# Python module to interface with Shenzhen Xenon ESP8266MOD WiFi smart devices
# E.g. https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Xenon_SM-PW701U
# SKYROKU SM-PW701U Wi-Fi Plug Smart Plug
# Wuudi SM-S0301-US - WIFI Smart Power Socket Multi Plug with 4 AC Outlets and 4 USB Charging Works with Alexa
# This would not exist without the protocol reverse engineering from
# https://github.com/codetheweb/tuyapi by codetheweb and blackrozes
# Tested with Python 2.7 and Python 3.6.1 only
import base64
from hashlib import md5
import json
import logging
import socket
import sys
import time
#raise ImportError
import Crypto
from Crypto.Cipher import AES # PyCrypto
except ImportError:
Crypto = AES = None
import pyaes # https://github.com/ricmoo/pyaes
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig() # TODO include function name/line numbers in log
#log.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG) # Debug hack!
log.debug('Python %s on %s', sys.version, sys.platform)
if Crypto is None:
log.debug('Using pyaes version %r', pyaes.VERSION)
log.debug('Using pyaes from %r', pyaes.__file__)
log.debug('Using PyCrypto %r', Crypto.version_info)
log.debug('Using PyCrypto from %r', Crypto.__file__)
SET = 'set'
IS_PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
class AESCipher(object):
def __init__(self, key):
#self.bs = 32 # 32 work fines for ON, does not work for OFF. Padding different compared to js version https://github.com/codetheweb/tuyapi/
self.bs = 16
self.key = key
def encrypt(self, raw):
if Crypto:
raw = self._pad(raw)
cipher = AES.new(self.key, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)
crypted_text = cipher.encrypt(raw)
_ = self._pad(raw)
cipher = pyaes.blockfeeder.Encrypter(pyaes.AESModeOfOperationECB(self.key)) # no IV, auto pads to 16
crypted_text = cipher.feed(raw)
crypted_text += cipher.feed() # flush final block
#print('crypted_text %r' % crypted_text)
#print('crypted_text (%d) %r' % (len(crypted_text), crypted_text))
crypted_text_b64 = base64.b64encode(crypted_text)
#print('crypted_text_b64 (%d) %r' % (len(crypted_text_b64), crypted_text_b64))
return crypted_text_b64
def decrypt(self, enc):
enc = base64.b64decode(enc)
#print('enc (%d) %r' % (len(enc), enc))
#enc = self._unpad(enc)
#enc = self._pad(enc)
#print('upadenc (%d) %r' % (len(enc), enc))
if Crypto:
cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_ECB)
raw = cipher.decrypt(enc)
#print('raw (%d) %r' % (len(raw), raw))
return self._unpad(raw).decode('utf-8')
#return self._unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc)).decode('utf-8')
cipher = pyaes.blockfeeder.Decrypter(pyaes.AESModeOfOperationECB(self.key)) # no IV, auto pads to 16
plain_text = cipher.feed(enc)
plain_text += cipher.feed() # flush final block
return plain_text
def _pad(self, s):
padnum = self.bs - len(s) % self.bs
return s + padnum * chr(padnum).encode()
def _unpad(s):
return s[:-ord(s[len(s)-1:])]
def bin2hex(x, pretty=False):
if pretty:
space = ' '
space = ''
if IS_PY2:
result = ''.join('%02X%s' % (ord(y), space) for y in x)
result = ''.join('%02X%s' % (y, space) for y in x)
return result
def hex2bin(x):
if IS_PY2:
return x.decode('hex')
return bytes.fromhex(x)
# This is intended to match requests.json payload at https://github.com/codetheweb/tuyapi
payload_dict = {
"outlet": {
"status": {
"hexByte": "0a",
"command": {"gwId": "", "devId": ""}
"set": {
"hexByte": "07",
"command": {"devId": "", "uid": "", "t": ""}
"prefix": "000055aa00000000000000", # Next byte is command byte ("hexByte") some zero padding, then length of remaining payload, i.e. command + suffix (unclear if multiple bytes used for length, zero padding implies could be more than one byte)
"suffix": "000000000000aa55"
class XenonDevice(object):
def __init__(self, dev_id, address, local_key=None, dev_type=None, connection_timeout=10):
Represents a Tuya device.
dev_id (str): The device id.
address (str): The network address.
local_key (str, optional): The encryption key. Defaults to None.
dev_type (str, optional): The device type.
It will be used as key for lookups in payload_dict.
Defaults to None.
port (int): The port to connect to.
self.id = dev_id
self.address = address
self.local_key = local_key
self.local_key = local_key.encode('latin1')
self.dev_type = dev_type
self.connection_timeout = connection_timeout
self.port = 6668 # default - do not expect caller to pass in
def __repr__(self):
return '%r' % ((self.id, self.address),) # FIXME can do better than this
def _send_receive(self, payload):
Send single buffer `payload` and receive a single buffer.
payload(bytes): Data to send.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((self.address, self.port))
data = s.recv(1024)
return data
def generate_payload(self, command, data=None):
Generate the payload to send.
command(str): The type of command.
This is one of the entries from payload_dict
data(dict, optional): The data to be send.
This is what will be passed via the 'dps' entry
json_data = payload_dict[self.dev_type][command]['command']
if 'gwId' in json_data:
json_data['gwId'] = self.id
if 'devId' in json_data:
json_data['devId'] = self.id
if 'uid' in json_data:
json_data['uid'] = self.id # still use id, no seperate uid
if 't' in json_data:
json_data['t'] = str(int(time.time()))
if data is not None:
json_data['dps'] = data
# Create byte buffer from hex data
json_payload = json.dumps(json_data)
json_payload = json_payload.replace(' ', '') # if spaces are not removed device does not respond!
json_payload = json_payload.encode('utf-8')
log.debug('json_payload=%r', json_payload)
if command == SET:
# need to encrypt
#print('json_payload %r' % json_payload)
self.cipher = AESCipher(self.local_key) # expect to connect and then disconnect to set new
json_payload = self.cipher.encrypt(json_payload)
#print('crypted json_payload %r' % json_payload)
preMd5String = b'data=' + json_payload + b'||lpv=' + PROTOCOL_VERSION_BYTES + b'||' + self.local_key
#print('preMd5String %r' % preMd5String)
m = md5()
hexdigest = m.hexdigest()
json_payload = PROTOCOL_VERSION_BYTES + hexdigest[8:][:16].encode('latin1') + json_payload
#print('crypted json_payload (%d) %r' % (len(json_payload), json_payload))
#print('json_payload %r' % repr(json_payload))
#print('json_payload len %r' % len(json_payload))
self.cipher = None # expect to connect and then disconnect to set new
postfix_payload = hex2bin(bin2hex(json_payload) + payload_dict[self.dev_type]['suffix'])
#print('postfix_payload %r' % postfix_payload)
#print('postfix_payload %r' % len(postfix_payload))
#print('postfix_payload %x' % len(postfix_payload))
#print('postfix_payload %r' % hex(len(postfix_payload)))
assert len(postfix_payload) <= 0xff
postfix_payload_hex_len = '%x' % len(postfix_payload) # TODO this assumes a single byte 0-255 (0x00-0xff)
buffer = hex2bin( payload_dict[self.dev_type]['prefix'] +
payload_dict[self.dev_type][command]['hexByte'] +
'000000' +
postfix_payload_hex_len ) + postfix_payload
#print('command', command)
#print(bin2hex(buffer, pretty=True))
#print(bin2hex(buffer, pretty=False))
#print('full buffer(%d) %r' % (len(buffer), buffer))
return buffer
class OutletDevice(XenonDevice):
def __init__(self, dev_id, address, local_key=None, dev_type=None):
dev_type = dev_type or 'outlet'
super(OutletDevice, self).__init__(dev_id, address, local_key, dev_type)
def status(self):
log.debug('status() entry')
# open device, send request, then close connection
payload = self.generate_payload('status')
data = self._send_receive(payload)
log.debug('status received data=%r', data)
result = data[20:-8] # hard coded offsets
log.debug('result=%r', result)
#result = data[data.find('{'):data.rfind('}')+1] # naive marker search, hope neither { nor } occur in header/footer
#print('result %r' % result)
if result.startswith(b'{'):
# this is the regular expected code path
result = json.loads(result.decode())
elif result.startswith(PROTOCOL_VERSION_BYTES):
# got an encrypted payload, happens occasionally
# expect resulting json to look similar to:: {"devId":"ID","dps":{"1":true,"2":0},"t":EPOCH_SECS,"s":3_DIGIT_NUM}
# NOTE dps.2 may or may not be present
result = result[len(PROTOCOL_VERSION_BYTES):] # remove version header
result = result[16:] # remove (what I'm guessing, but not confirmed is) 16-bytes of MD5 hexdigest of payload
cipher = AESCipher(self.local_key)
result = cipher.decrypt(result)
log.debug('decrypted result=%r', result)
result = json.loads(result.decode())
log.error('Unexpected status() payload=%r', result)
return result
def set_status(self, on, switch=1):
Set status of the device to 'on' or 'off'.
on(bool): True for 'on', False for 'off'.
switch(int): The switch to set
# open device, send request, then close connection
if isinstance(switch, int):
switch = str(switch) # index and payload is a string
payload = self.generate_payload(SET, {switch:on})
#print('payload %r' % payload)
data = self._send_receive(payload)
log.debug('set_status received data=%r', data)
return data
def set_timer(self, num_secs):
Set a timer.
num_secs(int): Number of seconds
# FIXME / TODO support schemas? Accept timer id number as parameter?
# Dumb heuristic; Query status, pick last device id as that is probably the timer
status = self.status()
devices = status['dps']
devices_numbers = list(devices.keys())
dps_id = devices_numbers[-1]
payload = self.generate_payload(SET, {dps_id:num_secs})
data = self._send_receive(payload)
log.debug('set_timer received data=%r', data)
return data