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/ _json.pyx

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

# cython: profile=False
# distutils: language = c++
# cython: language_level = 3

from pyarrow.includes.common cimport *
from pyarrow.includes.libarrow cimport *
from pyarrow.lib cimport (_Weakrefable, MemoryPool,
                          get_input_stream, pyarrow_wrap_table,
                          pyarrow_wrap_schema, pyarrow_unwrap_schema)

cdef class ReadOptions(_Weakrefable):
    Options for reading JSON files.

    use_threads : bool, optional (default True)
        Whether to use multiple threads to accelerate reading
    block_size : int, optional
        How much bytes to process at a time from the input stream.
        This will determine multi-threading granularity as well as
        the size of individual chunks in the Table.

    # Avoid mistakingly creating attributes
    __slots__ = ()

    def __init__(self, use_threads=None, block_size=None):
        self.options = CJSONReadOptions.Defaults()
        if use_threads is not None:
            self.use_threads = use_threads
        if block_size is not None:
            self.block_size = block_size

    def use_threads(self):
        Whether to use multiple threads to accelerate reading.
        return self.options.use_threads

    def use_threads(self, value):
        self.options.use_threads = value

    def block_size(self):
        How much bytes to process at a time from the input stream.

        This will determine multi-threading granularity as well as the size of
        individual chunks in the Table.
        return self.options.block_size

    def block_size(self, value):
        self.options.block_size = value

    def __reduce__(self):
        return ReadOptions, (

    def equals(self, ReadOptions other):
        other : pyarrow.json.ReadOptions

        return (
            self.use_threads == other.use_threads and
            self.block_size == other.block_size

    def __eq__(self, other):
            return self.equals(other)
        except TypeError:
            return False

    cdef ReadOptions wrap(CJSONReadOptions options):
        out = ReadOptions()
        out.options = options  # shallow copy
        return out

cdef class ParseOptions(_Weakrefable):
    Options for parsing JSON files.

    explicit_schema : Schema, optional (default None)
        Optional explicit schema (no type inference, ignores other fields).
    newlines_in_values : bool, optional (default False)
        Whether objects may be printed across multiple lines (for example
        pretty printed). If false, input must end with an empty line.
    unexpected_field_behavior : str, default "infer"
        How JSON fields outside of explicit_schema (if given) are treated.

        Possible behaviors:

         - "ignore": unexpected JSON fields are ignored
         - "error": error out on unexpected JSON fields
         - "infer": unexpected JSON fields are type-inferred and included in
           the output

    __slots__ = ()

    def __init__(self, explicit_schema=None, newlines_in_values=None,
        self.options = CJSONParseOptions.Defaults()
        if explicit_schema is not None:
            self.explicit_schema = explicit_schema
        if newlines_in_values is not None:
            self.newlines_in_values = newlines_in_values
        if unexpected_field_behavior is not None:
            self.unexpected_field_behavior = unexpected_field_behavior

    def __reduce__(self):
        return ParseOptions, (

    def explicit_schema(self):
        Optional explicit schema (no type inference, ignores other fields)
        if self.options.explicit_schema.get() == NULL:
            return None
            return pyarrow_wrap_schema(self.options.explicit_schema)

    def explicit_schema(self, value):
        self.options.explicit_schema = pyarrow_unwrap_schema(value)

    def newlines_in_values(self):
        Whether newline characters are allowed in JSON values.
        Setting this to True reduces the performance of multi-threaded
        JSON reading.
        return self.options.newlines_in_values

    def newlines_in_values(self, value):
        self.options.newlines_in_values = value

    def unexpected_field_behavior(self):
        How JSON fields outside of explicit_schema (if given) are treated.

        Possible behaviors:

         - "ignore": unexpected JSON fields are ignored
         - "error": error out on unexpected JSON fields
         - "infer": unexpected JSON fields are type-inferred and included in
           the output

        Set to "infer" by default.
        v = self.options.unexpected_field_behavior
        if v == CUnexpectedFieldBehavior_Ignore:
            return "ignore"
        elif v == CUnexpectedFieldBehavior_Error:
            return "error"
        elif v == CUnexpectedFieldBehavior_InferType:
            return "infer"
            raise ValueError('Unexpected value for unexpected_field_behavior')

    def unexpected_field_behavior(self, value):
        cdef CUnexpectedFieldBehavior v

        if value == "ignore":
            v = CUnexpectedFieldBehavior_Ignore
        elif value == "error":
            v = CUnexpectedFieldBehavior_Error
        elif value == "infer":
            v = CUnexpectedFieldBehavior_InferType
            raise ValueError(
                "Unexpected value `{}` for `unexpected_field_behavior`, pass "
                "either `ignore`, `error` or `infer`.".format(value)

        self.options.unexpected_field_behavior = v

    def equals(self, ParseOptions other):
        other : pyarrow.json.ParseOptions

        return (
            self.explicit_schema == other.explicit_schema and
            self.newlines_in_values == other.newlines_in_values and
            self.unexpected_field_behavior == other.unexpected_field_behavior

    def __eq__(self, other):
            return self.equals(other)
        except TypeError:
            return False

    cdef ParseOptions wrap(CJSONParseOptions options):
        out = ParseOptions()
        out.options = options  # shallow copy
        return out

cdef _get_reader(input_file, shared_ptr[CInputStream]* out):
    use_memory_map = False
    get_input_stream(input_file, use_memory_map, out)

cdef _get_read_options(ReadOptions read_options, CJSONReadOptions* out):
    if read_options is None:
        out[0] = CJSONReadOptions.Defaults()
        out[0] = read_options.options

cdef _get_parse_options(ParseOptions parse_options, CJSONParseOptions* out):
    if parse_options is None:
        out[0] = CJSONParseOptions.Defaults()
        out[0] = parse_options.options

def read_json(input_file, read_options=None, parse_options=None,
              MemoryPool memory_pool=None):
    Read a Table from a stream of JSON data.

    input_file : str, path or file-like object
        The location of JSON data. Currently only the line-delimited JSON
        format is supported.
    read_options : pyarrow.json.ReadOptions, optional
        Options for the JSON reader (see ReadOptions constructor for defaults).
    parse_options : pyarrow.json.ParseOptions, optional
        Options for the JSON parser
        (see ParseOptions constructor for defaults).
    memory_pool : MemoryPool, optional
        Pool to allocate Table memory from.

        Contents of the JSON file as a in-memory table.
        shared_ptr[CInputStream] stream
        CJSONReadOptions c_read_options
        CJSONParseOptions c_parse_options
        shared_ptr[CJSONReader] reader
        shared_ptr[CTable] table

    _get_reader(input_file, &stream)
    _get_read_options(read_options, &c_read_options)
    _get_parse_options(parse_options, &c_parse_options)

    reader = GetResultValue(
                         stream, c_read_options, c_parse_options))

    with nogil:
        table = GetResultValue(reader.get().Read())

    return pyarrow_wrap_table(table)