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/ src / nanoarrow / array.py

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import itertools
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Union

from nanoarrow._array import CArray, CArrayView
from nanoarrow._array_stream import CMaterializedArrayStream
from nanoarrow._buffer import CBufferView
from nanoarrow._device import DEVICE_CPU, Device
from nanoarrow.c_array import c_array, c_array_view
from nanoarrow.c_array_stream import c_array_stream
from nanoarrow.c_schema import c_schema
from nanoarrow.iterator import iter_array_views, iter_py, iter_tuples
from nanoarrow.schema import Schema, _schema_repr
from nanoarrow.visitor import ArrayViewVisitable

from nanoarrow import _repr_utils

class Scalar:
    """Generic wrapper around an :class:`Array` element

    This class exists to provide a generic implementation of
    array-like indexing for the :class:`Array`. These objects
    can currently only be created by extracting an element from
    an :class:`Array`.

    Note that it is rarely efficient to iterate over Scalar objects:
    use the iterators in :mod:`nanoarrow.iterator` to more effectively
    iterate over an :class:`Array`.


    >>> import nanoarrow as na
    >>> array = na.Array([1, 2, 3], na.int32())
    >>> array[0]
    Scalar<int32> 1
    >>> array[0].as_py()
    >>> array[0].schema
    <Schema> int32

    def __init__(self):
        # Private constructor
        self._c_array = None
        self._offset = None
        self._schema = None
        self._device = None

    def device(self) -> Device:
        return self._device

    def schema(self) -> Schema:
        """Get the schema (data type) of this scalar"""
        return self._schema

    def as_py(self):
        """Get the Python object representation of this scalar"""
        return next(iter_py(self))

    def to_string(self, width_hint=80) -> str:
        schema_repr = _schema_repr(
            max_char_width=width_hint // 4,

        prefix = f"Scalar<{schema_repr}> "
        width_hint -= len(prefix)

        py_repr = repr(self.as_py())
        if len(py_repr) > width_hint:
            py_repr = py_repr[: (width_hint - 3)] + "..."
        return f"{prefix}{py_repr}"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self.to_string()

    def __arrow_c_array__(self, requested_schema=None):
        array = self._c_array[self._offset : (self._offset + 1)]
        return array.__arrow_c_array__(requested_schema=requested_schema)

class Array(ArrayViewVisitable):
    """High-level in-memory Array representation

    The Array is nanoarrow's high-level in-memory array representation whose
    scope maps to that of a fully-consumed ArrowArrayStream in the Arrow C Data

    The :class:`Array` class is nanoarrow's high-level in-memory array
    representation, encompasing the role of PyArrow's ``Array``,
    ``ChunkedArray``, ``RecordBatch``, and ``Table``. This scope maps
    to that of a fully-consumed ``ArrowArrayStream`` as represented by
    the Arrow C Stream interface.

    Note that an :class:`Array` is not necessarily contiguous in memory (i.e.,
    it may consist of zero or more ``ArrowArray``s).

    obj : array or array stream-like
        An array-like or array stream-like object as sanitized by
    schema : schema-like, optional
        An optional schema, passed to :func:`c_array_stream`.
    device : Device, optional
        The device associated with the buffers held by this Array.
        Defaults to the CPU device.


    >>> import nanoarrow as na
    >>> na.Array([1, 2, 3], na.int32())

    def __init__(self, obj, schema=None, device=None) -> None:
        if device is None:
            self._device = DEVICE_CPU
        elif isinstance(device, Device):
            self._device = device
            raise TypeError("device must be Device")

        if isinstance(obj, CMaterializedArrayStream) and schema is None:
            self._data = obj

        if isinstance(obj, Array) and schema is None:
            self._data = obj._data

        if isinstance(obj, CArray) and schema is None:
            self._data = CMaterializedArrayStream.from_c_array(obj)

        with c_array_stream(obj, schema=schema) as stream:
            self._data = CMaterializedArrayStream.from_c_array_stream(stream)

    def from_chunks(obj: Iterable, schema=None, validate: bool = True):
        """Create an Array with explicit chunks

        Creates an :class:`Array` with explicit chunking from an iterable of
        objects that can be converted to a :func:`c_array`.

        obj : iterable of array-like
            An iterable of objects that can be passed to :func:`c_array`.
        schema : schema-like, optional
            An optional schema. If present, will be passed to :func:`c_array`
            for each item in obj; if not present it will be inferred from the first
        validate : bool
            Use ``False`` to opt out of validation steps performed when constructing
            this array.

        >>> import nanoarrow as na
        >>> na.Array.from_chunks([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], na.int32())
        obj = iter(obj)

        if schema is None:
            first = next(obj, None)
            if first is None:
                raise ValueError("Can't create empty Array from chunks without schema")

            first = c_array(first)
            out_schema = first.schema
            obj = itertools.chain([first], obj)
            out_schema = c_schema(schema)

        data = CMaterializedArrayStream.from_c_arrays(
            (c_array(item, schema) for item in obj), out_schema, validate=validate

        return Array(data)

    def _assert_one_chunk(self, op):
        if self._data.n_arrays != 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Can't {op} with non-contiguous Array")

    def _assert_cpu(self, op):
        if self._device != DEVICE_CPU:
            raise ValueError(f"Can't {op} with Array on non-CPU device")

    def __arrow_c_stream__(self, requested_schema=None):
        self._assert_cpu("export ArrowArrayStream")
        return self._data.__arrow_c_stream__(requested_schema=requested_schema)

    def __arrow_c_array__(self, requested_schema=None):
        self._assert_cpu("export ArrowArray")

        if self._data.n_arrays == 0:
            return c_array([], schema=self._data.schema).__arrow_c_array__(
        elif self._data.n_arrays == 1:
            return self._data.array(0).__arrow_c_array__(

        self._assert_one_chunk("export ArrowArray")

    def device(self) -> Device:
        """Get the device on which the buffers for this array are allocated


        >>> import nanoarrow as na
        >>> array = na.Array([1, 2, 3], na.int32())
        >>> array.device
        - device_type: CPU <1>
        - device_id: -1
        return self._device

    def schema(self) -> Schema:
        """Get the schema (data type) of this Array"""
        return Schema(self._data.schema)

    def n_buffers(self) -> int:
        """Get the number of buffers in each chunk of this Array


        >>> import nanoarrow as na
        >>> array = na.Array([1, 2, 3], na.int32())
        >>> array.n_buffers
        return self.schema._c_schema_view.layout.n_buffers

    def offset(self) -> int:
        """Access the logical offset of a contiguous array


        >>> import nanoarrow as na
        >>> c_array = na.c_array([1, 2, 3], na.int32())
        >>> na.Array(c_array[1:]).offset
        if self._data.n_arrays == 0:
            return 0
        self._assert_one_chunk("scalar offset")
        return self._data.array(0).offset

    def buffer(self, i: int) -> CBufferView:
        """Access a single buffer of a contiguous array


        >>> import nanoarrow as na
        >>> array = na.Array([1, 2, 3], na.int32())
        >>> array.buffer(1)
        nanoarrow.c_buffer.CBufferView(int32[12 b] 1 2 3)
        return self.buffers[i]

    def buffers(self) -> Tuple[CBufferView, ...]:
        """Access buffers of a contiguous array.


        >>> import nanoarrow as na
        >>> array = na.Array([1, 2, 3], na.int32())
        >>> for buffer in array.buffers:
        ...     print(buffer)
        nanoarrow.c_buffer.CBufferView(bool[0 b] )
        nanoarrow.c_buffer.CBufferView(int32[12 b] 1 2 3)
        view = c_array_view(self)
        return tuple(view.buffers)

    def iter_chunk_views(self) -> Iterable[CArrayView]:
        """Iterate over prepared views of each chunk


        >>> import nanoarrow as na
        >>> array = na.Array([1, 2, 3], na.int32())
        >>> for view in array.iter_chunk_views():
        ...     offset, length = view.offset, len(view)
        ...     validity, data = view.buffers
        ...     print(offset, length)
        ...     print(validity)
        ...     print(data)
        0 3
        nanoarrow.c_buffer.CBufferView(bool[0 b] )
        nanoarrow.c_buffer.CBufferView(int32[12 b] 1 2 3)
        return iter_array_views(self)

    def n_children(self) -> int:
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