// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
// Array accessor classes for Binary, LargeBinary, String, LargeString,
// FixedSizeBinary
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/array/array_base.h"
#include "arrow/array/data.h"
#include "arrow/buffer.h"
#include "arrow/stl_iterator.h"
#include "arrow/type.h"
#include "arrow/util/checked_cast.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "arrow/util/visibility.h"
namespace arrow {
/// \addtogroup binary-arrays
/// @{
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Binary and String
/// Base class for variable-sized binary arrays, regardless of offset size
/// and logical interpretation.
template <typename TYPE>
class BaseBinaryArray : public FlatArray {
using TypeClass = TYPE;
using offset_type = typename TypeClass::offset_type;
using IteratorType = stl::ArrayIterator<BaseBinaryArray<TYPE>>;
/// Return the pointer to the given elements bytes
// XXX should GetValue(int64_t i) return a string_view?
const uint8_t* GetValue(int64_t i, offset_type* out_length) const {
const offset_type pos = raw_value_offsets_[i];
*out_length = raw_value_offsets_[i + 1] - pos;
return raw_data_ + pos;
/// \brief Get binary value as a string_view
/// \param i the value index
/// \return the view over the selected value
std::string_view GetView(int64_t i) const {
const offset_type pos = raw_value_offsets_[i];
return std::string_view(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(raw_data_ + pos),
raw_value_offsets_[i + 1] - pos);
std::optional<std::string_view> operator[](int64_t i) const {
return *IteratorType(*this, i);
/// \brief Get binary value as a string_view
/// Provided for consistency with other arrays.
/// \param i the value index
/// \return the view over the selected value
std::string_view Value(int64_t i) const { return GetView(i); }
/// \brief Get binary value as a std::string
/// \param i the value index
/// \return the value copied into a std::string
std::string GetString(int64_t i) const { return std::string(GetView(i)); }
/// Note that this buffer does not account for any slice offset
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> value_offsets() const { return data_->buffers[1]; }
/// Note that this buffer does not account for any slice offset
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> value_data() const { return data_->buffers[2]; }
const offset_type* raw_value_offsets() const { return raw_value_offsets_; }
const uint8_t* raw_data() const { return raw_data_; }
/// \brief Return the data buffer absolute offset of the data for the value
/// at the passed index.
/// Does not perform boundschecking
offset_type value_offset(int64_t i) const { return raw_value_offsets_[i]; }
/// \brief Return the length of the data for the value at the passed index.
/// Does not perform boundschecking
offset_type value_length(int64_t i) const {
return raw_value_offsets_[i + 1] - raw_value_offsets_[i];
/// \brief Return the total length of the memory in the data buffer
/// referenced by this array. If the array has been sliced then this may be
/// less than the size of the data buffer (data_->buffers[2]).
offset_type total_values_length() const {
if (data_->length > 0) {
return raw_value_offsets_[data_->length] - raw_value_offsets_[0];
} else {
return 0;
IteratorType begin() const { return IteratorType(*this); }
IteratorType end() const { return IteratorType(*this, length()); }
// For subclasses
BaseBinaryArray() = default;
// Protected method for constructors
void SetData(const std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>& data) {
raw_value_offsets_ = data->GetValuesSafe<offset_type>(1);
raw_data_ = data->GetValuesSafe<uint8_t>(2, /*offset=*/0);
const offset_type* raw_value_offsets_ = NULLPTR;
const uint8_t* raw_data_ = NULLPTR;
/// Concrete Array class for variable-size binary data
class ARROW_EXPORT BinaryArray : public BaseBinaryArray<BinaryType> {
explicit BinaryArray(const std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>& data);
BinaryArray(int64_t length, const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& value_offsets,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& data,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& null_bitmap = NULLPTR,
int64_t null_count = kUnknownNullCount, int64_t offset = 0);
// For subclasses such as StringArray
BinaryArray() : BaseBinaryArray() {}
/// Concrete Array class for variable-size string (utf-8) data
class ARROW_EXPORT StringArray : public BinaryArray {
using TypeClass = StringType;
explicit StringArray(const std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>& data);
StringArray(int64_t length, const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& value_offsets,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& data,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& null_bitmap = NULLPTR,
int64_t null_count = kUnknownNullCount, int64_t offset = 0);
/// \brief Validate that this array contains only valid UTF8 entries
/// This check is also implied by ValidateFull()
Status ValidateUTF8() const;
/// Concrete Array class for large variable-size binary data
class ARROW_EXPORT LargeBinaryArray : public BaseBinaryArray<LargeBinaryType> {
explicit LargeBinaryArray(const std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>& data);
LargeBinaryArray(int64_t length, const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& value_offsets,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& data,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& null_bitmap = NULLPTR,
int64_t null_count = kUnknownNullCount, int64_t offset = 0);
// For subclasses such as LargeStringArray
LargeBinaryArray() : BaseBinaryArray() {}
/// Concrete Array class for large variable-size string (utf-8) data
class ARROW_EXPORT LargeStringArray : public LargeBinaryArray {
using TypeClass = LargeStringType;
explicit LargeStringArray(const std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>& data);
LargeStringArray(int64_t length, const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& value_offsets,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& data,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& null_bitmap = NULLPTR,
int64_t null_count = kUnknownNullCount, int64_t offset = 0);
/// \brief Validate that this array contains only valid UTF8 entries
/// This check is also implied by ValidateFull()
Status ValidateUTF8() const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// BinaryView and StringView
/// Concrete Array class for variable-size binary view data using the
/// BinaryViewType::c_type struct to reference in-line or out-of-line string values
class ARROW_EXPORT BinaryViewArray : public FlatArray {
using TypeClass = BinaryViewType;
using IteratorType = stl::ArrayIterator<BinaryViewArray>;
using c_type = BinaryViewType::c_type;
explicit BinaryViewArray(std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> data);
BinaryViewArray(std::shared_ptr<DataType> type, int64_t length,
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> views, BufferVector data_buffers,
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> null_bitmap = NULLPTR,
int64_t null_count = kUnknownNullCount, int64_t offset = 0);
// For API compatibility with BinaryArray etc.
std::string_view GetView(int64_t i) const;
std::string GetString(int64_t i) const { return std::string{GetView(i)}; }
const auto& values() const { return data_->buffers[1]; }
const c_type* raw_values() const { return raw_values_; }
std::optional<std::string_view> operator[](int64_t i) const {
return *IteratorType(*this, i);
IteratorType begin() const { return IteratorType(*this); }
IteratorType end() const { return IteratorType(*this, length()); }
using FlatArray::FlatArray;
void SetData(std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> data) {
raw_values_ = data_->GetValuesSafe<c_type>(1);
const c_type* raw_values_;
/// Concrete Array class for variable-size string view (utf-8) data using
/// BinaryViewType::c_type to reference in-line or out-of-line string values
class ARROW_EXPORT StringViewArray : public BinaryViewArray {
using TypeClass = StringViewType;
explicit StringViewArray(std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> data);
using BinaryViewArray::BinaryViewArray;
/// \brief Validate that this array contains only valid UTF8 entries
/// This check is also implied by ValidateFull()
Status ValidateUTF8() const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fixed width binary
/// Concrete Array class for fixed-size binary data
class ARROW_EXPORT FixedSizeBinaryArray : public PrimitiveArray {
using TypeClass = FixedSizeBinaryType;
using IteratorType = stl::ArrayIterator<FixedSizeBinaryArray>;
explicit FixedSizeBinaryArray(const std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>& data);
FixedSizeBinaryArray(const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& type, int64_t length,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& data,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& null_bitmap = NULLPTR,
int64_t null_count = kUnknownNullCount, int64_t offset = 0);
const uint8_t* GetValue(int64_t i) const { return values_ + i * byte_width_; }
const uint8_t* Value(int64_t i) const { return GetValue(i); }
std::string_view GetView(int64_t i) const {
return std::string_view(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(GetValue(i)), byte_width_);
std::optional<std::string_view> operator[](int64_t i) const {
return *IteratorType(*this, i);
std::string GetString(int64_t i) const { return std::string(GetView(i)); }
int32_t byte_width() const { return byte_width_; }
const uint8_t* raw_values() const { return values_; }
IteratorType begin() const { return IteratorType(*this); }
IteratorType end() const { return IteratorType(*this, length()); }
void SetData(const std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>& data) {
byte_width_ =
internal::checked_cast<const FixedSizeBinaryType&>(*type()).byte_width();
values_ = raw_values_ + data_->offset * byte_width_;
const uint8_t* values_;
int32_t byte_width_;
/// @}
} // namespace arrow