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Version: 1.2.10 

/ sql / elements.py

# sql/elements.py
# Copyright (C) 2005-2018 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
# <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

"""Core SQL expression elements, including :class:`.ClauseElement`,
:class:`.ColumnElement`, and derived classes.


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from .. import util, exc, inspection
from . import type_api
from . import operators
from .visitors import Visitable, cloned_traverse, traverse
from .annotation import Annotated
import itertools
from .base import Executable, PARSE_AUTOCOMMIT, Immutable, NO_ARG
from .base import _generative
import numbers

import re
import operator

def _clone(element, **kw):
    return element._clone()

def collate(expression, collation):
    """Return the clause ``expression COLLATE collation``.


        collate(mycolumn, 'utf8_bin')


        mycolumn COLLATE utf8_bin

    The collation expression is also quoted if it is a case sensitive
    identifier, e.g. contains uppercase characters.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.2 quoting is automatically applied to COLLATE
       expressions if they are case sensitive.


    expr = _literal_as_binds(expression)
    return BinaryExpression(
        operators.collate, type_=expr.type)

def between(expr, lower_bound, upper_bound, symmetric=False):
    """Produce a ``BETWEEN`` predicate clause.


        from sqlalchemy import between
        stmt = select([users_table]).where(between(users_table.c.id, 5, 7))

    Would produce SQL resembling::

        SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE id BETWEEN :id_1 AND :id_2

    The :func:`.between` function is a standalone version of the
    :meth:`.ColumnElement.between` method available on all
    SQL expressions, as in::

        stmt = select([users_table]).where(users_table.c.id.between(5, 7))

    All arguments passed to :func:`.between`, including the left side
    column expression, are coerced from Python scalar values if a
    the value is not a :class:`.ColumnElement` subclass.   For example,
    three fixed values can be compared as in::

        print(between(5, 3, 7))

    Which would produce::

        :param_1 BETWEEN :param_2 AND :param_3

    :param expr: a column expression, typically a :class:`.ColumnElement`
     instance or alternatively a Python scalar expression to be coerced
     into a column expression, serving as the left side of the ``BETWEEN``

    :param lower_bound: a column or Python scalar expression serving as the
     lower bound of the right side of the ``BETWEEN`` expression.

    :param upper_bound: a column or Python scalar expression serving as the
     upper bound of the right side of the ``BETWEEN`` expression.

    :param symmetric: if True, will render " BETWEEN SYMMETRIC ". Note
     that not all databases support this syntax.

     .. versionadded:: 0.9.5

    .. seealso::


    expr = _literal_as_binds(expr)
    return expr.between(lower_bound, upper_bound, symmetric=symmetric)

def literal(value, type_=None):
    r"""Return a literal clause, bound to a bind parameter.

    Literal clauses are created automatically when non-
    :class:`.ClauseElement` objects (such as strings, ints, dates, etc.) are
    used in a comparison operation with a :class:`.ColumnElement` subclass,
    such as a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object.  Use this function
    to force the generation of a literal clause, which will be created as a
    :class:`BindParameter` with a bound value.

    :param value: the value to be bound. Can be any Python object supported by
        the underlying DB-API, or is translatable via the given type argument.

    :param type\_: an optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` which
        will provide bind-parameter translation for this literal.

    return BindParameter(None, value, type_=type_, unique=True)

def outparam(key, type_=None):
    """Create an 'OUT' parameter for usage in functions (stored procedures),
    for databases which support them.

    The ``outparam`` can be used like a regular function parameter.
    The "output" value will be available from the
    :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy` object via its ``out_parameters``
    attribute, which returns a dictionary containing the values.

    return BindParameter(
        key, None, type_=type_, unique=False, isoutparam=True)

def not_(clause):
    """Return a negation of the given clause, i.e. ``NOT(clause)``.

    The ``~`` operator is also overloaded on all
    :class:`.ColumnElement` subclasses to produce the
    same result.

    return operators.inv(_literal_as_binds(clause))

class ClauseElement(Visitable):
    """Base class for elements of a programmatically constructed SQL

    __visit_name__ = 'clause'

    _annotations = {}
    supports_execution = False
    _from_objects = []
    bind = None
    _is_clone_of = None
    is_selectable = False
    is_clause_element = True

    description = None
    _order_by_label_element = None
    _is_from_container = False

    def _clone(self):
        """Create a shallow copy of this ClauseElement.

        This method may be used by a generative API.  Its also used as
        part of the "deep" copy afforded by a traversal that combines
        the _copy_internals() method.

        c = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
        c.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()

        # this is a marker that helps to "equate" clauses to each other
        # when a Select returns its list of FROM clauses.  the cloning
        # process leaves around a lot of remnants of the previous clause
        # typically in the form of column expressions still attached to the
        # old table.
        c._is_clone_of = self

        return c

    def _constructor(self):
        """return the 'constructor' for this ClauseElement.

        This is for the purposes for creating a new object of
        this type.   Usually, its just the element's __class__.
        However, the "Annotated" version of the object overrides
        to return the class of its proxied element.

        return self.__class__

    def _cloned_set(self):
        """Return the set consisting all cloned ancestors of this

        Includes this ClauseElement.  This accessor tends to be used for
        FromClause objects to identify 'equivalent' FROM clauses, regardless
        of transformative operations.

        s = util.column_set()
        f = self
        while f is not None:
            f = f._is_clone_of
        return s

    def __getstate__(self):
        d = self.__dict__.copy()
        d.pop('_is_clone_of', None)
        return d

    def _annotate(self, values):
        """return a copy of this ClauseElement with annotations
        updated by the given dictionary.

        return Annotated(self, values)

    def _with_annotations(self, values):
        """return a copy of this ClauseElement with annotations
        replaced by the given dictionary.

        return Annotated(self, values)

    def _deannotate(self, values=None, clone=False):
        """return a copy of this :class:`.ClauseElement` with annotations

        :param values: optional tuple of individual values
         to remove.

        if clone:
            # clone is used when we are also copying
            # the expression for a deep deannotation
            return self._clone()
            # if no clone, since we have no annotations we return
            # self
            return self

    def _execute_on_connection(self, connection, multiparams, params):
        if self.supports_execution:
            return connection._execute_clauseelement(self, multiparams, params)
            raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(self)

    def unique_params(self, *optionaldict, **kwargs):
        """Return a copy with :func:`bindparam()` elements replaced.

        Same functionality as ``params()``, except adds `unique=True`
        to affected bind parameters so that multiple statements can be

        return self._params(True, optionaldict, kwargs)

    def params(self, *optionaldict, **kwargs):
        """Return a copy with :func:`bindparam()` elements replaced.

        Returns a copy of this ClauseElement with :func:`bindparam()`
        elements replaced with values taken from the given dictionary::

          >>> clause = column('x') + bindparam('foo')
          >>> print clause.compile().params
          >>> print clause.params({'foo':7}).compile().params

        return self._params(False, optionaldict, kwargs)

    def _params(self, unique, optionaldict, kwargs):
        if len(optionaldict) == 1:
        elif len(optionaldict) > 1:
            raise exc.ArgumentError(
                "params() takes zero or one positional dictionary argument")

        def visit_bindparam(bind):
            if bind.key in kwargs:
                bind.value = kwargs[bind.key]
                bind.required = False
            if unique:
        return cloned_traverse(self, {}, {'bindparam': visit_bindparam})

    def compare(self, other, **kw):
        r"""Compare this ClauseElement to the given ClauseElement.

        Subclasses should override the default behavior, which is a
        straight identity comparison.

        \**kw are arguments consumed by subclass compare() methods and
        may be used to modify the criteria for comparison.
        (see :class:`.ColumnElement`)

        return self is other

    def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw):
        """Reassign internal elements to be clones of themselves.

        Called during a copy-and-traverse operation on newly
        shallow-copied elements to create a deep copy.

        The given clone function should be used, which may be applying
        additional transformations to the element (i.e. replacement
        traversal, cloned traversal, annotations).


    def get_children(self, **kwargs):
        r"""Return immediate child elements of this :class:`.ClauseElement`.

        This is used for visit traversal.

        \**kwargs may contain flags that change the collection that is
        returned, for example to return a subset of items in order to
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