import re
from aiohttp.web_exceptions import HTTPMovedPermanently
from aiohttp.web_urldispatcher import SystemRoute
__all__ = (
async def _check_request_resolves(request, path):
alt_request = request.clone(rel_url=path)
match_info = await
alt_request._match_info = match_info
if not isinstance(match_info.route, SystemRoute):
return True, alt_request
return False, request
def middleware(f):
f.__middleware_version__ = 1
return f
def normalize_path_middleware(
*, append_slash=True, remove_slash=False,
merge_slashes=True, redirect_class=HTTPMovedPermanently):
Middleware factory which produces a middleware that normalizes
the path of a request. By normalizing it means:
- Add or remove a trailing slash to the path.
- Double slashes are replaced by one.
The middleware returns as soon as it finds a path that resolves
correctly. The order if both merge and append/remove are enabled is
1) merge slashes
2) append/remove slash
3) both merge slashes and append/remove slash.
If the path resolves with at least one of those conditions, it will
redirect to the new path.
Only one of `append_slash` and `remove_slash` can be enabled. If both
are `True` the factory will raise an assertion error
If `append_slash` is `True` the middleware will append a slash when
needed. If a resource is defined with trailing slash and the request
comes without it, it will append it automatically.
If `remove_slash` is `True`, `append_slash` must be `False`. When enabled
the middleware will remove trailing slashes and redirect if the resource
is defined
If merge_slashes is True, merge multiple consecutive slashes in the
path into one.
correct_configuration = not (append_slash and remove_slash)
assert correct_configuration, "Cannot both remove and append slash"
async def impl(request, handler):
if isinstance(request.match_info.route, SystemRoute):
paths_to_check = []
if '?' in request.raw_path:
path, query = request.raw_path.split('?', 1)
query = '?' + query
query = ''
path = request.raw_path
if merge_slashes:
paths_to_check.append(re.sub('//+', '/', path))
if append_slash and not request.path.endswith('/'):
paths_to_check.append(path + '/')
if remove_slash and request.path.endswith('/'):
if merge_slashes and append_slash:
re.sub('//+', '/', path + '/'))
if merge_slashes and remove_slash:
merged_slashes = re.sub('//+', '/', path)
for path in paths_to_check:
resolves, request = await _check_request_resolves(
request, path)
if resolves:
raise redirect_class(request.raw_path)
return await handler(request)
return impl
def _fix_request_current_app(app):
async def impl(request, handler):
with request.match_info.set_current_app(app):
return await handler(request)
return impl