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/ _compute.pyx

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

# cython: language_level = 3

import sys

from cpython.object cimport Py_LT, Py_EQ, Py_GT, Py_LE, Py_NE, Py_GE
from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref

from collections import namedtuple

from pyarrow.lib import frombytes, tobytes, ArrowInvalid
from pyarrow.lib cimport *
from pyarrow.includes.common cimport *
from pyarrow.includes.libarrow cimport *
import pyarrow.lib as lib
from pyarrow.util import _DEPR_MSG
from libcpp cimport bool as c_bool

import inspect
import numpy as np
import warnings

__pas = None
_substrait_msg = (
    "The pyarrow installation is not built with support for Substrait."

def _pas():
    global __pas
    if __pas is None:
            import pyarrow.substrait as pas
            __pas = pas
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(_substrait_msg)
    return __pas

def _forbid_instantiation(klass, subclasses_instead=True):
    msg = '{} is an abstract class thus cannot be initialized.'.format(
    if subclasses_instead:
        subclasses = [cls.__name__ for cls in klass.__subclasses__]
        msg += ' Use one of the subclasses instead: {}'.format(
            ', '.join(subclasses)
    raise TypeError(msg)

cdef wrap_scalar_function(const shared_ptr[CFunction]& sp_func):
    Wrap a C++ scalar Function in a ScalarFunction object.
    cdef ScalarFunction func = ScalarFunction.__new__(ScalarFunction)
    return func

cdef wrap_vector_function(const shared_ptr[CFunction]& sp_func):
    Wrap a C++ vector Function in a VectorFunction object.
    cdef VectorFunction func = VectorFunction.__new__(VectorFunction)
    return func

cdef wrap_scalar_aggregate_function(const shared_ptr[CFunction]& sp_func):
    Wrap a C++ aggregate Function in a ScalarAggregateFunction object.
    cdef ScalarAggregateFunction func = \
    return func

cdef wrap_hash_aggregate_function(const shared_ptr[CFunction]& sp_func):
    Wrap a C++ aggregate Function in a HashAggregateFunction object.
    cdef HashAggregateFunction func = \
    return func

cdef wrap_meta_function(const shared_ptr[CFunction]& sp_func):
    Wrap a C++ meta Function in a MetaFunction object.
    cdef MetaFunction func = MetaFunction.__new__(MetaFunction)
    return func

cdef wrap_function(const shared_ptr[CFunction]& sp_func):
    Wrap a C++ Function in a Function object.

    This dispatches to specialized wrappers depending on the function kind.
    if sp_func.get() == NULL:
        raise ValueError("Function was NULL")

    cdef FunctionKind c_kind = sp_func.get().kind()
    if c_kind == FunctionKind_SCALAR:
        return wrap_scalar_function(sp_func)
    elif c_kind == FunctionKind_VECTOR:
        return wrap_vector_function(sp_func)
    elif c_kind == FunctionKind_SCALAR_AGGREGATE:
        return wrap_scalar_aggregate_function(sp_func)
    elif c_kind == FunctionKind_HASH_AGGREGATE:
        return wrap_hash_aggregate_function(sp_func)
    elif c_kind == FunctionKind_META:
        return wrap_meta_function(sp_func)
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown Function::Kind")

cdef wrap_scalar_kernel(const CScalarKernel* c_kernel):
    if c_kernel == NULL:
        raise ValueError("Kernel was NULL")
    cdef ScalarKernel kernel = ScalarKernel.__new__(ScalarKernel)
    return kernel

cdef wrap_vector_kernel(const CVectorKernel* c_kernel):
    if c_kernel == NULL:
        raise ValueError("Kernel was NULL")
    cdef VectorKernel kernel = VectorKernel.__new__(VectorKernel)
    return kernel

cdef wrap_scalar_aggregate_kernel(const CScalarAggregateKernel* c_kernel):
    if c_kernel == NULL:
        raise ValueError("Kernel was NULL")
    cdef ScalarAggregateKernel kernel = \
    return kernel

cdef wrap_hash_aggregate_kernel(const CHashAggregateKernel* c_kernel):
    if c_kernel == NULL:
        raise ValueError("Kernel was NULL")
    cdef HashAggregateKernel kernel = \
    return kernel

cdef class Kernel(_Weakrefable):
    A kernel object.

    Kernels handle the execution of a Function for a certain signature.

    def __init__(self):
        raise TypeError("Do not call {}'s constructor directly"

cdef class ScalarKernel(Kernel):
    cdef const CScalarKernel* kernel

    cdef void init(self, const CScalarKernel* kernel) except *:
        self.kernel = kernel

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("ScalarKernel<{}>"

cdef class VectorKernel(Kernel):
    cdef const CVectorKernel* kernel

    cdef void init(self, const CVectorKernel* kernel) except *:
        self.kernel = kernel

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("VectorKernel<{}>"

cdef class ScalarAggregateKernel(Kernel):
    cdef const CScalarAggregateKernel* kernel

    cdef void init(self, const CScalarAggregateKernel* kernel) except *:
        self.kernel = kernel

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("ScalarAggregateKernel<{}>"

cdef class HashAggregateKernel(Kernel):
    cdef const CHashAggregateKernel* kernel

    cdef void init(self, const CHashAggregateKernel* kernel) except *:
        self.kernel = kernel

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("HashAggregateKernel<{}>"

FunctionDoc = namedtuple(
    ("summary", "description", "arg_names", "options_class",

cdef class Function(_Weakrefable):
    A compute function.

    A function implements a certain logical computation over a range of
    possible input signatures.  Each signature accepts a range of input
    types and is implemented by a given Kernel.

    Functions can be of different kinds:

    * "scalar" functions apply an item-wise computation over all items
      of their inputs.  Each item in the output only depends on the values
      of the inputs at the same position.  Examples: addition, comparisons,
      string predicates...

    * "vector" functions apply a collection-wise computation, such that
      each item in the output may depend on the values of several items
      in each input.  Examples: dictionary encoding, sorting, extracting
      unique values...

    * "scalar_aggregate" functions reduce the dimensionality of the inputs by
      applying a reduction function.  Examples: sum, min_max, mode...

    * "hash_aggregate" functions apply a reduction function to an input
      subdivided by grouping criteria.  They may not be directly called.
      Examples: hash_sum, hash_min_max...

    * "meta" functions dispatch to other functions.

        shared_ptr[CFunction] sp_func
        CFunction* base_func

    _kind_map = {
        FunctionKind_SCALAR: "scalar",
        FunctionKind_VECTOR: "vector",
        FunctionKind_SCALAR_AGGREGATE: "scalar_aggregate",
        FunctionKind_HASH_AGGREGATE: "hash_aggregate",
        FunctionKind_META: "meta",

    def __init__(self):
        raise TypeError("Do not call {}'s constructor directly"

    cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CFunction]& sp_func) except *:
        self.sp_func = sp_func
        self.base_func = sp_func.get()

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("arrow.compute.Function<name={}, kind={}, "
                "arity={}, num_kernels={}>"
                .format(self.name, self.kind, self.arity, self.num_kernels))

    def __reduce__(self):
        # Reduction uses the global registry
        return get_function, (self.name,)

    def name(self):
        The function name.
        return frombytes(self.base_func.name())

    def arity(self):
        The function arity.

        If Ellipsis (i.e. `...`) is returned, the function takes a variable
        number of arguments.
        cdef CArity arity = self.base_func.arity()
        if arity.is_varargs:
            return ...
            return arity.num_args

    def kind(self):
        The function kind.
        cdef FunctionKind c_kind = self.base_func.kind()
            return self._kind_map[c_kind]
        except KeyError:
            raise NotImplementedError("Unknown Function::Kind")

    def _doc(self):
        The C++-like function documentation (for internal use).
        cdef CFunctionDoc c_doc = self.base_func.doc()
        return FunctionDoc(frombytes(c_doc.summary),
                           [frombytes(s) for s in c_doc.arg_names],

    def num_kernels(self):
        The number of kernels implementing this function.
        return self.base_func.num_kernels()
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