 2, 3]|min }}
            -> 1

    :param case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
    :param attribute: Get the object with the max value of this attribute.
    return _min_or_max(environment, value, min, case_sensitive, attribute)

def do_max(environment, value, case_sensitive=False, attribute=None):
    """Return the largest item from the sequence.

    .. sourcecode:: jinja
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