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/ src / nanoarrow / _array_stream.pyx

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

# cython: language_level = 3

from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t, int64_t
from cpython.pycapsule cimport PyCapsule_GetPointer

from nanoarrow_c cimport (

from nanoarrow cimport _types
from nanoarrow._array cimport CArray
from nanoarrow._buffer cimport CBuffer
from nanoarrow._schema cimport CSchema, assert_type_equal
from nanoarrow._utils cimport (

from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple

from nanoarrow import _repr_utils

cdef class CArrayStream:
    """Low-level ArrowArrayStream wrapper

    This object is a literal wrapper around an ArrowArrayStream. It provides methods that
    that wrap the underlying C callbacks and handles the C Data interface lifecycle
    (i.e., initialized ArrowArrayStream structures are always released).

    See `nanoarrow.c_array_stream()` for construction and usage examples.
    cdef object _base
    cdef ArrowArrayStream* _ptr
    cdef object _cached_schema

    def __cinit__(self, object base, uintptr_t addr):
        self._base = base
        self._ptr = <ArrowArrayStream*>addr
        self._cached_schema = None

    def allocate() -> CArrayStream:
        """Allocate a released ArrowArrayStream"""
        cdef ArrowArrayStream* c_array_stream_out
        base = alloc_c_array_stream(&c_array_stream_out)
        return CArrayStream(base, <uintptr_t>c_array_stream_out)

    def from_c_arrays(arrays: List[CArray], CSchema schema, move=False, validate=True) -> CArrayStream:
        """Create an ArrowArrayStream from an existing set of arrays

        Given a previously resolved list of arrays, create an ArrowArrayStream
        representation of the sequence of chunks.

        arrays : List[CArray]
            A list of arrays to use as batches.
        schema : CSchema
            The schema that will be returned. Must be type equal with the schema
            of each array (this is checked if validate is ``True``)
        move : bool, optional
            If True, transfer ownership from each array instead of creating a
            shallow copy. This is only safe if the caller knows the origin of the
            arrays and knows that they will not be accessed after this stream has been
        validate : bool, optional
            If True, enforce type equality between the provided schema and the schema
            of each array.
        cdef ArrowArrayStream* c_array_stream_out
        base = alloc_c_array_stream(&c_array_stream_out)

        # Don't create more copies than we have to (but make sure
        # one exists for validation if requested)
        cdef CSchema out_schema = schema
        if validate and not move:
            validate_schema = schema
            out_schema = schema.__deepcopy__()
        elif validate:
            validate_schema = schema.__deepcopy__()
            out_schema = schema
        elif not move:
            out_schema = schema.__deepcopy__()

        cdef int code = ArrowBasicArrayStreamInit(c_array_stream_out, out_schema._ptr, len(arrays))
        Error.raise_error_not_ok("ArrowBasicArrayStreamInit()", code)

        cdef ArrowArray tmp
        cdef CArray array
        for i in range(len(arrays)):
            array = arrays[i]

            if validate:
                assert_type_equal(array.schema, validate_schema, False)

            if not move:
                c_array_shallow_copy(array._base, array._ptr, &tmp)
                ArrowBasicArrayStreamSetArray(c_array_stream_out, i, &tmp)
                ArrowBasicArrayStreamSetArray(c_array_stream_out, i, array._ptr)

        cdef Error error = Error()
        if validate:
            code = ArrowBasicArrayStreamValidate(c_array_stream_out, &error.c_error)
            error.raise_message_not_ok("ArrowBasicArrayStreamValidate()", code)

        return CArrayStream(base, <uintptr_t>c_array_stream_out)

    def release(self):
        """Explicitly call the release callback of this stream"""
        if self.is_valid():

    def _import_from_c_capsule(stream_capsule) -> CArrayStream:
        """Import from a ArrowArrayStream PyCapsule.

        stream_capsule : PyCapsule
            A valid PyCapsule with name 'arrow_array_stream' containing an
            ArrowArrayStream pointer.
        return CArrayStream(
            <uintptr_t>PyCapsule_GetPointer(stream_capsule, 'arrow_array_stream')

    def __arrow_c_stream__(self, requested_schema=None):
        Export the stream as an Arrow C stream PyCapsule.

        requested_schema : PyCapsule | None
            A PyCapsule containing a C ArrowSchema representation of a requested
            schema. Not supported.


        if requested_schema is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("requested_schema")

            ArrowArrayStream* c_array_stream_out

        array_stream_capsule = alloc_c_array_stream(&c_array_stream_out)
        ArrowArrayStreamMove(self._ptr, c_array_stream_out)
        return array_stream_capsule

    def _addr(self) -> int:
        """test to see if this causes a ci fail"""
        return <uintptr_t>self._ptr

    def is_valid(self) -> bool:
        """Check for a non-null and non-released underlying ArrowArrayStream"""
        return self._ptr != NULL and self._ptr.release != NULL

    def _assert_valid(self):
        if self._ptr == NULL:
            raise RuntimeError("array stream pointer is NULL")
        if self._ptr.release == NULL:
            raise RuntimeError("array stream is released")

    def _get_schema(self, CSchema schema):
        cdef Error error = Error()
        cdef int code = ArrowArrayStreamGetSchema(self._ptr, schema._ptr, &error.c_error)
        error.raise_message_not_ok("ArrowArrayStream::get_schema()", code)

    def _get_cached_schema(self):
        if self._cached_schema is None:
            self._cached_schema = CSchema.allocate()

        return self._cached_schema

    def get_schema(self) -> CSchema:
        """Get the schema associated with this stream

        Calling this method will always issue a call to the underlying stream's
        get_schema callback.
        out = CSchema.allocate()
        return out

    def get_next(self) -> CArray:
        """Get the next Array from this stream

        Raises StopIteration when there are no more arrays in this stream.

        # We return a reference to the same Python object for each
        # Array that is returned. This is independent of get_schema(),
        # which is guaranteed to call the C object's callback and
        # faithfully pass on the returned value.

        cdef Error error = Error()
        cdef CArray array = CArray.allocate(self._get_cached_schema())
        cdef int code = ArrowArrayStreamGetNext(self._ptr, array._ptr, &error.c_error)
        error.raise_message_not_ok("ArrowArrayStream::get_next()", code)

        if not array.is_valid():
            raise StopIteration()
            return array

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        return self.get_next()

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def __repr__(self):
        return _repr_utils.array_stream_repr(self)

cdef class CMaterializedArrayStream:
    """Optimized representation of a fully consumed ArrowArrayStream

    This class provides a data structure similar to pyarrow's ChunkedArray
    where each consumed array is a referenced-counted shared array. This
    class wraps the utilities provided by the nanoarrow C library to iterate
    over and facilitate log(n) random access to items in this container.
    cdef CSchema _schema
    cdef CBuffer _array_ends
    cdef list _arrays
    cdef int64_t _total_length

    def __cinit__(self):
        self._arrays = []
        self._total_length = 0
        self._schema = CSchema.allocate()
        self._array_ends = CBuffer.empty()
        cdef int code = ArrowBufferAppendInt64(self._array_ends._ptr, 0)
        Error.raise_error_not_ok("ArrowBufferAppendInt64()", code)

    cdef _finalize(self):

    def schema(self) -> CSchema:
        return self._schema

    def __getitem__(self, k) -> Tuple[CArray, int]:
        cdef int64_t kint
        cdef int array_i
        cdef const int64_t* sorted_offsets = <int64_t*>self._array_ends._ptr.data

        if isinstance(k, slice):
            raise NotImplementedError("index with slice")

        kint = k
        if kint < 0:
            kint += self._total_length
        if kint < 0 or kint >= self._total_length:
            raise IndexError(f"Index {kint} is out of range")

        array_i = ArrowResolveChunk64(kint, sorted_offsets, 0, len(self._arrays))
        kint -= sorted_offsets[array_i]
        return self._arrays[array_i], kint

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return self._array_ends[len(self._arrays)]

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[CArray, int]]:
        for c_array in self._arrays:
            for item_i in range(len(c_array)):
                yield c_array, item_i

    def array(self, int64_t i) -> CArray:
        return self._arrays[i]

    def n_arrays(self) -> int:
        return len(self._arrays)

    def arrays(self) -> Iterable[CArray]:
        return iter(self._arrays)

    def __arrow_c_stream__(self, requested_schema=None):
        # When an array stream from iterable is supported, that could be used here
        # to avoid unnessary shallow copies.
        stream = CArrayStream.from_c_arrays(

        return stream.__arrow_c_stream__(requested_schema=requested_schema)

    def child(self, int64_t i) -> CMaterializedArrayStream:
        cdef CMaterializedArrayStream out = CMaterializedArrayStream()
        cdef int code

        out._schema = self._schema.child(i)
        out._arrays = [chunk.child(i) for chunk in self._arrays]
        for child_chunk in out._arrays:
            out._total_length += len(child_chunk)
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