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pip   python

The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.

psutil   python

Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.

pyasn1   python

ASN.1 types and codecs

pycryptodome   python

Cryptographic library for Python

pycurl   python

PycURL -- A Python Interface To The cURL library

PyJWT   python

JSON Web Token implementation in Python

pyOpenSSL   python

Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library

python-miio   python

Python library for interfacing with Xiaomi smart appliances

pytuya   python

Python interface to ESP8266MOD WiFi smart devices from Shenzhen Xenon

pytz   python

World timezone definitions, modern and historical

PyYAML   python

YAML parser and emitter for Python

requests   python

Python HTTP for Humans.

ruamel.yaml   python

ruamel.yaml is a YAML parser/emitter that supports roundtrip preservation of com…

setuptools   python

Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages

six   python

Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities

SQLAlchemy   python

Database Abstraction Library

virtualenv   python

Virtual Python Environment builder

voluptuous   python

# Voluptuous is a Python data validation library

voluptuous-serialize   python

Convert voluptuous schemas to dictionaries

zope.interface   python

Interfaces for Python