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/ _vendor / html5lib / html5parser.py

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
from pip._vendor.six import with_metaclass, viewkeys

import types
from collections import OrderedDict

from . import _inputstream
from . import _tokenizer

from . import treebuilders
from .treebuilders.base import Marker

from . import _utils
from .constants import (
    spaceCharacters, asciiUpper2Lower,
    specialElements, headingElements, cdataElements, rcdataElements,
    tokenTypes, tagTokenTypes,
    htmlIntegrationPointElements, mathmlTextIntegrationPointElements,
    adjustForeignAttributes as adjustForeignAttributesMap,
    adjustMathMLAttributes, adjustSVGAttributes,

def parse(doc, treebuilder="etree", namespaceHTMLElements=True, **kwargs):
    """Parse an HTML document as a string or file-like object into a tree

    :arg doc: the document to parse as a string or file-like object

    :arg treebuilder: the treebuilder to use when parsing

    :arg namespaceHTMLElements: whether or not to namespace HTML elements

    :returns: parsed tree


    >>> from html5lib.html5parser import parse
    >>> parse('<html><body><p>This is a doc</p></body></html>')
    <Element u'{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}html' at 0x7feac4909db0>

    tb = treebuilders.getTreeBuilder(treebuilder)
    p = HTMLParser(tb, namespaceHTMLElements=namespaceHTMLElements)
    return p.parse(doc, **kwargs)

def parseFragment(doc, container="div", treebuilder="etree", namespaceHTMLElements=True, **kwargs):
    """Parse an HTML fragment as a string or file-like object into a tree

    :arg doc: the fragment to parse as a string or file-like object

    :arg container: the container context to parse the fragment in

    :arg treebuilder: the treebuilder to use when parsing

    :arg namespaceHTMLElements: whether or not to namespace HTML elements

    :returns: parsed tree


    >>> from html5lib.html5libparser import parseFragment
    >>> parseFragment('<b>this is a fragment</b>')
    <Element u'DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT' at 0x7feac484b090>

    tb = treebuilders.getTreeBuilder(treebuilder)
    p = HTMLParser(tb, namespaceHTMLElements=namespaceHTMLElements)
    return p.parseFragment(doc, container=container, **kwargs)

def method_decorator_metaclass(function):
    class Decorated(type):
        def __new__(meta, classname, bases, classDict):
            for attributeName, attribute in classDict.items():
                if isinstance(attribute, types.FunctionType):
                    attribute = function(attribute)

                classDict[attributeName] = attribute
            return type.__new__(meta, classname, bases, classDict)
    return Decorated

class HTMLParser(object):
    """HTML parser

    Generates a tree structure from a stream of (possibly malformed) HTML.


    def __init__(self, tree=None, strict=False, namespaceHTMLElements=True, debug=False):
        :arg tree: a treebuilder class controlling the type of tree that will be
            returned. Built in treebuilders can be accessed through

        :arg strict: raise an exception when a parse error is encountered

        :arg namespaceHTMLElements: whether or not to namespace HTML elements

        :arg debug: whether or not to enable debug mode which logs things


        >>> from html5lib.html5parser import HTMLParser
        >>> parser = HTMLParser()                     # generates parser with etree builder
        >>> parser = HTMLParser('lxml', strict=True)  # generates parser with lxml builder which is strict


        # Raise an exception on the first error encountered
        self.strict = strict

        if tree is None:
            tree = treebuilders.getTreeBuilder("etree")
        self.tree = tree(namespaceHTMLElements)
        self.errors = []

        self.phases = dict([(name, cls(self, self.tree)) for name, cls in

    def _parse(self, stream, innerHTML=False, container="div", scripting=False, **kwargs):

        self.innerHTMLMode = innerHTML
        self.container = container
        self.scripting = scripting
        self.tokenizer = _tokenizer.HTMLTokenizer(stream, parser=self, **kwargs)

        except _ReparseException:

    def reset(self):
        self.firstStartTag = False
        self.errors = []
        self.log = []  # only used with debug mode
        # "quirks" / "limited quirks" / "no quirks"
        self.compatMode = "no quirks"

        if self.innerHTMLMode:
            self.innerHTML = self.container.lower()

            if self.innerHTML in cdataElements:
                self.tokenizer.state = self.tokenizer.rcdataState
            elif self.innerHTML in rcdataElements:
                self.tokenizer.state = self.tokenizer.rawtextState
            elif self.innerHTML == 'plaintext':
                self.tokenizer.state = self.tokenizer.plaintextState
                # state already is data state
                # self.tokenizer.state = self.tokenizer.dataState
            self.phase = self.phases["beforeHtml"]
            self.innerHTML = False  # pylint:disable=redefined-variable-type
            self.phase = self.phases["initial"]

        self.lastPhase = None

        self.beforeRCDataPhase = None

        self.framesetOK = True

    def documentEncoding(self):
        """Name of the character encoding that was used to decode the input stream, or
        :obj:`None` if that is not determined yet

        if not hasattr(self, 'tokenizer'):
            return None
        return self.tokenizer.stream.charEncoding[0].name

    def isHTMLIntegrationPoint(self, element):
        if (element.name == "annotation-xml" and
                element.namespace == namespaces["mathml"]):
            return ("encoding" in element.attributes and
                        asciiUpper2Lower) in
                    ("text/html", "application/xhtml+xml"))
            return (element.namespace, element.name) in htmlIntegrationPointElements

    def isMathMLTextIntegrationPoint(self, element):
        return (element.namespace, element.name) in mathmlTextIntegrationPointElements

    def mainLoop(self):
        CharactersToken = tokenTypes["Characters"]
        SpaceCharactersToken = tokenTypes["SpaceCharacters"]
        StartTagToken = tokenTypes["StartTag"]
        EndTagToken = tokenTypes["EndTag"]
        CommentToken = tokenTypes["Comment"]
        DoctypeToken = tokenTypes["Doctype"]
        ParseErrorToken = tokenTypes["ParseError"]

        for token in self.normalizedTokens():
            prev_token = None
            new_token = token
            while new_token is not None:
                prev_token = new_token
                currentNode = self.tree.openElements[-1] if self.tree.openElements else None
                currentNodeNamespace = currentNode.namespace if currentNode else None
                currentNodeName = currentNode.name if currentNode else None

                type = new_token["type"]

                if type == ParseErrorToken:
                    self.parseError(new_token["data"], new_token.get("datavars", {}))
                    new_token = None
                    if (len(self.tree.openElements) == 0 or
                        currentNodeNamespace == self.tree.defaultNamespace or
                        (self.isMathMLTextIntegrationPoint(currentNode) and
                         ((type == StartTagToken and
                           token["name"] not in frozenset(["mglyph", "malignmark"])) or
                          type in (CharactersToken, SpaceCharactersToken))) or
                        (currentNodeNamespace == namespaces["mathml"] and
                         currentNodeName == "annotation-xml" and
                         type == StartTagToken and
                         token["name"] == "svg") or
                        (self.isHTMLIntegrationPoint(currentNode) and
                         type in (StartTagToken, CharactersToken, SpaceCharactersToken))):
                        phase = self.phase
                        phase = self.phases["inForeignContent"]

                    if type == CharactersToken:
                        new_token = phase.processCharacters(new_token)
                    elif type == SpaceCharactersToken:
                        new_token = phase.processSpaceCharacters(new_token)
                    elif type == StartTagToken:
                        new_token = phase.processStartTag(new_token)
                    elif type == EndTagToken:
                        new_token = phase.processEndTag(new_token)
                    elif type == CommentToken:
                        new_token = phase.processComment(new_token)
                    elif type == DoctypeToken:
                        new_token = phase.processDoctype(new_token)

            if (type == StartTagToken and prev_token["selfClosing"] and
                    not prev_token["selfClosingAcknowledged"]):
                                {"name": prev_token["name"]})

        # When the loop finishes it's EOF
        reprocess = True
        phases = []
        while reprocess:
            reprocess = self.phase.processEOF()
            if reprocess:
                assert self.phase not in phases

    def normalizedTokens(self):
        for token in self.tokenizer:
            yield self.normalizeToken(token)

    def parse(self, stream, *args, **kwargs):
        """Parse a HTML document into a well-formed tree

        :arg stream: a file-like object or string containing the HTML to be parsed

            The optional encoding parameter must be a string that indicates
            the encoding.  If specified, that encoding will be used,
            regardless of any BOM or later declaration (such as in a meta

        :arg scripting: treat noscript elements as if JavaScript was turned on

        :returns: parsed tree


        >>> from html5lib.html5parser import HTMLParser
        >>> parser = HTMLParser()
        >>> parser.parse('<html><body><p>This is a doc</p></body></html>')
        <Element u'{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}html' at 0x7feac4909db0>

        self._parse(stream, False, None, *args, **kwargs)
        return self.tree.getDocument()

    def parseFragment(self, stream, *args, **kwargs):
        """Parse a HTML fragment into a well-formed tree fragment

        :arg container: name of the element we're setting the innerHTML
            property if set to None, default to 'div'

        :arg stream: a file-like object or string containing the HTML to be parsed

            The optional encoding parameter must be a string that indicates
            the encoding.  If specified, that encoding will be used,
            regardless of any BOM or later declaration (such as in a meta

        :arg scripting: treat noscript elements as if JavaScript was turned on

        :returns: parsed tree


        >>> from html5lib.html5libparser import HTMLParser
        >>> parser = HTMLParser()
        >>> parser.parseFragment('<b>this is a fragment</b>')
        <Element u'DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT' at 0x7feac484b090>

        self._parse(stream, True, *args, **kwargs)
        return self.tree.getFragment()

    def parseError(self, errorcode="XXX-undefined-error", datavars=None):
        # XXX The idea is to make errorcode mandatory.
        if datavars is None:
            datavars = {}
        self.errors.append((self.tokenizer.stream.position(), errorcode, datavars))
        if self.strict:
            raise ParseError(E[errorcode] % datavars)

    def normalizeToken(self, token):
        # HTML5 specific normalizations to the token stream
        if token["type"] == tokenTypes["StartTag"]:
            raw = token["data"]
            token["data"] = OrderedDict(raw)
            if len(raw) > len(token["data"]):
                # we had some duplicated attribute, fix so first wins

        return token

    def adjustMathMLAttributes(self, token):
        adjust_attributes(token, adjustMathMLAttributes)

    def adjustSVGAttributes(self, token):
        adjust_attributes(token, adjustSVGAttributes)

    def adjustForeignAttributes(self, token):
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