# Copyright (C) 2012-2017 The Python Software Foundation.
import codecs
from collections import deque
import contextlib
import csv
from glob import iglob as std_iglob
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import py_compile
import re
import socket
import ssl
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
ssl = None
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import textwrap
import threading
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
import dummy_threading as threading
import time
from . import DistlibException
from .compat import (string_types, text_type, shutil, raw_input, StringIO,
cache_from_source, urlopen, urljoin, httplib, xmlrpclib,
splittype, HTTPHandler, BaseConfigurator, valid_ident,
Container, configparser, URLError, ZipFile, fsdecode,
unquote, urlparse)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Requirement parsing code as per PEP 508
IDENTIFIER = re.compile(r'^([\w\.-]+)\s*')
VERSION_IDENTIFIER = re.compile(r'^([\w\.*+-]+)\s*')
COMPARE_OP = re.compile(r'^(<=?|>=?|={2,3}|[~!]=)\s*')
MARKER_OP = re.compile(r'^((<=?)|(>=?)|={2,3}|[~!]=|in|not\s+in)\s*')
OR = re.compile(r'^or\b\s*')
AND = re.compile(r'^and\b\s*')
NON_SPACE = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*')
STRING_CHUNK = re.compile(r'([\s\w\.{}()*+#:;,/?!~`@$%^&=|<>\[\]-]+)')
def parse_marker(marker_string):
Parse a marker string and return a dictionary containing a marker expression.
The dictionary will contain keys "op", "lhs" and "rhs" for non-terminals in
the expression grammar, or strings. A string contained in quotes is to be
interpreted as a literal string, and a string not contained in quotes is a
variable (such as os_name).
def marker_var(remaining):
# either identifier, or literal string
m = IDENTIFIER.match(remaining)
if m:
result = m.groups()[0]
remaining = remaining[m.end():]
elif not remaining:
raise SyntaxError('unexpected end of input')
q = remaining[0]
if q not in '\'"':
raise SyntaxError('invalid expression: %s' % remaining)
oq = '\'"'.replace(q, '')
remaining = remaining[1:]
parts = [q]
while remaining:
# either a string chunk, or oq, or q to terminate
if remaining[0] == q:
elif remaining[0] == oq:
remaining = remaining[1:]
m = STRING_CHUNK.match(remaining)
if not m:
raise SyntaxError('error in string literal: %s' % remaining)
remaining = remaining[m.end():]
s = ''.join(parts)
raise SyntaxError('unterminated string: %s' % s)
result = ''.join(parts)
remaining = remaining[1:].lstrip() # skip past closing quote
return result, remaining
def marker_expr(remaining):
if remaining and remaining[0] == '(':
result, remaining = marker(remaining[1:].lstrip())
if remaining[0] != ')':
raise SyntaxError('unterminated parenthesis: %s' % remaining)
remaining = remaining[1:].lstrip()
lhs, remaining = marker_var(remaining)
while remaining:
m = MARKER_OP.match(remaining)
if not m:
op = m.groups()[0]
remaining = remaining[m.end():]
rhs, remaining = marker_var(remaining)
lhs = {'op': op, 'lhs': lhs, 'rhs': rhs}
result = lhs
return result, remaining
def marker_and(remaining):
lhs, remaining = marker_expr(remaining)
while remaining:
m = AND.match(remaining)
if not m:
remaining = remaining[m.end():]
rhs, remaining = marker_expr(remaining)
lhs = {'op': 'and', 'lhs': lhs, 'rhs': rhs}
return lhs, remaining
def marker(remaining):
lhs, remaining = marker_and(remaining)
while remaining:
m = OR.match(remaining)
if not m:
remaining = remaining[m.end():]
rhs, remaining = marker_and(remaining)
lhs = {'op': 'or', 'lhs': lhs, 'rhs': rhs}
return lhs, remaining
return marker(marker_string)
def parse_requirement(req):
Parse a requirement passed in as a string. Return a Container
whose attributes contain the various parts of the requirement.
remaining = req.strip()
if not remaining or remaining.startswith('#'):
return None
m = IDENTIFIER.match(remaining)
if not m:
raise SyntaxError('name expected: %s' % remaining)
distname = m.groups()[0]
remaining = remaining[m.end():]
extras = mark_expr = versions = uri = None
if remaining and remaining[0] == '[':
i = remaining.find(']', 1)
if i < 0:
raise SyntaxError('unterminated extra: %s' % remaining)
s = remaining[1:i]
remaining = remaining[i + 1:].lstrip()
extras = []
while s:
m = IDENTIFIER.match(s)
if not m:
raise SyntaxError('malformed extra: %s' % s)
s = s[m.end():]
if not s:
if s[0] != ',':
raise SyntaxError('comma expected in extras: %s' % s)
s = s[1:].lstrip()
if not extras:
extras = None
if remaining:
if remaining[0] == '@':
# it's a URI
remaining = remaining[1:].lstrip()
m = NON_SPACE.match(remaining)
if not m:
raise SyntaxError('invalid URI: %s' % remaining)
uri = m.groups()[0]
t = urlparse(uri)
# there are issues with Python and URL parsing, so this test
# is a bit crude. See bpo-20271, bpo-23505. Python doesn't
# always parse invalid URLs correctly - it should raise
# exceptions for malformed URLs
if not (t.scheme and t.netloc):
raise SyntaxError('Invalid URL: %s' % uri)
remaining = remaining[m.end():].lstrip()
def get_versions(ver_remaining):
Return a list of operator, version tuples if any are
specified, else None.
m = COMPARE_OP.match(ver_remaining)
versions = None
if m:
versions = []
while True:
op = m.groups()[0]
ver_remaining = ver_remaining[m.end():]
m = VERSION_IDENTIFIER.match(ver_remaining)
if not m:
raise SyntaxError('invalid version: %s' % ver_remaining)
v = m.groups()[0]
versions.append((op, v))
ver_remaining = ver_remaining[m.end():]
if not ver_remaining or ver_remaining[0] != ',':
ver_remaining = ver_remaining[1:].lstrip()
m = COMPARE_OP.match(ver_remaining)
if not m:
raise SyntaxError('invalid constraint: %s' % ver_remaining)
if not versions:
versions = None
return versions, ver_remaining
if remaining[0] != '(':
versions, remaining = get_versions(remaining)
i = remaining.find(')', 1)
if i < 0:
raise SyntaxError('unterminated parenthesis: %s' % remaining)
s = remaining[1:i]
remaining = remaining[i + 1:].lstrip()
# As a special diversion from PEP 508, allow a version number
# a.b.c in parentheses as a synonym for ~= a.b.c (because this
# is allowed in earlier PEPs)
if COMPARE_OP.match(s):
versions, _ = get_versions(s)
if not m:
raise SyntaxError('invalid constraint: %s' % s)
v = m.groups()[0]
s = s[m.end():].lstrip()
if s:
raise SyntaxError('invalid constraint: %s' % s)
versions = [('~=', v)]
if remaining:
if remaining[0] != ';':
raise SyntaxError('invalid requirement: %s' % remaining)
remaining = remaining[1:].lstrip()
mark_expr, remaining = parse_marker(remaining)
if remaining and remaining[0] != '#':
raise SyntaxError('unexpected trailing data: %s' % remaining)
if not versions:
rs = distname
rs = '%s %s' % (distname, ', '.join(['%s %s' % con for con in versions]))
return Container(name=distname, extras=extras, constraints=versions,
marker=mark_expr, url=uri, requirement=rs)
def get_resources_dests(resources_root, rules):
"""Find destinations for resources files"""
def get_rel_path(root, path):
# normalizes and returns a lstripped-/-separated path
root = root.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
assert path.startswith(root)
return path[len(root):].lstrip('/')
destinations = {}
for base, suffix, dest in rules:
prefix = os.path.join(resources_root, base)
for abs_base in iglob(prefix):
abs_glob = os.path.join(abs_base, suffix)
for abs_path in iglob(abs_glob):
resource_file = get_rel_path(resources_root, abs_path)
if dest is None: # remove the entry if it was here
destinations.pop(resource_file, None)
rel_path = get_rel_path(abs_base, abs_path)
rel_dest = dest.replace(os.path.sep, '/').rstrip('/')
destinations[resource_file] = rel_dest + '/' + rel_path
return destinations
def in_venv():
if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
# virtualenv venvs
result = True
# PEP 405 venvs
result = sys.prefix != getattr(sys, 'base_prefix', sys.prefix)
return result
def get_executable():
# The __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ dance is apparently no longer needed, as
# changes to the stub launcher mean that sys.executable always points
# to the stub on OS X
# if sys.platform == 'darwin' and ('__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__'
# in os.environ):
# result = os.environ['__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__']
# else:
# result = sys.executable
# return result
result = os.path.normcase(sys.executable)
if not isinstance(result, text_type):
result = fsdecode(result)
return result
def proceed(prompt, allowed_chars, error_prompt=None, default=None):
p = prompt
while True:
s = raw_input(p)
p = prompt
if not s and default:
s = default
if s:
c = s[0].lower()
if c in allowed_chars:
if error_prompt:
p = '%c: %s\n%s' % (c, error_prompt, prompt)
return c
def extract_by_key(d, keys):
if isinstance(keys, string_types):
keys = keys.split()
result = {}
for key in keys:
if key in d:
result[key] = d[key]
return result
def read_exports(stream):
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
# needs to be a text stream
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