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aroundthecode / python-miio   python

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Version: 0.4.4 

/ utils.py

import functools
import inspect
import warnings
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from typing import Tuple

def deprecated(reason):
    This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions and classes
    as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted
    when the function is used.

    From https://stackoverflow.com/a/40301488

    string_types = (type(b''), type(u''))
    if isinstance(reason, string_types):

        # The @deprecated is used with a 'reason'.
        # .. code-block:: python
        #    @deprecated("please, use another function")
        #    def old_function(x, y):
        #      pass

        def decorator(func1):

            if inspect.isclass(func1):
                fmt1 = "Call to deprecated class {name} ({reason})."
                fmt1 = "Call to deprecated function {name} ({reason})."

            def new_func1(*args, **kwargs):
                warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
                    fmt1.format(name=func1.__name__, reason=reason),
                warnings.simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning)
                return func1(*args, **kwargs)

            return new_func1

        return decorator

    elif inspect.isclass(reason) or inspect.isfunction(reason):

        # The @deprecated is used without any 'reason'.
        # .. code-block:: python
        #    @deprecated
        #    def old_function(x, y):
        #      pass

        func2 = reason

        if inspect.isclass(func2):
            fmt2 = "Call to deprecated class {name}."
            fmt2 = "Call to deprecated function {name}."

        def new_func2(*args, **kwargs):
            warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
            warnings.simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning)
            return func2(*args, **kwargs)

        return new_func2

        raise TypeError(repr(type(reason)))

def pretty_seconds(x: float) -> timedelta:
    """Return a timedelta object from seconds."""
    return timedelta(seconds=x)

def pretty_time(x: float) -> datetime:
    """Return a datetime object from unix timestamp."""
    return datetime.fromtimestamp(x)

def int_to_rgb(x: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
    """Return a RGB tuple from integer."""
    red = (x >> 16) & 0xff
    green = (x >> 8) & 0xff
    blue = x & 0xff
    return red, green, blue

def rgb_to_int(x: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> int:
    """Return an integer from RGB tuple."""
    return int(x[0] << 16 | x[1] << 8 | x[2])