// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <string_view>
#include "arrow/acero/exec_plan.h"
#include "arrow/acero/task_util.h"
#include "arrow/acero/util.h"
#include "arrow/compute/exec.h"
#include "arrow/io/interfaces.h"
#include "arrow/util/async_util.h"
#include "arrow/util/type_fwd.h"
namespace arrow {
using compute::default_exec_context;
using io::IOContext;
namespace acero {
class ARROW_ACERO_EXPORT QueryContext {
QueryContext(QueryOptions opts = {},
ExecContext exec_context = *default_exec_context());
Status Init(arrow::util::AsyncTaskScheduler* scheduler);
const ::arrow::internal::CpuInfo* cpu_info() const;
int64_t hardware_flags() const;
const QueryOptions& options() const { return options_; }
MemoryPool* memory_pool() const { return exec_context_.memory_pool(); }
::arrow::internal::Executor* executor() const { return exec_context_.executor(); }
ExecContext* exec_context() { return &exec_context_; }
IOContext* io_context() { return &io_context_; }
TaskScheduler* scheduler() { return task_scheduler_.get(); }
arrow::util::AsyncTaskScheduler* async_scheduler() { return async_scheduler_; }
size_t GetThreadIndex();
size_t max_concurrency() const;
/// \brief Start an external task
/// This should be avoided if possible. It is kept in for now for legacy
/// purposes. This should be called before the external task is started. If
/// a valid future is returned then it should be marked complete when the
/// external task has finished.
/// \param name A name to give the task for traceability and debugging
/// \return an invalid future if the plan has already ended, otherwise this
/// returns a future that must be completed when the external task
/// finishes.
Result<Future<>> BeginExternalTask(std::string_view name);
/// \brief Add a single function as a task to the query's task group
/// on the compute threadpool.
/// \param fn The task to run. Takes no arguments and returns a Status.
/// \param name A name to give the task for traceability and debugging
void ScheduleTask(std::function<Status()> fn, std::string_view name);
/// \brief Add a single function as a task to the query's task group
/// on the compute threadpool.
/// \param fn The task to run. Takes the thread index and returns a Status.
/// \param name A name to give the task for traceability and debugging
void ScheduleTask(std::function<Status(size_t)> fn, std::string_view name);
/// \brief Add a single function as a task to the query's task group on
/// the IO thread pool
/// \param fn The task to run. Returns a status.
/// \param name A name to give the task for traceability and debugging
void ScheduleIOTask(std::function<Status()> fn, std::string_view name);
// Register/Start TaskGroup is a way of performing a "Parallel For" pattern:
// - The task function takes the thread index and the index of the task
// - The on_finished function takes the thread index
// Returns an integer ID that will be used to reference the task group in
// StartTaskGroup. At runtime, call StartTaskGroup with the ID and the number of times
// you'd like the task to be executed. The need to register a task group before use will
// be removed after we rewrite the scheduler.
/// \brief Register a "parallel for" task group with the scheduler
/// \param task The function implementing the task. Takes the thread_index and
/// the task index.
/// \param on_finished The function that gets run once all tasks have been completed.
/// Takes the thread_index.
/// Must be called inside of ExecNode::Init.
int RegisterTaskGroup(std::function<Status(size_t, int64_t)> task,
std::function<Status(size_t)> on_finished);
/// \brief Start the task group with the specified ID. This can only
/// be called once per task_group_id.
/// \param task_group_id The ID of the task group to run
/// \param num_tasks The number of times to run the task
Status StartTaskGroup(int task_group_id, int64_t num_tasks);
// This is an RAII class for keeping track of in-flight file IO. Useful for getting
// an estimate of memory use, and how much memory we expect to be freed soon.
// Returned by ReportTempFileIO.
struct [[nodiscard]] TempFileIOMark {
QueryContext* ctx_;
size_t bytes_;
TempFileIOMark(QueryContext* ctx, size_t bytes) : ctx_(ctx), bytes_(bytes) {
ctx_->in_flight_bytes_to_disk_.fetch_add(bytes_, std::memory_order_acquire);
~TempFileIOMark() {
ctx_->in_flight_bytes_to_disk_.fetch_sub(bytes_, std::memory_order_release);
TempFileIOMark ReportTempFileIO(size_t bytes) { return {this, bytes}; }
size_t GetCurrentTempFileIO() { return in_flight_bytes_to_disk_.load(); }
QueryOptions options_;
// To be replaced with Acero-specific context once scheduler is done and
// we don't need ExecContext for kernels
ExecContext exec_context_;
IOContext io_context_;
arrow::util::AsyncTaskScheduler* async_scheduler_ = NULLPTR;
std::unique_ptr<TaskScheduler> task_scheduler_ = TaskScheduler::Make();
ThreadIndexer thread_indexer_;
std::atomic<size_t> in_flight_bytes_to_disk_{0};
} // namespace acero
} // namespace arrow