# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import logging
import sys
import click
import miio # noqa: E402
from miio.click_common import (ExceptionHandlerGroup, validate_ip,
validate_token, )
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pass_dev = click.make_pass_decorator(miio.Ceil)
def validate_percentage(ctx, param, value):
value = int(value)
if value < 1 or value > 100:
raise click.BadParameter('Should be a positive int between 1-100.')
return value
def validate_seconds(ctx, param, value):
value = int(value)
if value < 0 or value > 21600:
raise click.BadParameter('Should be a positive int between 1-21600.')
return value
def validate_scene(ctx, param, value):
value = int(value)
if value < 1 or value > 4:
raise click.BadParameter('Should be a positive int between 1-4.')
return value
@click.group(invoke_without_command=True, cls=ExceptionHandlerGroup)
@click.option('--ip', envvar="DEVICE_IP", callback=validate_ip)
@click.option('--token', envvar="DEVICE_TOKEN", callback=validate_token)
@click.option('-d', '--debug', default=False, count=True)
def cli(ctx, ip: str, token: str, debug: int):
"""A tool to command Xiaomi Philips LED Ceiling Lamp."""
if debug:
_LOGGER.info("Debug mode active")
# if we are scanning, we do not try to connect.
if ctx.invoked_subcommand == "discover":
if ip is None or token is None:
click.echo("You have to give ip and token!")
dev = miio.Ceil(ip, token, debug)
_LOGGER.debug("Connecting to %s with token %s", ip, token)
ctx.obj = dev
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
def discover():
"""Search for plugs in the network."""
def status(dev: miio.Ceil):
"""Returns the state information."""
res = dev.status()
if not res:
return # bail out
click.echo(click.style("Power: %s" % res.power, bold=True))
click.echo("Brightness: %s" % res.brightness)
click.echo("Color temperature: %s" % res.color_temperature)
click.echo("Scene: %s" % res.scene)
click.echo("Smart Night Light: %s" % res.smart_night_light)
click.echo("Auto CCT: %s" % res.automatic_color_temperature)
click.echo("Countdown of the delayed turn off: %s seconds"
% res.delay_off_countdown)
def on(dev: miio.Ceil):
"""Power on."""
click.echo("Power on: %s" % dev.on())
def off(dev: miio.Ceil):
"""Power off."""
click.echo("Power off: %s" % dev.off())
@click.argument('level', callback=validate_percentage, required=True,)
def set_brightness(dev: miio.Ceil, level):
"""Set brightness level."""
click.echo("Brightness: %s" % dev.set_brightness(level))
@click.argument('level', callback=validate_percentage, required=True,)
def set_color_temperature(dev: miio.Ceil, level):
"""Set CCT level."""
click.echo("Color temperature level: %s" %
@click.argument('seconds', callback=validate_seconds, required=True,)
def delay_off(dev: miio.Ceil, seconds):
"""Set delay off in seconds."""
click.echo("Delay off: %s" % dev.delay_off(seconds))
@click.argument('scene', callback=validate_scene, required=True,)
def set_scene(dev: miio.Ceil, scene):
"""Set scene number."""
click.echo("Eyecare Scene: %s" % dev.set_scene(scene))
def smart_night_light_on(dev: miio.Ceil):
"""Smart Night Light on."""
click.echo("Smart Night Light On: %s" % dev.smart_night_light_on())
def smart_night_light_off(dev: miio.Ceil):
"""Smart Night Light off."""
click.echo("Smart Night Light Off: %s" % dev.smart_night_light_off())
def automatic_color_temperature_on(dev: miio.Ceil):
"""Auto CCT on."""
click.echo("Auto CCT On: %s" % dev.automatic_color_temperature_on())
def automatic_color_temperature_off(dev: miio.Ceil):
"""Auto CCT on."""
click.echo("Auto CCT Off: %s" % dev.automatic_color_temperature_off())
if __name__ == "__main__":