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aroundthecode / pycryptodome   python

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/ Protocol / KDF.pyi

from types import ModuleType
from typing import Optional, Callable, Tuple, Union

def PBKDF1(password: str, salt: bytes, dkLen: int, count: Optional[int]=1000, hashAlgo: Optional[ModuleType]=None) -> bytes: ...
def PBKDF2(password: str, salt: bytes, dkLen: Optional[int]=16, count: Optional[int]=1000, prf: Optional[Callable]=None, hmac_hash_module: Optional[ModuleType]=None) -> bytes: ...

class _S2V(object):
    def __init__(self, key: bytes, ciphermod: ModuleType, cipher_params: Optional[dict]=None) -> None: ...

    def new(key: bytes, ciphermod: ModuleType) -> None: ...
    def update(self, item: bytes) -> None: ...
    def derive(self) -> bytes: ...

def HKDF(master: bytes, key_len: int, salt: bytes, hashmod: ModuleType, num_keys: Optional[int]=1, context: Optional[bytes]=None) -> Union[bytes, Tuple[bytes, ...]]: ...

def scrypt(password: str, salt: str, key_len: int, N: int, r: int, p: int, num_keys: Optional[int]=1) -> Union[bytes, Tuple[bytes, ...]]: ...