import base64
import re
import click
from construct import (
Struct, Const, Rebuild, this, len_, Adapter, Computed,
Int16ul, Int32ul, Int16ub, Array, BitStruct, BitsInteger,
from .click_common import command, format_output
from .device import Device, DeviceException
class ChuangmiIrException(DeviceException):
class ChuangmiIr(Device):
"""Main class representing Chuangmi IR Remote Controller."""
PRONTO_RE = re.compile(r'^([\da-f]{4}\s?){3,}([\da-f]{4})$', re.IGNORECASE)
click.argument("key", type=int),
default_output=format_output("Learning command into storage key {key}")
def learn(self, key: int=1):
"""Learn an infrared command.
:param int key: Storage slot, must be between 1 and 1000000"""
if key < 1 or key > 1000000:
raise ChuangmiIrException("Invalid storage slot.")
return self.send("miIO.ir_learn", {'key': str(key)})
click.argument("key", type=int),
default_output=format_output("Reading infrared command from storage key {key}")
def read(self, key: int=1):
"""Read a learned command.
Positive response (
{'key': '1', 'code': 'Z6WPAasBAAA3BQAA4AwJAEA....AAABAAEBAQAAAQAA=='}
Negative response (
{'error': {'code': -5002, 'message': 'no code for this key'}, 'id': 5}
Negative response (
{'error': {'code': -5003, 'message': 'learn timeout'}, 'id': 17}
:param int key: Slot to read from"""
if key < 1 or key > 1000000:
raise ChuangmiIrException("Invalid storage slot.")
return self.send("miIO.ir_read", {'key': str(key)})
def play_raw(self, command: str, frequency: int=38400):
"""Play a captured command.
:param str command: Command to execute
:param int frequency: Execution frequency"""
return self.send("miIO.ir_play",
{'freq': frequency, 'code': command})
def play_pronto(self, pronto: str, repeats: int=1):
"""Play a Pronto Hex encoded IR command.
Supports only raw Pronto format, starting with 0000.
:param str pronto: Pronto Hex string.
:param int repeats: Number of extra signal repeats."""
return self.play_raw(*self.pronto_to_raw(pronto, repeats))
def pronto_to_raw(cls, pronto: str, repeats: int=1):
"""Play a Pronto Hex encoded IR command.
Supports only raw Pronto format, starting with 0000.
:param str pronto: Pronto Hex string.
:param int repeats: Number of extra signal repeats."""
if repeats < 0:
raise ChuangmiIrException('Invalid repeats value')
pronto_data = Pronto.parse(bytearray.fromhex(pronto))
except Exception as ex:
raise ChuangmiIrException("Invalid Pronto command") from ex
if len(pronto_data.intro) == 0:
repeats += 1
times = set()
for pair in pronto_data.intro + pronto_data.repeat * (1 if repeats else 0):
times = sorted(times)
times_map = {t: idx for idx, t in enumerate(times)}
edge_pairs = []
for pair in pronto_data.intro + pronto_data.repeat * repeats:
'pulse': times_map[pair.pulse],
'gap': times_map[],
signal_code = base64.b64encode({
'times_index': times + [0] * (16 - len(times)),
'edge_pairs': edge_pairs,
return signal_code, int(round(pronto_data.frequency))
click.argument("command", type=str),
default_output=format_output("Playing the supplied command")
def play(self, command: str):
"""Plays a command in one of the supported formats."""
if ":" not in command:
if self.PRONTO_RE.match(command):
command_type = 'pronto'
command_type = 'raw'
command_args = []
command_type, command, *command_args = command.split(":")
if command_type == "raw":
play_method = self.play_raw
arg_types = [int]
elif command_type == "pronto":
play_method = self.play_pronto
arg_types = [int]
raise ChuangmiIrException("Invalid command type")
if len(command_args) > len(arg_types):
raise ChuangmiIrException("Invalid command arguments count")
command_args = [t(v) for v, t in zip(command_args, arg_types)]
except Exception as ex:
raise ChuangmiIrException('Invalid command arguments') from ex
return play_method(command, *command_args)
class ProntoPulseAdapter(Adapter):
def _decode(self, obj, context, path):
return int(obj * context._.modulation_period)
def _encode(self, obj, context, path):
raise RuntimeError('Not implemented')
ChuangmiIrSignal = Struct(
Const(0xa567, Int16ul),
'edge_count' / Rebuild(Int16ul, len_(this.edge_pairs) * 2 - 1),
'times_index' / Array(16, Int32ul),
'edge_pairs' / Array((this.edge_count + 1) // 2, BitStruct(
'gap' / BitsInteger(4),
'pulse' / BitsInteger(4),
ProntoBurstPair = Struct(
'pulse' / ProntoPulseAdapter(Int16ub),
'gap' / ProntoPulseAdapter(Int16ub),
Pronto = Struct(
Const(0, Int16ub),
'_ticks' / Int16ub,
'modulation_period' / Computed(this._ticks * 0.241246),
'frequency' / Computed(1000000 / this.modulation_period),
'intro_len' / Int16ub,
'repeat_len' / Int16ub,
'intro' / Array(this.intro_len, ProntoBurstPair),
'repeat' / Array(this.repeat_len, ProntoBurstPair),